
    Sep 6 2024


    I’m Dr. Marc Blatstein. I’ve been where you are and am here to help you on your journey. With work, I got my license reinstated and my career back. While I can't make promises, preparing for your Presentence Interview (the PSI, your Narrative, Release Plan, and Allocution) is critical for a successful journey; from my experience, these are both needed and helpful.

    Then, preparing for release (or at least considering it) before your PSI is a step in the right direction. You may ultimately do something completely different, but having a Plan, a Daily Routine, and knowing what to expect on your first day is a good start.

    Prison is Temporary.

    Knowledge and Preparation will help build back the confidence you’ll need to get through this process.

    • Since you’ve heard that the Feds have been asking questions, their case against you is mostly complete, with a 98% Conviction Rate.

    • Hiring a legal team doesn’t just mean they have experience; they also need a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours.

    • The choices you make today - will help you tomorrow.

    First, your judge will ask you, ‘What is your plan not to return’ to their courtroom again?

    • Why, you ask? I have no idea – but he asked me, and I had No Idea That Question Was Coming!

    • Going forward, having a release plan is what all halfway houses and your case managers want to see.

    • For you to succeed, begin thinking and writing your plan before the Presentence Interview, as it will continue to grow when you’re inside.

    • Release planning or preparing for release should be a natural step that begins early and can be broken into parts, starting with the Release Plan included in your Narrative and continuing with the Fully Mature Plan you have written while in prison up to your Release date.

      • Release-Plan-Rikers-Island

      • Release-Plan-MINNESOTA

      • Release-Plan-Prep-Guide

    • While the 'System' can help, the most significant impact comes from you. You’re taking charge of your daily activities, paving the way for your success.

    • Again, if you are at the beginning, yes, this appears premature, and you have a lot on your plate – call me, and I’ll clear it up. There’s no fee for the first call.

    • It isn’t easy to remain focused on “your” plans, new routines, and goals because inside, life can involve cell phones, drugs, frustration, disappointment, and sometimes a feeling of lost hope.

    • You’re not alone, and each of us who made it to the other side has a (similar) story to yours.

    Call me Today at 240.888.7778 to have your concerns answered. This is my personal Cell, and I answer and return all calls.

    You can also get additional information on my website: PPRSUS.com.

    Physician Presentence Report Service, LLC

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    4 mins
    Sep 4 2024


    • LET'S HOPE SO.

    Former Rep. George Santos eventually pleaded guilty to wire fraud and aggravated identity theft.

    Possible conflict?

    Rolling Stone:My sins here are embellishing my resume. I’m sorry,“ Really? This conflicts with accepting responsibility and his superseding indictment.

    “A short time ago, after years of telling lies, former Congressman George Santos stood in the courthouse behind me and finally, under oath, told the truth. And that truth is that he is a criminal,” U.S. Attorney Breon Peace said. “Santos pled guilty to serious crimes involving fraud and identity theft. He also admitted to committing all other crimes he was charged with in the superseding indictment. As a result, he will finally be held to account for his actions.”

    U.S. Attorney Breon Peace stated that the plea deal could result in a sentence ranging from 6 to 8 years. He is scheduled for sentencing on Feb. 7 at the New Your Federal Court in Central Islip.


    First, A well-written Personal Narrative is the one thing he can do to help the Judge understand who he is, as they know crimes don’t happen in a vacuum. But this requires Mr. Santos to be honest with himself, or an attorney hiring someone to do this (but Mr. Santos must be willing), or a family member who sees him for who he is and believes they can help him change – and he wants to. Otherwise, all judges have great BS detectors; this is a line you don’t want to cross.

    A complete medical and mental healthcare evaluation could reasonably explain but not excuse his past actions for his defense.

    6-Year Sentence: (equals 72 Months)GTC: 52 ( days off per year good time credit) x 6 (years) = (approximately) 312 days off his sentence[ The Caveat: He Does Not Get In Trouble: Can He Be Trusted To Stay Out Of Trouble?]

    ETC ~ 1 Year OFF Sentence For 2 Years of FSA ETC [The Caveat: Can He Be Trusted To Stay Out Of Trouble? If Not-Possibly No ETC]

    RDAP? Eligible, we don’t know.

    His Judge.

    To date, his actions conflict with what most judges already know and now want to hear.

    His counsel is paid to lessen his sentence.

    The DOJ wants a conviction, and to that end, has told Mr. Santos's Story in the form of their Indictment.

    The Prosecutor wants prison time to protect society:

    1. Retribution. This pillar seeks to punishment
    2. Deterrence. Discourage an offender from committing crimes again.
    3. Incapacitation. Prison
    4. Rehabilitation.

