• I searched for an Angel and I found him!
    Sep 18 2024
    Brace yourself for a special experience in this podcast episode on Wisdom of Wednesday. Normally people search for GOD. Occasionally God and His angels search for special people. Sis. Philippa thought that she was searching for an angel. But in reality, wasn't that the angel who was searching for her? Find out in today's wisdom of Wednesday experience by Sis. Philippa Blackham of UK.
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    5 mins
  • My Karma, My Life...
    Sep 11 2024
    It's said life is a cycle of Karmic accounts. We create karmic debts through our own thoughts, words and actions and we spend the entire life trying to tackle it. This is where the magic of Spiritual Knowledge and Rajyoga comes in. Rajyoga can sort our life to such an extent that it enables the practitioner to remain strong in life situations where we usually give in. Read, in this account, how Sis. Ayako Ichimaru - A renowned classical violinist and a Rajyogi - empowered herself through Rajyoga that she remains super stable in situations where normal people fail.
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    5 mins
  • Rajyoga and Youth
    Sep 4 2024
    I have heard this expression from many Rajyogis who started Rajyoga late in their life - 'I should've started Rajyoga in my Youth. My life would've been very very different'. Rajyoga is something which can change you completely from inside. And what better time than youth to embrace the art of Rajyoga! Find some thoughts from BK Eves - a long time Rajyogi and a Teacher who predominantly works with Youth - on why every youth should try the Rajyoga Lifestyle.
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    5 mins
  • Being Original Again!
    Aug 28 2024
    Rajyoga is all about changing oneself to become our own best version. IN this issue of Wisdom of Wednesday, listen to Sis. Erika Hyden from Germany, who embraced Rajyoga in her youth itself and turned around her life in such a way that today her life dedicated to the service of humanity shows the way to many.
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    6 mins
  • Forgive & live Guilt-Free!
    Aug 21 2024
    It is an established fact that the practice of Rajyoga Meditation can help us live better quality lives. In today's issue of Wisdom of Wednesday read about the magical transformation that can be brought about by the regular practice of Rajyoga shared by Sis. Maria Moreno from Spain has been a practitioner for the last 30 years.
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    6 mins
  • I am a World Mother
    Aug 14 2024
    Rajyogi life is not just about practising meditation and remaining calm during circumstances. Rajyoga makes you a giver, a nurturer of people. It can ignite your maternal instincts and make you a source of strength for people around you. Listen to find out what Sis. Valerie of France has to say about being a mother without biologically being a mother.
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    6 mins
  • The Law of Karma
    Aug 7 2024
    Living a life of peace is what we want. But it takes a lot of personal power from our side to live peace. And it also demands a thorough understanding about certain spiritual laws. One such law is the Law of Karma which affects our life every given moment. Find out how Sis. Inna Kim, an experienced Rajyogi from Mongolia with her roots in Russia, found peace with her spiritual understanding.
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    6 mins
  • A work in progress...
    Jul 31 2024
    Rajyoga is changing lives worldwide. Brahma Kumari sisters and brothers have been spreading the fragrance of Rajyoga around the world for more than half a century now and the results are showing. In this issue of Wisdom of Wednesday, find the story of Sis. Raissa Makhambetova from Kazakhstan who discovered Rajyoga in her twenties and now has made her life a statement of service to humanity.
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    7 mins