• 495: Reading The Ingredients Might Just Change Your Life with Gubba Homestead
    Oct 7 2024

    Improved digestion. Clearer skin. Brain fog clearing up. These are some of the benefits of paying attention to the quality of ingredients that go into (and on) the body! Gubba Homestead, a leading figure in the homesteading and natural skincare community, experienced all of the above and then some. Her family’s health improved, too, as they began avoiding toxic chemicals and returning to more natural foods and products.

    Gubba tells her story today and also what led to her recent de-platforming on TikTok. (She was talking about the dangers of ingredients in sunscreen when her account was taken down.) She explains where her passion originated and why she won’t give up helping people uncover what’s in their food and skin care products. Finally, she also gets into what led her into homesteading and why she believes we can all become homesteaders in our own right (even if we live in the city)!

    Visit Gubba’s website: gubbahomestead.com

    Register for the Wise Traditions conference at wisetraditions.org

    Find your local chapter leader at westonaprice.org

    Check out our sponsors: Gray Toad Tallow and Fat of the Land

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    35 mins
  • 494: Know Your Crunchy Legal Rights with Julie Dean Richards
    Sep 30 2024

    Defend your right to drink raw milk, to buy food directly from your farmer and to keep your bodily autonomy! Julie Dean Richards, the Crunchy Legal Lady, helps us understand what our rights are when it comes to all of the above and then some.

    She goes over how to obtain a religious exemption to vaccinations, how to identify health practitioners who honor your right as a parent (so that your children will not have to get shots if you don't want them to). She discusses the Amos Miller case and Private Membership Agreements and whether or not they are helpful for protecting your rights to purchase food from the farmer of your choice. And last, but not least, Julie reminds us that we can be activists without ever turning up in a courtroom or at a protest at city hall.

    Visit Julie's website: crunchylegallady.com

    Register for the Wise Traditions conference in Orlando at wisetraditions.org

    Check out our sponsors: One Earth Health and the New Biology Clinic

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    44 mins
  • 493. Improving Fascia Function For Optimal Health with Elisha Celeste
    Sep 23 2024

    Fascia is a kind of "sensing organ" (connective tissue) that extends from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. How can we work with it, improve its suppleness, and benefit from its healing capabilities? Today, Elisha Celeste of the School for Living Science and the Human Freedom Project podcast, helps us wrap our minds around this mysterious, all-encompassing tissue.

    Elisha goes over the kinetic energies in nature and how they relate to how our bodies function, and consequently how our fascia acts and reacts to our environment. She offers tips for optimizing fascial health (like the importance of hydration for the fascia to work properly) while also reminding us that there is not one simple technique for healing that works for everybody. Elisha also busts common misconceptions around fascia and even fascial release.

    Visit Elisha's website for more information: elishaceleste.com

    Register for the Wise Traditions conference in Orlando at wisetraditions.org

    Check out our sponsors Optimal Carnivore and Paleo Valley

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    41 mins
  • RFID: A Livestock Surveillance System Poses a Threat to Food Freedom with John Moody
    Sep 19 2024

    Radio Frequency ID (or RFID) has been presented as something of a modern-day branding system, allowing for the identification of cattle and other livestock on farms across the U.S. That sounds benign enough…until you realize that RFID is actually a livestock surveillance system that poses a threat to our farmers’ rights to raise their animals without government interference and may impinge on the free market relationship between farmers and consumers.

    John Moody, co-founder of the Rogue Food conferences, explains today exactly what’s at stake when it comes to legislation in the works for RFID (radio frequency ID). He starts with reviewing the history of legislators attempting to regulate how farmers manage livestock. He goes over the implications of RFID’s gathering data on the location of livestock as well as accessing their vaccination schedule and more. And the ways in which this slants the market in favor of bug-based food. He also explains why consumers should be concerned since even a private buying agreement doesn’t keep them unaffected by this initiative (should it pass). Finally he offers action steps we can take to prevent this Big Brother kind of governmental overreach related to our food freedom.

    Visit John's website: roguefoodconference.com

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    45 mins
  • 492: Is Harmony With Nature A Sustainable Farming Philosophy? with Molly Chester
    Sep 16 2024

    Molly and John Chester set up Apricot Lane Farms (known as the Biggest Little Farm) with the intention of working in harmony with nature, while maximizing nutrients and flavor. Have they been successful? What has changed since the documentary came out five years ago featuring their farm? How has the farm grown and is it living up to its original goals?

    Molly Chester answers all of the questions above today, sharing insights on the biodynamic and harmonious philosophy behind their farm (that now has over 250 varieties of fruits and vegetables growing on the property)! She talks about how it has shaped her son...and her own life. She also answers the question about whether the biggest little farm is possibly too big now! Plus, Molly shares what's next for their biggest little farm.

    Check out Molly's website: apricotlanefarms.com

    Become a new member of the Weston A. Price Foundation for only $25 (limited time offer)

    See our sponsors Maui Nui Venison and Optimal Carnivore

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    30 mins
  • 491: Blowing The Lid Off Virology (Or Bird Flu Part 2) with Jamie Andrews
    Sep 9 2024

    If the bird flu virus hasn't been isolated, why does it matter? What are the implications? Has any virus EVER been isolated? These are questions that have the potential to undermine our current understanding not only of viruses but of all sicknesses. Jamie Andrews is the Project Manager overseeing control studies to reexamine our understanding of virology. He addresses today the methodology for the new studies, the reason behind them, and what this has to do with our own personal approach to wellbeing and nurturing good health.

    Go to Jamie's substack account for more information

    Register for the Wise Traditions conference in Orlando

    Check out our sponsors: Optimal Carnivore and Sacred Hunting

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    47 mins
  • 490: Bird Flu Facts: Its History and Use as a Tool to Instill Fear with Jacob Diaz
    Sep 2 2024

    What's the deal with bird flu? Is it actually something we should be worried about? What's the history of it? And why has there been a focus on it and why have millions of chickens been slaughtered because of it?

    Jacob Diaz, an independent researcher, explains today some of its history. He goes over what has happened this time around (and when initial bird flu "outbreaks" took place in the 2000s). He covers the flaws in the PCR testing and the logic of the supposed sickness and how the fear may be a tool to influence us to rely on Big Food and Big Pharma, rather than on independent small farmers and our own wherewithal for our health.

    Side note: Since this interview was recorded, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Monkeypox a “public health emergency of international concern.” We would put Monkeypox in the same category as the bird flu: a tool to instill fear and designed to coerce the public into getting unnecessary vaccines.

    Follow Jacob on Instagram: @undercovervirologist

    Register to attend the Wise Traditions conference in Orlando

    Check out our sponsors: Sacred Hunting and Paleo Valley

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    36 mins
  • 489: What To Do When Your Hormones Are Shot with Dr. Tami Meraglia
    Aug 26 2024

    If you feel worn out and wrecked, like your life and hormones are out of balance, you are not alone. It's a symptom a lot of us deal with, a common result of our 24/7 busy lifestyle. The good news is that you aren't stuck! There are some simple ways to get your life (and hormones) back on track!

    Dr. Tami Meraglia, author of "The Hormone Secret," offers insights on just that: how to regain hormonal balance and health. She discusses how women can naturally support their bodies before, during, and after menopause. She talks about testosterone (yes, women need this, too), thyroid health, and what inhibits its proper function. Finally, she reminds us that lab results on paper don't tell the whole story.

    Visit Dr. Tami's website: biothrivelife.com

    Check out the Weston A. Price Foundation's resources in Spanish

    Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation

    Check out our sponsors: Paleo Valley and Sacred Hunting

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    42 mins