
  • Ep 81: Body of Christ| Part 2| Cultivating Community
    Sep 9 2024

    We have been designed for community, but it's not always natural or easy. Community is about cultivating relationships that models the gospel- it will be hard, there will be challenges, it will require humility, repentance and forgiveness. Listen as we discuss the following questions:

    1. What does it mean to be in community? Can you give some biblical examples of this?

    2. Many people find a great deal of fulfillment by belonging to a community. How is a church community different than, say, a sports community, or arts community?

    3. Why is a Christian church community important to the life of the believer?

    4. What does belonging to a meaningful Christian community look like?

    5. Can you share some practical things we can actively do to ensure we are plugging ourselves into a community that will be a blessing to us as well as to others.

    6. What is Church Discipline and how does it help build and protect Christian community?

    7. What would you say is unique about our community at Harvest and how has it been cultivated, either intentionally or unintentionally?

    8. What are some cautions that we should have about gatherings that mimic the church but perhaps don’t follow the biblical model of eldership and authority?

    And a fun bonus question!!!

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    58 mins
  • Ep 80: Body of Christ| Part 1| To Quit or Commit
    Aug 27 2024

    In this episode we discuss why people give up too quickly, the fear of commitment and the challenge to think carefully before you choose to commit.

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    48 mins
  • Ep 79: Answers in Christianity
    Aug 12 2024

    Join us as we chat with Jackie Pinard. You will be challenged and encouraged in your faith as you listen to Jackie's testimony. By the end of this episode you will be sure to be equipped to share the gospel with your unsaved friends and family.

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    48 mins
  • Ep 78: Title: Identity Crisis| Part 3| The Destructive Nature of Jealousy and Comparison
    Jul 29 2024

    Jealousy and comparison often lead to gossip and/or slander. These could be called the four deadly sins amongst women because they are so destructive. We want to offer you grace and hope in this podcast if you have fallen into this trap. Listen in as we discuss the following questions:

    1. Susie, you have been ministering to women for long enough to see patterns and trends among women. Do you see these issues to be problems within the church?

    2. Can you explain if there is a difference between gossip and slander?

    3. What are some warning signs we should watch for so we don’t fall into the sin of gossip or slander?

    4. How should conflict be handled between two people within the church?

    3. How do we avoid comparing what we “could” have with others who seem to have it all?

    5. How can we root out jealousy and what should we replace it with?

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    45 mins
  • Ep 77: Identity Crisis| Part 2| Women in Leadership
    Jul 16 2024

    Our understanding of our roles is largely impacted by our identity. Listen in as we discuss the following topics.

    1. Sphere of Sovereignty.

    2. Understanding Genesis 3:16

    3. Boundaries of women in the church.

    4. Can women teaching scripture?

    5. Can women be elders?

    6. Are these rules good?

    7. Can women ever be leaders

    and more….

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    54 mins
  • Ep 76| Identity Crisis
    Jul 1 2024

    In this episode we discuss the identity crisis that is all too common in our lives and the lives of those we love. Listen in as we discuss the following questions and more!

    1. How do we define the word identity?

    2. Is it wrong to put our identity in the roles we play?

    3. What does it mean when people say that they need to "find themselves"?

    4. How do you help someone who identifies with their negative circumstances?

    5. How would you help someone who has a distorted self image?

    6. How does God see unbelievers?

    7. How does God see us in Christ?

    8. Why does a person get a new name in the Bible? (Abram/Abraham, Simon/Peter etc.)

    9. How should we live our lives in consideration of our identity in Christ?

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Ep 75| Q & A - Wisdom for Relationships
    Jun 17 2024

    This is our last episode with Q & A. We received some tough questions, that we know are filled with pain. Our hope and prayer is that you are encouraged and equipped through this series. Listen and learn as we answer the following questions:

    1. How do I encourage a friend to attend church, who longs to go, but chooses not to?

    2. How can I pray for a godly relationship?

    3. How can I help a Christian couple who is struggling financially without being able to give them money?

    4. How do you deal with someone prominent in your life who is selfish?

    5. How can you stay connected to people and stop keeping them at arm's length?

    6. How do I respectfully confront someone who is older than me?

    7. How do you address sinful behaviour in an unbeliever?

    8. How do I control negative emotions of anger, hurt an disappointment in a toxic work environment?

    9. How should a woman respond, when a friends says, "I need to confide in you, but I don't even want you to tell your husband."

    10. Is it ok to walk away from family living in sin? How do we respond to accusations of being self-righteous?

    11. I have family members who are deconstructing and hate the church. What do I do?

    12. My brother and sister are not believers and live in another country. They don't reach out to me and I feel alone. My kids also feel bad. How much time to I spend cultivating relationships with my family?

    13. How do I balance or explain to your husband why your house is messy or tasks aren't done when you are taking care of small children?

    14. How do I control emotions in marriage where I feel alone. He is quick to anger and stonewalling. I have started mirroring his emotions. How do I control my emotions?

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Ep 74| Q & A - Understanding Who You Are
    Jun 3 2024

    We had lots of Q & A questions left over from our Rise Up Conference 2024. Last episode we covered questions of theology, today we are getting into questions about self. Listen in as we answer the following questions:

    1. How can you find your spiritual gift?

    2. How do you overcome depression?

    3. What are some practical ways to combat selfishness within ourselves?

    4. How do you tell the difference between gossip and sharing with a friend?

    5. What does God say about being insecure and feeling worthless?

    6. Why do I continue to deny the Spirit and feel guilty afterwards?

    7. What can I do if I find myself falling into the same sin over and over?

    8. How do I get back up from pain, after trials keep coming?

    9. As a Christian, how do I deal with being single but also waiting for God's plan to unfold?

    10. What do you believe is an appropriate age to stop having children naturally?

    11. What is an appropriate form of birth control?

    12. When you are managing young children who are sick and clingy, how do you deal with sinful emotions and stay rooted in Christ?

    13. What is your advice to women who are surrounded with negativity?

    14. What do we say to a friend who is afraid and insecure in her salvation?

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    1 hr and 28 mins