
  • The Good, Bad, and Ugly of My First Podcast Season: Kat Rogers
    Sep 8 2023

    "End? No, the journey doesn't end here.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

    Was it perfect? Was it exactly how I imagined it? No. It was none of those things, but it was something I challenged myself to do and something I enjoyed doing along the way, and in the end, isn't that what we all want to do with our lives- challenge ourselves to be a bit better or more daring or to grow in some way and to enjoy the journey?

    This episode takes a look at what I enjoyed doing this season, what I need to work on, and things to aim for. Come listen to Kat share what she felt worked and didn't for this first season of  "We Are, So You Can."

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    20 mins
  • Job Hunter to Ghost Writer: Krista Giannak
    Aug 25 2023

    "You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage. Instead, it’s important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages.” – Michelle Obama

    How you choose to look at things matters. Take Krista for example. There was a period in her life when she was spending serious time job hunting, and day after day, application after application, and was getting nowhere, aside from depressed! So, she decided her 2 choices were - A) do nothing or B) do something - and thus the accidental entrepreneur was born!

    Picking herself up from the job-hunt slump, Krista became an avid networker, and then a business owner. Hear her share her story (and jot down some of the awesome tips she shares!) and know that you too can find your way forward. This is "We Are, So You Can."

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    48 mins
  • Boeing Strategist to Podcast Host: Loree Philip
    Aug 4 2023

    “I will not stay, not ever again — in a room or conversation or relationship or institution that requires me to abandon myself.”  — Glennon Doyle

    Sometimes, you start something because you're good at it, sometimes, because it's the only sold option presented to you, or maybe it's what everyone else says is awesome so it's what you do because you can. Sometimes, you walk that road for a long time, and while you might enjoy parts of it, it's not until you are forced to question that choice that you even think about it. But then, after thinking about it, you realize that thing you were doing doesn't bring you joy, it doesn't get you closer to it, it was just something you did. So, you make the scary decision to step back and figure out what it is that you should be doing, what your calling is.

    Meet Loree Philip, a former analyst, project manager, and strategist at Boeing who now empowers women in their careers as a podcast host and coach. Come listen to what she has to say about her change from working on Apache helicopter projects to hosting a podcast! This is We Are, So You Can.

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    39 mins
  • Nurse to Rocking Marketer: Cori Fonville Foster
    Jul 21 2023

    "Nothing can dim the light which shines from within." – Maya Angelou

    Sometimes what you know you were destined for doesn't always match up with your dreams of doing it. Cori has always had a passion for helping people, it's what inspired her to become a nurse, but life threw her a curveball and she was diagnosed with a disease that made her legally blind.

    While she did go down for a bit, never count Cori out! Cori found a way to shine brightly as she helps others through her marketing business. So, if you're ready to be lifted up and carried forward with her on her amazing journey, then sit down, snuggle up and listen to Cori on We Are, So You Can!

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    43 mins
  • Medical Coding Analyst to Writer: Heidy De La Cruz
    Jul 7 2023

    "When you find your path, you must not be afraid. You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes. Disappointment, defeat, and despair are all tools God uses to show us the way." – Paul Coelho

    From a young age, words flowed easily for Heidy De La Cruz, it was in her blood. However, it didn't occur to her that she could be a writer, so her professional career took a different path and she became a medical coding analyst. Stories, poetry, and inspiration were ever-present for her though, and in 2019, she finally answered their call. Her years of poetry, blogging, writing, and essays had a newfound purpose and the year was a pivotal turning point in her Heidy's life.

    Join us as Heidy graciously shares her journey with writing and navigating the bumps and detours along the way. Come, be prepared to be inspired by what she has to say!

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    36 mins
  • Government to Private Sector: Carol Kim
    Jun 23 2023

    “Life is about finding yourself, embracing your strengths and weaknesses, and being true to who you are.” — Oprah Winfrey

    A chance internship led to a career in public policy. So, young and ambitious, she worked on The Hill, in the federal government. But then change called, so she came back to LA and worked for LA County. But there was a problem, what do you do, when you're well-established but have limited growth opportunities?

    It's so easy to stay where you are comfortable, where you know the people, where you like doing certain parts of the job but maybe not everything. It's easy to stay with the devil you know, as opposed to the one you don't.

    If you've ever found yourself wondering how to navigate career changes or if you can make a difference in your community, come listen to Carol tell you how she did it, and you might just walk away with a few new ideas of your own as you listen to "We Are, So You Can."

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    30 mins
  • Uncertain to International Business Owner: Monica M Henderson
    Jun 9 2023

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." – Thomas Edison

    Run to failure, because that's where you grow. Learn real quick that your body is a temple and you better take care of it. Mistakes can lead to accidental genius. If you don't spend your life living to work, then find a way to make work, work for you!

    Whether it's her first job, finding out she was homeless at one point with her 2-year-old, or how she used the pandemic to launch an international business, Monica is full of surprises. But most importantly, she is full of heart. With her decision to NOT spend the rest of her life living to work, Monica found a way, bridge by bridge, to build and connect her skills, to create an amazing, wholistic community for entrepreneurs who don't want to go at it alone.

    If you've ever found yourself wondering how you can go from where you are to where you want to be, come listen to Monica tell you how she did it, and you might just walk away with a few new ideas of your own as you listen to "We Are, So You Can."

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    53 mins
  • Social Work to Photo Therapy with Anouk Briere-Godbout
    May 26 2023

    "The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera."   -Dorothea Lange

    Sometimes, you just know you were meant to help people. Anouk is the type of person you just tell things to, you don't know why, but you do, so it's quite fitting she found her way into social work.

    She took her passion for documentary-style photography, and added in social work + different therapy techniques in order to support the burned-out, frazzled, and stressed shell-of-a-parent as they find their stride again.

    So if you've ever had that day where you just can't anymore, and you just want someone to see you, in all the chaos and ugliness of parenthood, and sit with you for a bit, come listen to Anouk and Kat in "We Are, So You Can".

    "La caméra est un instrument qui apprend aux gens à voir sans caméra." - Dorothea Lange

    Parfois, on sait simplement qu'on est fait pour aider les autres. Anouk est le genre de personne à qui on se confie naturellement, on ne sait pas pourquoi, mais on le fait, alors il est tout à fait approprié qu'elle ait trouvé sa voie dans le travail social.

    Elle a allié sa passion pour la photographie documentaire à son expertise en travail social et à différentes techniques thérapeutiques pour soutenir les parents épuisés, débordés et stressés, qui se sentent comme des coquilles vides. Elle les aide à retrouver leur équilibre.

    Alors, si vous avez déjà vécu cette journée où vous ne pouvez tout simplement plus continuer, et que vous voulez simplement que quelqu'un vous voie, au milieu de tout le chaos et de la laideur de la parentalité, et qu'il reste un peu avec vous, venez écouter Anouk et Kat dans "Nous sommes là, pour que vous puissiez l'être aussi".

    (Veuillez me pardonner pour d'éventuelles erreurs. Ceci est réalisé avec l'aide d'une IA de traduction.)

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    57 mins