
  • The Case Study of Chili crop resurrection through Cownomics® Technology
    Jul 25 2024

    Lucknow Management Association (LMA) in association with Agriculture Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh had planned to run online training program for the Farmers Producer’s Organizations (FPOs) with an objective of capacity building of the farmers within the state of Uttar Pradesh.

    The objective of the training series included –

    1- Entrepreneurship development in FPOs

    2- Increasing farm profitability through floriculture

    3- Increasing Farmer’s income with black rice cultivation, and

    4- Sustainable Agriculture through good Water management practices

    At Vaidic Srijan, our association with LMA has been to train the FPO on Water Management to ensure farmer’s profitability and sustainable agriculture practices. In the series, we explain and explore the agricultural aspects of Cownomics® Technology to help restore the rural economy through making farmers profitable through case studies, implemented anywhere in Bharat.

    This episode is the 1st Session that covers the case study of Chilies in Central Bharat, the state of Chhattisgarh

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Rural Economy Reinstation Talk
    Mar 11 2024

    We have a holistic group, wherein all the sustainability professionals come on a single platform and discuss various subjects related to restoration, sustainability, ecology, economy in harmony with nature, nature based solution, village economy, Soil, Water, Air, Biodiversity and a lot more.

    The group has been an initiative of Mr. Atul Vashishth, who is very passionate about all these subjects and keep roping in enthusiasts, professionals, inventors and innovators from across the globe.

    This podcast episode is one such enlightening discussion on the reinstation of rural economy in India.

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    37 mins
  • CED Gujarat, Webinar on Waterpreneurshipp
    Feb 1 2024

    Water is the nectar of the phenomena called life, given to us as a blessing from Mother Nature.

    When all the spaces missions from earth go in search of extra-terrestrial life or even possibility of life, on a natural satellite or a planet or an exoplanet, what they search for is Water. Because where there is Water, life would be possible in some form or the other. From tiniest of single-celled microbes to giant dinosaurs, nothing can survive in absence of Water.

    Thus, if we plan a career in Water domain, an enterprise in Water domain – it would be recession proof.

    In this session, Mr. Madhukar Swayambhu, A Water Hero Awardee, A TEDx speaker, Recognized as Global Top 3 Author on Water by Smart Water Magazine (Spain), will explain about the horizons of “Waterpreneurship”.

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    1 hr and 40 mins
  • Episode -4, NbS for Rejuvenation of Waterbodies & Wetlands
    Jan 25 2024

    Nature-based solution (NbS) for 'Rejuvenation of Wetlands and Water Bodies' was held on May 18, 2023 (Thursday), hosted by World Bank office in New Delhi.

    Chaired by Maninder S. Gill, Global Director and Chief Environment and Social Standards, The World Bank

    Opening Remarks by Christophe Crepin, Practice Manager, ENB, SAR, The World Bank Presented by Ashish Singh & Madhukar Swayambhu

    Discussants were Josefo Tuyor, Lead Environment Specialist, South Asia Region, The World Bank and Dr. I U B Reddy, Lead Social Development Specialist, South Asia Region, The World Bank

    And the session was moderated by Neha Vyas, Senior Environment Specialist, South Asia Region, The World Bank

    The latest United Nations World Water Development Report, released just ahead of World Water Day on March 22, warns that, by 2030, at the current rate of use, 40 percent of the population across the world will not have access to the water it needs.

    For South Asia, a water crisis looms for more than 270 million people as glaciers shrink and ground water reserves recede at an alarming rate. Amongst the available water sources in the region. It is estimated that between 68 to 84 percent of water bodies are polluted. South Asia is one of the world's water stressed hotspots and as a region with growing development ambition requires increasing action in climate adaptation that embeds local, national, and regional water management solutions that are economically, environmentally and socially sound.

    The webinar focused upon the technique and results of using a Nature based Solution (NbS) developed in India. for "resurrection and rejuvenation of the waterbodies". This sustainable, holistic and scientific approach of "consume and digest" the nutrient overload enables restoration of all the ecosystem services that a water body is meant to offer.

    A low-cost technique is an optimal solution to deal with water stress / mismanagement issues and offers several benefits for projects in the Water, Urban, Aquaculture, Agriculture, Disaster Management, Tourism, and Environment Remediation sectors.

    The presentation showcased results from projects undertaken in India and the deliberated upon exploring how the nature's self-healing mechanism and traditional knowledge systems could be harnessed for creating a triple bottom line (economic, environment, and social).

    This podcast is the excerpts of the same webinar, but as it was a long session being attended by members of the World Bank from across the globe, multiple countries, multi time zones and continents, the entire session is divided into four episodes.