    Has George Santos been able to share a well-written, heartfelt narrative with the court, where he expresses genuine remorse for the number of victims he has harmed, with a plan to make amends that demonstrates his accepting responsibility?

    Only time will tell.

    Marc, Dr. Blatstein

    Humanizing Your Client Through Their Personal Narrative, Release Plan, and Allocution


    Show More Show Less
    7 mins
    Aug 30 2024

    I’m Dr. Marc Blatstein. I’ve been where your clients are and am here to help them on their journey. With work, I got my license reinstated and my career back. While I can’t make promises, preparing for the PSI (Narrative, Release Plan, and Allocution) is critical for a successful journey; from my experience, it is both needed and helpful.

    Preparing for release (at least considering it) before your PSI is a step in the right direction. You may do something completely different, but having a Plan and Daily Routine for day 1 in prison that outlines what to expect is a good start.

    • Remember, prison is a temporary phase in your life.

    Acquiring knowledge and preparing for the legal process will help you regain the confidence to navigate this challenging period.

    Judges Understand that Crimes Don’t Happen in a Vacuum

    Judges know

    • Your attorney is paid to keep you out of prison.
    • The DOJ wants a conviction.
    • The Prosecutor first wants to protect society because you represent everything terrible.
    • The one person that the judge knows nothing about is you, the defendant, and what happened and why. Are you willing to have that heart-to-heart talk?

    Federal Judge Patrick J. Schiltz: “It’s surprising how many otherwise competent attorneys ‘punt’ at the sentencing hearing.”

    Federal Judge Robert N. Scola: “Don’t wait to think about sentencing advocacy. ” Since 99 percent of federal criminal clients will face sentencing, start preparing the case early.– Federal Judge Mark Bennett on the importance of writing your personal narrative and including it in your pre-sentence report.

    • Now is your time to convince the court that you have started on the right path.
      • This begins with your Personal Narrative and a Release Plan.
      • Prepared with all the information requested by the probation officer and provided before your Interview.
      • Being prepared for your interview, your officer has had time to fill out their PSR Worksheet and will now have time at the interview to personally meet and get to know you and ask any remaining questions they may have.
      • He/she comes away from the interview with an impression of someone who could be the opposite of the one portrayed in the Indictment.

    To have your concerns answered, Call me Today: 240.888.7778. This is my personal Cell, and I answer and return all calls.

    You can also get additional information on my website: PPRSUS.com Physician Presentence Report Service, LLC.

    Show More Show Less
    10 mins
  • 18 U.S. Code § 3553 – HISTORY and CHARACTERISTICS, Part II
    Aug 28 2024

    18 U.S. Code § 3553 – HISTORY and CHARACTERISTICS, Part II


    I’m Dr. Marc Blatstein. I’ve been where you are and am here to help you on your journey. With work, I got my license reinstated and my career back. While I can't make promises, preparing for your Interview (PSI, Narrative, Release Plan, and Allocution) is critical for a successful journey; from my experience, it is both needed and helpful.

    Preparing for release (at least considering it) before your PSI is a step in the right direction. You may do something completely different, but having a Plan and Daily Routine for day 1 in prison that outlines what to expect is a good start.

    • Prison is Temporary.

    Knowledge and Preparation will help build back the confidence you’ll need to get through this process.

    • Since you’ve heard that the Feds have been asking questions, their case against you is mostly complete, with a 98% Conviction Rate.

    • Hiring a legal team doesn’t just mean they have experience; they also need a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours.

    • The choices you make today - will help you.

    This is Your Story

    • And comes out of a well-written Narrative or Autobiography. This is your story, but only if you disagree with your Indictment and want to share your history of events.

    • This is your life story—the good and the bad, the highs and lows.

    • As a child, what was that like? What do you remember about your interaction with your parents growing up? Through high school, working, college, military, family, and everything else?

    • What and how did this event/crime happen?

    • Was there any trauma, drugs (alcohol, legal or illegal drugs, gambling) involved, or family problems?

    When building a case, providing a comprehensive account of your history and characteristics is integral to the defense, Narrative, and Memorandum.

    • This includes delving into their remorseful mind and accepting responsibility for their

    • It's also important to highlight the impact of their behavior on their victim's lives, giving detailed accounts of any traumatic events suffered.

    • When a judge considers a defendant's background, they may consider criminal history, age, education and employment history, mental or physical health issues, and mitigating or aggravating circumstances.

    • When presenting your history and characteristics to a judge, these vital factors will humanize you to the court.

    To engage my services or to have your concerns answered, Call me Today: 240.888.7778. This is my personal Cell, and I answer and return all calls.

