• 246 CORE Values
    Mar 12 2025
    CORE Values is about an article written by Greg Stier of Dare 2 Share Ministries. "How to Implement the 7 Values of a Gospel Advancing Ministry" is the name of the article. There are many organizations that you can find to help you with CORE Values that I mention in this episode, but this one is very good if you have been looking for direction and needing help in getting started and/or evaluating why things seem off centered or not focused. This might help get you back to center and seeing the Spirit of God move in your ministry. Be Strong and Courageous and keep moving forward. _______________________________

    Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book “Burn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builder’s Guidebook” here: https://amzn.to/3PtBTIy

    Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here: https://bit.ly/3saDyYq



    Email us at: youthworkeronfire@gmail.com

    Hosted by: Doug Edwards

    Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at https://bit.ly/3FTYIAJ

    Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael Helms : https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelTheSoundGuy

    Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

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    10 mins
  • 8.2 Billion People
    Mar 5 2025
    The World-O-Meter is pretty impressive. It's calculating the births and deaths in 20 countries by the second (or faster), to let us know approximately how many people are alive on planet Earth each second of every day. How can we as youth workers, youth pastors, student ministry leaders, and volunteers reach the millions that are being born each year, each second of every day? It's Overwhelming... So how? Jesus...said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are impossible." - Matthew 19:26 _______________________________

    Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book “Burn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builder’s Guidebook” here: https://amzn.to/3PtBTIy

    Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here: https://bit.ly/3saDyYq



    Email us at: youthworkeronfire@gmail.com

    Hosted by: Doug Edwards

    Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at https://bit.ly/3FTYIAJ

    Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael Helms : https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelTheSoundGuy

    Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

    Show More Show Less
    8 mins
  • 244 Good Idea or Bad Idea? - Winter Retreats
    Feb 26 2025

    The best time for college retreats seemed to be at the beginning of Christmas break and return from that trip the day before Christmas. Was it successful yes... for several years. Was it worth it? For the students yes.... for my family who was very gracious to me? No.

    Why? Because all things in Jesus name are not necessarily the best thing to do. That sounds wild right?

    We did eventually move these trips to fall during spring breaks, but you have to use at least 2 different spring break weeks to cover a lot of the students since they were not always at the same time. The beauty of the Rocky mountains was always amazing! But... I had not yet learned the one rule, in which I will repeat over and over again for your sakes as leaders... and for you and your families health. ”You MUST say NO to something BEFORE you say YES to something else."

    FYI... That NO should be to some other equal project, ministry, or hobby that takes time from your family and health. All around health is important!

    Peter Drucker, the Father of Modern Business and mentor taught Pastor Rick Warren that specific truth. He would always say, “Rick... Tell me what you gave up before you tell me what you are doing next."

    A few things...

    1. It was the best time to get college students enthused and signed up.

    2. It was a beautiful time of the year to hit the slopes.

    3. Students came from all over the United States and that enthused the local students.

    4. The Gospel was shared and souls were saved.

    What would I do differently now?

    1. I would never go at Christmas time. That time should have been reserved for my wife, children, and their memories.

    2. I would have moved it to every other year and not every year.

    Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book “Burn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builder’s Guidebook” here: https://amzn.to/3PtBTIy

    Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here: https://bit.ly/3saDyYq



    Email us at: youthworkeronfire@gmail.com

    Hosted by: Doug Edwards

    Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at https://bit.ly/3FTYIAJ

    Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael Helms : https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelTheSoundGuy

    Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

    Show More Show Less
    11 mins
  • 243 The Wholehearted Journey with Joel Johnson
    Feb 19 2025
    If you want to know the value of investing in a child and especially in teenagers, Joel Johnson is one of the greatest examples. He grew up with a Father that left him, a step father that hurt him, threatened him, and left him. Yet... God saw him! He asked Jesus into his heart and his youth pastor challenged him. He took those challenges and did what was unheard of as he kept sharing the salvation story of Jesus Christ boldly on campus. One day he spoke to several hundred students at lunch about Jesus, while having two assistant principals telling him to stop... One of them yelling at him "What gives you the right to speak about your faith?" Just wait until you hear how the students responded! Joel has spoken to hundreds of thousands since he was one of the main speakers for the Acquire The Fire student conferences that were hosted in arenas and stadiums accross the United States. He has also written many books and his latest ("The Wholehearted Journey: 7 Skills to Develop a Wholehearted Life in a Heartbreaking World") is being made into a movie! WATCH THE MOVIE TRAILER HERE: www.wholeheartedmovie.com Joel also studied at Texas A&M and Harvard. He is an author, counselor, a national communicator, and podcast host of the "Wholehearted Podcast". This was an outstanding interview that is packed full of information that you can apply to yourself, your family, and your ministry. _______________________________ YOU CAN CONNECT AND SUPPORT JOEL'S MINISTRY AT THE LINKS BELOW! OFFICIAL WEBSITE: www.joeljohnson.org JOIN WHOLEHEARTED UNIVERSITY: www.wholehearted.university GIVE TO JOEL'S MINISTRY: www.joeljohnson.org/give LEARN MORE ABOUT THE WHOLEHEARTED MOVIE: www.wholeheartedmovie.com GET YOUR COPY OF "The Wholehearted Journey: 7 Skills to Develop a Wholehearted Life in a Heartbreaking World": https://a.co/d/fFIhvHQ GET YOUR COPY OF "Personality Based Marriage": https://a.co/d/4PvYYGs _______________________________ EPISODE CREDITS Email us at: youthworkeronfire@gmail.com Hosted by: Doug Edwards Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at https://bit.ly/3FTYIAJ Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael Helms : https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelTheSoundGuy Edited by: Secret Roots Music House _______________________________ Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book “Burn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builder’s Guidebook” here: https://amzn.to/3PtBTIy Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here: https://bit.ly/3saDyYq
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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • 242 Rim Huggers
    Feb 12 2025