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    22 mins
  • Episode -3, NbS for 'Rejuvenation of Wetlands and Water Bodies'
    Jan 25 2024

    Nature-based solution (NbS) for 'Rejuvenation of Wetlands and Water Bodies' was held-on May 18, 2023 (Thursday), hosted by World Bank office in New Delhi.

    Chaired by Maninder S. Gill, Global Director and Chief Environment and Social Standards, The World Bank

    Opening Remarks by Christophe Crepin, Practice Manager, ENB, SAR, The World Bank Presented by Ashish Singh & Madhukar Swayambhu

    Discussants were Josefo Tuyor, Lead Environment Specialist, South Asia Region, The World Bank and Dr. I U B Reddy, Lead Social Development Specialist, South Asia Region, The World Bank

    And the session was moderated by Neha Vyas, Senior Environment Specialist, South Asia Region, The World Bank

    The latest United Nations World Water Development Report, released just ahead of World Water Day on March 22, warns that, by 2030, at the current rate of use, 40 percent of the population across the world will not have access to the water it needs.

    For South Asia, a water crisis looms for more than 270 million people as glaciers shrink and ground water reserves recede at an alarming rate. Amongst the available water sources in the region. It is estimated that between 68 to 84 percent of water bodies are polluted. South Asia is one of the world's water stressed hotspots and as a region with growing development ambition requires increasing action in climate adaptation that embeds local, national, and regional water management solutions that are economically, environmentally and socially sound.

    The webinar focused upon the technique and results of using a Nature based Solution (NbS) developed in India. for "resurrection and rejuvenation of the waterbodies". This sustainable, holistic and scientific approach of "consume and digest" the nutrient overload enables restoration of all the ecosystem services that a water body is meant to offer.

    A low-cost technique is an optimal solution to deal with water stress / mismanagement issues and offers several benefits for projects in the Water, Urban, Aquaculture, Agriculture, Disaster Management, Tourism, and Environment Remediation sectors.

    The presentation showcased results from projects undertaken in India and the deliberated upon exploring how the nature's self-healing mechanism and traditional knowledge systems could be harnessed for creating a triple bottom line (economic, environment, and social).

    This podcast is the excerpts of the same webinar, but as it was a long session being attended by members of the World Bank from across the globe, multiple countries, multi time zones and continents, the entire session is divided into four episodes.

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    33 mins
  • Episode -2 on NbS for 'Rejuvenation of Wetlands and Water Bodies'
    Jan 24 2024

    Nature-based solution (NbS) for 'Rejuvenation of Wetlands and Water Bodies' was a held-on May 18, 2023 (Thursday), hosted by World Bank office in New Delhi.

    Chaired by Maninder S. Gill, Global Director and Chief Environment and Social Standards, The World Bank

    Opening Remarks by Christophe Crepin, Practice Manager, ENB, SAR, The World Bank Presented by Ashish Singh & Madhukar Swayambhu

    Discussants were Josefo Tuyor, Lead Environment Specialist, South Asia Region, The World Bank and Dr. I U B Reddy, Lead Social Development Specialist, South Asia Region, The World Bank

    And the session was moderated by Neha Vyas, Senior Environment Specialist, South Asia Region, The World Bank

    The latest United Nations World Water Development Report, released just ahead of World Water Day on March 22, warns that, by 2030, at the current rate of use, 40 percent of the population across the world will not have access to the water it needs.

    For South Asia, a water crisis looms for more than 270 million people as glaciers shrink and ground water reserves recede at an alarming rate. Amongst the available water sources in the region. It is estimated that between 68 to 84 percent of water bodies are polluted. South Asia is one of the world's water stressed hotspots and as a region with growing development ambition requires increasing action in climate adaptation that embeds local, national, and regional water management solutions that are economically, environmentally and socially sound.

    The webinar focused upon the technique and results of using a Nature based Solution (NbS) developed in India. for "resurrection and rejuvenation of the waterbodies". This sustainable, holistic and scientific approach of "consume and digest" the nutrient overload enables restoration of all the ecosystem services that a water body is meant to offer.

    A low-cost technique is an optimal solution to deal with water stress / mismanagement issues and offers several benefits for projects in the Water, Urban, Aquaculture, Agriculture, Disaster Management, Tourism, and Environment Remediation sectors.

    The presentation showcased results from projects undertaken in India and the deliberated upon exploring how the nature's self-healing mechanism and traditional knowledge systems could be harnessed for creating a triple bottom line (economic, environment, and social).

    This podcast is the excerpts of the same webinar, but as it was a long session being attended by members of the World Bank from across the globe, multiple countries, multi time zones and continents, the entire session is divided into four episodes.

