
  • India and the Second World War
    Feb 25 2025
    In this episode, Dr. Robert Lyman joins me to talk about India, the Indian Army, and the Second World War, which is an important topic that has largely been missing from this series except for a few episodes I mention at the start of this episode and will link to below. Those three episode are with guest Christopher Kolakowski, the Director of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum, who contributed stories about the Chindits, Merrill's Marauders, and the Battles of Imphal and Kohima.LinksDr. Robert Lyman (https://robertlyman.com/about/)Merrill's Marauders (https://open.spotify.com/episode/3CDZBHcffpQgzoLlTI7ZAJ?si=_HxstZfARMq7NEeojy5STQ)The Chindits & Operation THURSDAY: Long-Range Penetration Groups in the C-B-I Theater (https://open.spotify.com/episode/4aPf5yOJCvsxbqLdbnE35Z?si=aXOgA4eOTba_Byod0zpk4Q)The Battles of Imphal & Kohima (https://open.spotify.com/episode/2QI6dJyTbp4Pdp8zZAiNKM?si=rKgzezw5RWy_2POUOg6yvg)A War of Empires: Japan, India, Burma & Britain 1941-45 by Robert Lyman (Amazon)Victory to Defeat: The British Army 1918-1940 by Richard Dannatt & Robert Lyman (Amazon)Japan's Last Bid for Victory: The Invasion of India 1944 by Robert Lyman(Amazon)Slim, Master of War: Burma and the Birth of Modern Warfare by Robert Lyman(Amazon)Nations in the Balance: The India-Burma Campaign DEC 1943 - AUG 1944 by Christopher Kolakowsi(Amazon)Mother of Tanks website (http://www.motheroftanks.com/podcast/)Bonus Content (https://www.patreon.com/c/motheroftanks)
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • EOD History & US Army Bomb Disposal in World War II
    Feb 17 2025

    Retired US Army Sergeant Major Mike Vining joins me in this episode to talk about the history of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Branch and Bomb Disposal during World War II. He also talks with me about his 30 year Army career in both EOD and Delta Force and some of his accomplishments as an EOD historian.


    EOD Warrior Foundation (https://eodwarriorfoundation.org/)

    Retired Sergeant Major Paved Way for EOD Technicians in Elite Special Forces Unit (https://www.army.mil/article/263293/retired_sergeant_major_paved_way_for_eod_technicians_in_elite_special_forces_unit)

    It's A Blast! Podcast -- SGM Mike Vining: From EOD to Military Legend (https://youtu.be/5bJ30HryCEQ?si=HWur_JsXAJSn4qt3)

    Troop Support Supports EOD Mission as National Observance Nears -- National Explosive Ordnance Disposal Day is the first Saturday in May (DLA Article)

    Mother of Tanks website (http://www.motheroftanks.com/podcast/)

    Bonus Content (https://www.patreon.com/c/motheroftanks)

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    1 hr and 31 mins
  • Simpson, the Ninth US Army, and a Look at Army Groups and Command in WWII
    Feb 9 2025

    Dr. Bill Nance returns to talk about LTG William Simpson, the US Ninth Army, and how average but doctrinally-proficient leaders made things happen. Not everyone needs to be a Patton. This includes a look at Army Groups and those higher echelon levels of command, command relationships, and intricate coordination to ensure the US forces were able to fight effectively.


    Commanding Professionalism: Simpson, Moore, and the Ninth US Army by Dr. William S. Nance (Amazon)

    Sabers Through the Reich: World War II Corps Cavalry from Normandy to the Elbe by Dr. William S. Nance and Dr. Robert M. Citino (Amazon)

    Mother of Tanks website (http://www.motheroftanks.com/podcast/)

    Bonus Content (https://www.patreon.com/c/motheroftanks)

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • America's Arsenal of Democracy at Work
    Feb 8 2025

    Retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel and current Command Historian for the United States Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) Tim Gilhool joins me to talk about the "Arsenal of Democracy" which made it possible for the United States to keep the Allies in the fight against the Nazis and Axis forces around the world, while simultaneously arming and equipping a massive American military force that helped fight and win the Second World War.