    You can also get additional information on my website: PPRSUS.com.

    Physician Presentence Report Service, LLC

    Show More Show Less
    4 mins
    Aug 25 2024



    I’m Dr. Marc Blatstein. I’ve been where your clients are and am here to help them on their journey. With work, I got my license reinstated and my career back. While I can't make promises, preparing for the PSI (Narrative, Release Plan, and Allocution) is critical for a comprehensive successive journey; from my experience, it is both needed and helpful.

    Preparation for release (at least considering it) before their PSI is a start in the right direction. They may do something completely different, but having a Plan and Daily Routine for day 1 in prison as to what to expect is a good start.

    For more info., check out PPRSUS.com.

    · Prison is Temporary.

    Knowledge and Preparation will help build back the confidence you’ll need to get through this process.

    · Since you’ve heard that the Feds have been asking questions, their case against you is mostly complete, with a 98% Conviction Rate.

    · Hiring a legal team doesn’t just mean they have experience; they also need a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours.

    · The choices you make today - will help your tomorrow.

    To ensure the best possible outcome, it’s worth asking trusted friends or family (who will be honest with you) to review it beforehand.

    · It’s imperative to have an unbiased person with whom to communicate so that they can gain a more intimate understanding of your personality, character, circumstances, and writing.

    · Remember, this is Your Life and should be approached seriously.

    · If necessary, seek out a Mitigation Expert or someone familiar with this process.

    · The categories below are meant to encourage deep reflection but may be challenging, emotional, and emotionally painful.

    · It is advisable to consider them carefully and seek advice from trusted individuals, including counsel.

    You must provide authentic and heartfelt responses for several reasons.

    1. If you do not believe what you are writing, stop.

    2. If a judge suspects that someone else wrote your responses, it may cause further complications for you, so stop.

    3. Probation will review it and offer sentencing and a placement recommendation to the Judge; therefore, they must trust your sincere responses.

    · Family interactions, poverty or well-financial, health, or a life with medical or mental healthcare issues, or history of prison in your family or other trouble.

    · But they also do not want to hear excuses; they want to know that your client has accepted responsibility for their actions and has remorse for the victims they've harmed.

    · If they feel this was a “Victim-less” crime, let's talk this through before you start.

    · According to STAKEHOLDERS and the Court, there are always Victims.

    To engage my services or to have your concerns answered, Call me Today: 240.888.7778. This is my personal cell, and I answer and return all calls. You can also get additional information on my website: PPRSUS.com.

    Physician Presentence Report Service, LLC

    Show More Show Less
    6 mins
    Aug 25 2024



    I’m Dr. Marc Blatstein. I’ve been where you are and am here to help you on your journey. With work, I got my license reinstated and my career back.

    Preparation for release (at least considering it) before their PSI is a start in the right direction. They may do something completely different, but having a Plan and Daily Routine before Day 1 in prison is Essential.

    For more info., check out PPRSUS.com.

    • Prison is Temporary

    Knowledge and Preparation will help build back the confidence you’ll need to get through this process.

    · Since you’ve heard that the DOJ and Feds have been asking questions, their case against you is mostly complete, with a 98% Conviction Rate.

    · Hiring a legal team doesn’t just mean they have experience; they also need a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours.

    · The choices you make today - will make a better tomorrow.


    Several Days Before Your Interview (PSI), you will have copied, spell-checked, and provided to the Probation Officer everything they requested, including your Personal NARRATIVE and Release Plan.

    1. Birth certificate.

    2. Car registration papers

    3. Character Reference letters (Only a Few)

    4. Department of Welfare records.

    5. Details about drug abuse, including substance use within the 12 months before the arrest, including over-the-counter medications and alcohol. Did they contribute to your charge?

    6. Detainers Resolved.

    7. Divorce decree.

    8. Draft registration card.

    9. Employment verification (paystubs).

    10. Immigration papers or passports.

    11. Income tax reports for the last three years.

    12. Marriage certificate

    13 Medical Records: Hospital – Surgical – Pathology and Blood Lab Reports, Copies of X-ray, MRI, CT, Ultrasound, PET Scans, EEG, EKG reports (on Flash Drives or CDs), Prescriptions for Medications and Medical Devices.

    14. Military disability information(C-number).

    15. Military discharge certificate.

    16. Naturalization papers.

    17. Professional papers (certificates, licenses, or Seaman’s papers, permits).

    18. Proof of residence (rent receipts, property, mortgage papers, etc.)

    19. Release Plan (Includes your Narrative/Autobiography/Personal I.D Information).

    20. School diplomas.

    21. Social Security Card.

    22. Union, lodge, or club cards.

    To engage my services or to have your concerns answered, Call me Today: 240.888.7778. This is my personal Cell, and I answer and return all calls.

