This week the Time Pals are going to the movies, only thistime they’re playing their version of “Eff, Marry, Kill” with some the most questionable Best Picture winners from the 1990’s. From bloated epics to forgettable dramas, join your pals as they break down which films didn’t deserve their golden statues and, more importantly, find the films that truly needed some Oscar glory.
Would you replace American Beauty with Man on theMoon? Are you the kind of person to dropkick Driving Miss Daisy for Batman? Are you a Thin Red Line apologist or are you wrong?
Join us as we re-write Oscar history and do what our parents’generation didn’t have the guts to do: Nominate Natural Born Killers.
Got a movie you think deserved the gold? Let us know! And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and time pal responsibly.
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#podcasts #nerdculture #timepals #timepalspodcast #maydaymedianetwork #legendarysupplements #gamers #nostalgia #throwback #podcast #Academy Awards #Oscars #Best Picture #1990s films #film analysis #cinematic debates
00:00 Late Nights and Cheap Wine
02:52 Revisiting the 1990 Best Picture Nominees
06:12 Controversial Choices: What Should Have Been Nominated?
08:49 The 1991 Academy Awards: A Battle of Classics
11:45 1992: Animated vs. Live Action in Best Picture
14:58 1993: Unforgiven and Its Competition
17:56 1994: Jon Tries to Beat Schindler's List
33:49 Exploring Iconic Films: Kingdom Hearts and Tombstone
34:18 Best Picture Nominees of 1995: A Deep Dive
35:45 Pulp Fiction vs. Shawshank Redemption: A Cinematic Debate
37:38 1995: Jon Defends Clerks
39:31 1996: Babe to Slaughter
41:28 1997: Replacing The English Patient
43:20 1998: Nickell Sinks the Titanic
45:13 The Birdcage or Trainspotting?
48:24 1999: The Battle of Saving Private Ryan vs The Thin Red Line
58:10 2000 Academy Awards: American Beauty and The Green Mile