    You can hike the Grand Canyon or you can be a RIM HUGGER. One experiences the canyon first hand. You get thirsty, dirty, and you use energy... but you see what rim huggers never see, the truth about the canyon.

    We can do ministry. Spend time with people, lead them to Jesus, and disciple them (make a student out of them)... or you can just look at other people paying the price of ministry and never know the joy of doing the work of Jesus Christ as we are all called to do.

    We walk on the water with Jesus or we stay in the boat.


    Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book “Burn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builder’s Guidebook” here: https://amzn.to/3PtBTIy

    Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here: https://bit.ly/3saDyYq



    Email us at: youthworkeronfire@gmail.com

    Hosted by: Doug Edwards

    Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at https://bit.ly/3FTYIAJ

    Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael Helms : https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelTheSoundGuy

    Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

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    10 mins
  • 241 Never Give Up Truth
    Feb 5 2025

    The Truth is always the right thing to talk about and believe. The Truth is not what society usually wants to hear. Real Truth usually goes against the grain of society. So... it has to be delivered in Love, Compassion, and Power through God's spirit. Not by our own self-righteous power.

    Students (and humans in general) are drawn to God's conviction and driven away by human condemnation. This episode will provide you guidelines on delivering Truth with God's Power.


    Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book “Burn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builder’s Guidebook” here: https://amzn.to/3PtBTIy

    Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here: https://bit.ly/3saDyYq



    Email us at: youthworkeronfire@gmail.com

    Hosted by: Doug Edwards

    Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at https://bit.ly/3FTYIAJ

    Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael Helms : https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelTheSoundGuy

    Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

    Show More Show Less
    20 mins
  • 240 Dr. Larry E. Shyers - Therapist and Professor
    Jan 29 2025
    What do you do when students and families need help on a professional level? This interview is going to help you find answers to those questions and situations. This interview is a straightforward discussion with a man who has given his life to the spiritual and mental growth students and their families. He has trained countless numbers to do the same. Dr. Larry Shyers has a long standing reputation as a pastor, therapist, owner of his own therapist group, and professor at Palm Beach Atlantic University. Dr. Shyers helped create laws in the early years to get family and adolescence therapy to a professional and safe level. He and his wife's love for students and families is very evident. The safety and protection of our, children, parents and families is important to God and our responsibility as youth workers, pastors, educators many more to students and families.

    Learn more about Dr. Larry Shyers here: www.larryeshyers.com


    Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book “Burn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builder’s Guidebook” here: https://amzn.to/3PtBTIy

    Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here: https://bit.ly/3saDyYq



    Email us at: youthworkeronfire@gmail.com

    Hosted by: Doug Edwards

    Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at https://bit.ly/3FTYIAJ

    Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael Helms : https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelTheSoundGuy

    Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

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    41 mins
  • 239 Making God's Love Clear
    Jan 22 2025
    Making God's Love Clear is important. It sounds like that should be easy and it is, but the power and passion of it needs to be fresh everyday. At the start of what would become one of the largest churches in the world, the pastor's first intention was that their church was going to intentionally make sure that every person that came to their church would feel loved and that they would know that God loves them. What if that was our intention for every student, volunteer staff, and family connected to our student ministry? What if God's Love was so intentional that your student ministry was known as the place that God's love was located in their community? The number one thing that every student is looking for is to be loved and to know that God is in love with them. _______________________________

    Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book “Burn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builder’s Guidebook” here: https://amzn.to/3PtBTIy

    Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here: https://bit.ly/3saDyYq



    Email us at: youthworkeronfire@gmail.com

    Hosted by: Doug Edwards

    Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at https://bit.ly/3FTYIAJ

    Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael Helms : https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelTheSoundGuy

    Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

    Show More Show Less
    19 mins