Lori Bean welcomes Jo Scheffelmaier to the podcast to discuss The Sanctuary at Maliya and the power of feminine energy and community. Jo is a registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a Women’s Yoga Therapist, and supports women through private sessions, movement therapy, ceremonial gatherings and connection. Lori and Jo discuss the physical calm of The Sanctuary, and how the vision is to shape it away from simply being a yoga studio to instead be a space where events, gatherings, and community sharing can be done. Jo explains how gatherings around the full moon, or breath work, or a sound bath, are all designed to nurture the feminine, support intuition, and create a very real community where women can share vulnerability, feel connected, and experience healing together.About Jo Scheffelmaier:Jo Scheffelmaier’s soul purpose in this life is to support women who want to deepen their relationship with their Feminine and come home to their earthly bodies. With years of ceremonial experience, she creates containers for women to be seen, breathe, relax, move, be held, and connect to their inner wisdom and truth. Jo brings women who are on a healing journey together. Jo naturally gravitates towards Feminine approaches to healing - modalities that encourage you, to honour where you're at in your ceremony of life. Her approach is very holistic and she has tools to support you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Maliya: website | instagram | facebookJo Scheffelmaier | Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist & Women’s Yoga Therapist: about TranscriptionAs we all know, women in today's day and age need a different level of care. We invite you to join us as we explore the world of holistic care, what it means, and how it can really benefit you. We're going to be providing you with really insightful and practical information as to what our practitioners here at Maliya do, who they are, and how their specific modalities can support your well being. We're going to be having candid conversations with women of all ages, sharing their stories, their journeys, their struggles, and all of their relatable experiences. Absolutely. As well, we're going to be informing you on how Western and Eastern medicine can really work together to help you to become, and to show up in the world, as the woman you are really meant to be. Lori Bean I want to welcome you today to the Maliya podcast. I am Lori Bean. And I have the pleasure of speaking with Jo Scheffelmaier. And I think this is going to be a really important podcast, where we discuss the importance of women coming back to gathering and connecting and community. We talk a lot about 'I want to be part of a community' and 'community is so great', but what is the essence of that? What is that all about? What does that really mean to be enmeshed and connected in community and how that can actually support you? And where does that idea actually come from and what we're missing in today's society, and what we at Maliya are really hoping to bring to all of you from this really deep place of love and compassion, and also a sense of knowing, which I will let Jo dive into a little bit more deeply. So hi, Jo. Jo Scheffelmaier Hi, thanks so much for having me. Lori Bean You're so welcome! Jo Scheffelmaier I'm so excited to be here. Lori Bean I'm so excited you're here. Yeah, maybe we just start with what The Sanctuary is about. And then who you are, why you've come on board, what you're gonna offer, and maybe a little bit about how we've shifted, too, from what we had and what we're diving into. So I'll let you take the stage. Jo Scheffelmaier Thank you. Lori Bean You're welcome. Jo Scheffelmaier Yeah, The Sanctuary is this beautiful, like, 700 square foot space in Maliya. So when you walk through the front doors and turn to the left, there's these beautiful doors that open - these beautiful double doors - and you just walk into this space that is lit up with light, and there's candles on the wall, and plants that are flourishing. And it's just such a welcoming space. And yeah, it has shifted a little bit since the, kind of, inception of Maliya. From what I know, it was originally a yoga studio. But that also wasn't the vision from the get-go. Lori Bean What would you say, in your perspective, because we started out as having a yoga studio, which evolved into that but wasn't completely in alignment with my vision. But as it continued to grow and stay out of alignment, I knew something needed to shift. So what would be your perspective as to why that's just kind of not what needs to show up here? Jo Scheffelmaier Yeah, I love that question. Well, I think there's so much busyness and there's so much distraction that happens in the outside world. And so, oftentimes - and I've been in many, many studio spaces - but oftentimes it can sometimes facilitate being part of the busyness. It's like you're going to get your workout in, or ...
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