    You can also get additional information on my website: PPRSUS.com

    Physician Presentence Report Service, LLC.

    Show More Show Less
    4 mins
    Aug 22 2024



    I’m Dr. Marc Blatstein. I’ve been where you are and am here to help you on your journey. With work, I got my license reinstated and my career back.

    Preparation for release (at least considering it) before their PSI is a start in the right direction. They may do something completely different; having a Plan and daily Routine before day 1 in prison is essential.

    For more info., check out PPRSUS.com.

    · Prison is Temporary.

    Knowledge and Preparation will help build back the confidence you’ll need to get through this process.

    · Since you’ve heard that the Feds have been asking questions, their case against you is mostly complete, with a 98% Conviction Rate.

    · Hiring a legal team doesn’t just mean they have experience; they also need a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours.

    · The choices you make today - will help you tomorrow.

    These letters support one’s character.

    · They include that they know you have broken the law and have known you for a long time.

    · They can come from family, friends, community, or religious leaders.

    · They are not offering sentencing recommendations to your judge.

    · Should an employer be willing to write a letter that states they are willing to rehire you after release from prison due to your 'character and skills,' this is a Great letter and should be included in your presentation report, Memorandum, and Release Plan.

    · They may write, "I know he/she won’t be back to this court because we will be looking out for them in the future and holding them accountable."

    Halfway House Job Letter Should Include,

    · They know you are going to prison, that you have just been released, and they are still willing to hire you.

    · Your job will keep you in one place where probation can call or show up and find you.

    · Your pay will be $/ Hour, 5 Days/ week, 8 hours / Day.

    · It includes your manager’s name and phone number and states they can speak with Halfway House and Probation as needed.

    · How they know you and for how long they’ve known you.

    Who do you ask? Relatives, Religious leaders, Volunteer organizations, and employers (especially if they are willing to hire you).

    · Request many letters, expecting to use ten, and keep reminding the people you’re asking, and then give them all to your lawyer at one time.

    · Do not include personal information (phone, address); business content is allowed.

    · Begin asking for these letters ASAP.

    Call me Today at 240.888.7778 to engage my services or have your concerns answered. This is my Cell phone number; I answer and return all calls.
    You can also get additional information on my website: PPRSUS.com. Physician Presentence Report Service, LLC

    Show More Show Less
    5 mins
    Aug 22 2024


    I’m Dr. Marc Blatstein. I’ve been where you are and am here to help you on your journey. With work, I got my license reinstated and my career back.

    Preparation for release (at least giving thought) before your PSI is a start in the right direction. You may do something completely different, but a plan and routine are essential.

    For more info., check out PPRSUS.com.

    · Prison is Temporary.

    Knowledge and Preparation will help build the confidence you’ll need to get through this process.

    · Since you’ve heard that the DOJ and Feds have been asking questions, their case against you is mostly complete, with a 98% Conviction Rate.

    · Hiring a legal team doesn’t just mean they have experience; they also need a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours.

    · The choices you make today - will help you tomorrow.

    1. Why and how did your client get involved and what was their level of involvement?

    2. What drove them to participate?

    3. Explain and understand the offense – without excuses.

    4. Sometimes, the crime sounds worse than it is; sometimes, it’s a small thing that leads to more wrongdoing.

    5. Was it a drug addiction that caused…

    6. Were finances tight?

    7. Talk About the Offense; Don’t Minimize it; explain it.

    8. Statement of Remorse

    9. I changed my life:

    · This is your chance to paint a clear picture of why and how your client became involved and their level of involvement.· It is crucial that they ensure their description accurately reflects what is outlined in the final Presentence Report.· By doing so, you can provide a complete and honest account of their actions, which will help achieve the best possible outcome for your client's defense.· When considering their role in a particular situation, it's crucial to consider what motivated them to participate and how they got involved.
    · Again, ensuring their recollection is consistent with the official Presentence Report is essential.
    · If a specific incident or factor led to your actions, note it and create a plan to avoid similar situations.
    · Take time to reflect on what you have learned from this experience and whether it has triggered any memories or emotions from your past.
    · What drove your client to participate, and how did they become involved?
    · If a specific incident or factor led to your actions, take note of it and devise a plan to avoid a similar situation.


    Call me Today at 240.888.7778 to engage my services or have your concerns answered. This is my Cell phone number; I answer and return all calls.

    You can also get additional information on my website: PPRSUS.com. Physician Presentence Report Service, LLC.

    Show More Show Less
    4 mins