
  • Ep. 4 - "Leading Without A Purpose"
    Aug 30 2021

    This month Entitled 1 will be opening for the new school year! This week’s topic is leading without a purpose. The Podpro for this week is Educate and the Surtitle for this week is Christa McAuliffe. Dr. Neda J tells educators to take the time to observe their students. Look Both Ways by Jason Reynolds is the titled read for the month to encourage reading literacy for teens and young adults.





    Christa McAuliffe



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    13 mins
  • Ep. 3 - "Planning for Failure"
    Aug 23 2021

    This month Entitled 1 will be opening for the new school year! This week’s topic is planning for failure. The Podpro for this week is Truth for Teachers and the Surtitle for this week is Jaime Escalante. Dr. Neda J tells educators to model while they teach. Look Both Ways by Jason Reynolds is the titled read for the month to encourage reading literacy for teens and young adults.



    Truth for Teachers


    Jaime Escalante



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    17 mins
  • Ep. 2 - "Subject Matter Expert"
    Aug 16 2021

    This month Entitled 1 will be opening for the new school year! This week’s topic is for teachers to understand that they are subject matter experts. The Podpro for this week is The Creative Classroom and the Surtitle for this week is Vivian Paley. Dr. Neda J tells educators to use Mind Mapping to learn vocabulary. Look Both Ways by Jason Reynolds is the titled read for the month to encourage reading literacy for teens and young adults.



    The Creative Classroom


    Vivian Paley


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    12 mins
  • Ep. 1 - "Back to School 2021"
    Aug 9 2021

    This month Entitled 1 will be opening for the new school year! This week’s topic provides educators, parents, and students with strategies to enter the new school year successfully. The Podpro for this week is TED Talk Daily and the Surtitle for this week is Mr. McGuffey. Dr. Neda J tells educators to use Bloom’s verbs in their daily objectives. Look Both Ways by Jason Reynolds is the titled read for the month to encourage reading literacy for teens and young adults.



    TED Talk Daily


    William McGuffey


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    25 mins
  • Ep. 19 - "Castaneda Standard Program Evaluation"
    May 24 2021

    This month Entitled 1 will be recognizing Jewish American Heritage Month. This week’s topic is about program evaluation for LEP students according to the Castaneda Standard and evaluate the effectiveness of the standard. The Podpro for this week is Classnotes and the Surtitle for this week is Emma Hart Willard. Dr. Neda J tells educators to use sentence frames as the education strategy for this week. Prodigy by Marie Lu is the current title for the month to encourage reading literacy for teens and young adults while introducing books within a series.



    Emma Hart Willard


    Developing Programs for English Language Learners: Legal Background


    September 1991 OCR Memorandum


    Supporting ESL Students Mainstream


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    13 mins
  • Ep. 18 - "English Language Learners Part 6"
    May 10 2021

    This month Entitled 1 will be recognizing Jewish American Heritage Month. This week’s topic is about special education and gifted and talented for LEP students according to the Castaneda Standard and evaluate the effectiveness of the standard. The Podpro for this week is The Thought Experiment and the Surtitle for this week is Frank Laubauch. Dr. Neda J tells educators to use nonverbal communication as the education strategy for this week. Prodigy by Marie Lu is the current title for the month to encourage reading literacy for teens and young adults while introducing books within a series.



    Frank Laubach


    Developing Programs for English Language Learners: Legal Background


    September 1991 OCR Memorandum


    Six Strategies for Teaching ELLs


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    15 mins
  • Ep. 17 - "English Language Learners Pt. 5"
    May 3 2021

    This month Entitled 1 will be recognizing Jewish American Heritage Month. This week’s topic is about exiting criteria for LEP students according to the Castaneda Standard  and evaluate the effectiveness of the standard. The Podpro for this week is Latin American History and the Surtitle for this week is Ellen Ochoa. Dr. Neda J tells educators to speak clearly and have a waiting time for students response as the education strategy for this week. Prodigy by Marie Lu is the current title for the month to encourage reading literacy for teens and young adults while introducing books within a series.



    Ellen Ochoa


    Developing Programs for English Language Learners: Legal Background


    September 1991 OCR Memorandum


    Six Strategies for Teaching ELLs


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    16 mins
  • Ep. 16 - "English Language Learners Part 4"
    Apr 26 2021

    This month Entitled 1 will be recognizing English Language Month. This week’s topic is about the bilingual program according to the Castaneda Standard and evaluate the effectiveness of the standard. The Podpro for this week is ESL Pod and the Surtitle for this week is Oliver Stone. Dr. Neda J tells educators to incorporate native language for students as the education strategy for this week. Legend by Marie Lu is the current title for the month to encourage reading literacy for young adults and introduce books within a series.



    Oliver Stone


    Developing Programs for English Language Learners: Legal Background


    September 1991 OCR Memorandum


    Six Strategies for Teaching ELLs


    Show More Show Less
    16 mins