    The Army Green Books (https://www.history.army.mil/html/bookshelves/collect/usaww2.html)

    The Blue Books


    Mother of Tanks website (http://www.motheroftanks.com/podcast/)

    Bonus Content (https://www.patreon.com/c/motheroftanks)

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • US Army Armor Doctrine – Adapting to Reality
    Feb 4 2025
    In this episode, I'm joined by MAJ Jason Boswell to discuss Armor Doctrine development that will ultimately impact how the US Army's Armored Forces conduct themselves and their operations in 1944. This includes talk of the Interwar Period, between the First and Second World Wars, and the late 1930s through 1941, with talk of the 1941 GHQ Maneuvers which were the main event in the beginning of this series - before it was Why We Fight, the first year was called Building an American Army. Links From Horses to Horsepower: The Mechanization and Demise of the US Cavalry, 1916-1950 by Alexander Bielakowski (Amazon) Mobility, Shock, Firepower: The Emergence of the US Army's Armor Branch, 1917-1945 by Robert S. Cameron (https://www.history.army.mil/html/books/Mobility_Shock_and_Firepower/CMH_30-23-1.pdf) The US Army GHQ Maneuvers of 1941 by Christopher Gable (https://www.history.army.mil/html/books/070/70-41-1/CMH_Pub_70-41-1.pdf) In the Presence of Soldiers: The 2nd Army Maneuvers & Other World War II Activity in Tennessee by Woody Cillin (Amazon) General Lesley J. McNair: Unsung Architect of the US Army by Dr. Mark Calhoun (Amazon) The Rise of the G.I. Army, 1940-1941: The Forgotten Story of How America Forged a Powerful Army Before Pearl Harbor by Paul Dickson (Amazon) Monschau's Lucky 38 by Jason Boswell (Amazon) Mother of Tanks website (http://www.motheroftanks.com/podcast/) Bonus Content (https://www.patreon.com/c/motheroftanks)
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    1 hr and 36 mins
  • Lessons in Land Warfare
    Feb 3 2025

    In this episode, LTC Nathan Jennings joins me to talk about some of the important lessons in land warfare that were taken from the Battle of France in 1940 and how those lessons come into play by 1944.


    Maneuver and Breakthrough in 1940 France: Insights for the US Army and the Russo-Ukrainian War by LTC Nathan A. Jennings, PhD


    Association of the United States Army - Land Warfare Papers


    Fighting by Minutes: Time and the Art of War by Robert R. Leonhard (⁠https://www.amazon.com/Fighting-Minutes-Time-Art-War/dp/1974585530/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=⁠)

    Mother of Tanks website (http://www.motheroftanks.com/podcast/)

    Bonus Content (https://www.patreon.com/c/motheroftanks)

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    56 mins
  • Hollywood and the War Effort in 1944
    Jan 28 2025

    Joining me in this episode is Ken Campbell. Ken has a background in history and works in education. Last year he contributed to the 1943 series with a similar episode discussing two movies that were released in 1943 - This is the Army and Destination Tokyo. For the 1944 series, Ken chose Tunisian Victory and 30 Seconds Over Tokyo.


    Why We Fight ~ 1943 Episode 63: Hollywood and the American War Effort in 1943 (Apple Podcasts) (Spotify)

    Mother of Tanks website (http://www.motheroftanks.com/podcast/)

    Bonus Content (https://www.patreon.com/c/motheroftanks)

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    1 hr and 31 mins
  • In Their Footsteps: Family History, Guided Tours, and the 83rd Infantry Story
    Jan 20 2025

    This episode turned out slightly different than expected but it's a great one! Dr. Myra Miller joins me to share the story of how learning about her father's experience in World War II literally changed her life and her family's connection to this history. Dr. Miller has done some incredible work to make the history of the 83rd Infantry more accessible, as well as other work with documentaries and publications.


    Footsteps Researchers (⁠https://www.footstepsresearchers.com/founders⁠)

    Solder Stories Vol. I (Amazon)

    Soldier Stories Vol. II (Amazon)

    Myron H. Miller (https://db.83rdinfdivdocs.org/share/a5fad8b8-5c5d-48ba-9082-0bacfec00994)

    Morning Reports (https://83rdinfdivdocs.org/docs/morning-reports)

    83rd Infantry Division After Action Reports (https://83rdinfdivdocs.org/units/83rd-id)

    83rd Infantry Division Newspapers (https://83rdinfdivdocs.org/docs/newspapers)

    KINGSIZE | Lost WWII B-24 Bomber Identified After 78 Years


    SNAFO DOCS (https://www.youtube.com/SNAFUDOCS)

    Reveille (https://www.reveillefilm.com/about)

    Mother of Tanks website (http://www.motheroftanks.com/podcast/)

    Bonus Content (https://www.patreon.com/c/motheroftanks)

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    1 hr and 10 mins