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    36 mins
  • NbS for Rejuvenation of Wetlands and Water Bodies'
    Jan 24 2024

    Nature-based solution (NbS) for 'Rejuvenation of Wetlands and Water Bodies' was held-on May 18, 2023 (Thursday), hosted by World Bank office in New Delhi.

    Chaired by Maninder S. Gill, Global Director and Chief Environment and Social Standards, The World Bank

    Opening Remarks by Christophe Crepin, Practice Manager, ENB, SAR, The World Bank Presented by Ashish Singh & Madhukar Swayambhu

    Discussants were Josefo Tuyor, Lead Environment Specialist, South Asia Region, The World Bank and Dr. I U B Reddy, Lead Social Development Specialist, South Asia Region, The World Bank

    And the session was moderated by Neha Vyas, Senior Environment Specialist, South Asia Region, The World Bank

    The latest United Nations World Water Development Report, released just ahead of World Water Day on March 22, warns that, by 2030, at the current rate of use, 40 percent of the population across the world will not have access to the water it needs.

    For South Asia, a water crisis looms for more than 270 million people as glaciers shrink and ground water reserves recede at an alarming rate. Amongst the available water sources in the region. It is estimated that between 68 to 84 percent of water bodies are polluted. South Asia is one of the world's water stressed hotspots and as a region with growing development ambition requires increasing action in climate adaptation that embeds local, national, and regional water management solutions that are economically, environmentally and socially sound.

    The webinar focused upon the technique and results of using a Nature based Solution (NbS) developed in India. for "resurrection and rejuvenation of the waterbodies". This sustainable, holistic and scientific approach of "consume and digest" the nutrient overload enables restoration of all the ecosystem services that a water body is meant to offer.

    A low-cost technique is an optimal solution to deal with water stress / mismanagement issues and offers several benefits for projects in the Water, Urban, Aquaculture, Agriculture, Disaster Management, Tourism, and Environment Remediation sectors.

    The presentation showcased results from projects undertaken in India and the deliberated upon exploring how the nature's self-healing mechanism and traditional knowledge systems could be harnessed for creating a triple bottom line (economic, environment, and social).

    This podcast is the excerpts of the same webinar, but as it was a long session being attended by members of the World Bank from across the globe, multiple countries, multi time zones and continents, the entire session is divided into four episodes.

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    40 mins
  • Combating Water Stress through NbS - GAT Program with Youth International Leadership Institute, Africa
    Nov 24 2023

    Youth International Leadership Institute (YIL-Network) is a Not-for-profit, Non-governmental organization, originating from Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia – 10501, West Africa, Africa. Founded in 2019, YIL-Network is breaking all socio-political boundaries to bring in potential youth across the globe to connect, learn, plan, explore and create an impact.

    YIL-Network enables multicultural exchange to induce the feeling and bond of human brotherhood and togetherness as global leaders and changemakers are invited from different countries and continents to table ideas and enable our youth to work towards solving the most pressing challenges the world faces today. Our youth get a global platform to learn from the best practices with proven track record, scientifically proven methodologies, in an inclusive environment, aiming for sustainability in order to provide equal access opportunities for the youth on the continent of Africa and beyond.

    YIL-Network is committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity and diversity of youth development program. YIL-Network is primarily concerned with achieving the eradication of poverty, reducing inequalities and prohibiting, helping developing the human capacity to formulate policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, climate change, peacebuilding, human rights, agriculture and building resilience in order to champion the Africa Agenda 2063 and achieve the 2030, 17th sustainable development goals in promoting inclusion.

    YIL runs a pan-Africa cohort for youth to promote entrepreneurship and fosters leadership, and continually bridging the gap to enhance the employability skills of youth to enabling them to become financially self-reliant and socio-economically as well as financially independent, as a society, going back to our original African roots, of living in absolute harmony with nature.

    Under this cohort of Growth Accelerator Training (GAT) Program, we invite expert facilitators from across the globe to deliver their lecture and get a 1st hand interaction with youth though our pan-Africa network.

    This is a video of one of the sessions, on “combating Water Stress through NbS (Nature-based Solution)”. The session was with Mr. Madhukar Swayambhu from India (Bharat), who is awarded as “Water Hero” by Government of India and is highly decorated with awards and felicitations from across the globe on NbS solution for restoring Soil, Water and Air through their invention. The session was joined by 150 youth from 35 countries in Africa, and all of them appreciated the session.

    Like, comment, and share your feedback with us or on the YouTube channel directly and if you like it, do share it in your circle of influence, so that they also get benefitted.

    Show More Show Less
    57 mins