
  • scott kreider: "airwaves: how to stay tuned in to a spirit on the move"
    Dec 6 2024

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    with my friend scott (who has years under his belt in law), you have to put the lawyer jokes aside…cause if there’s one thing that makes him stand out from the usual bunch (or more so the lawyer stereotype), it’s the amount of heart he brings to the table. i’ve always walked away from conversation with scott feeling enlightened & this one is no exception! we deep dive aspects of scott’s life that play into his uncanny ability to pick up on people/vibes, his “better call saul” origin story, if you will (😉) & what it means to truly walk in the spirit.

    i think we in the faith realm have a tendency to overcomplicate, well, everything…but, what if walking in the spirit simply looked like interacting with the world presented in front of us by being present to it? period. 💛

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    peace. -will

    follow the wildflowers podcast over on instagram

    intro music by yours truly at the young band

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    1 hr and 38 mins
  • taylor logsdon: "roots: a life, a death & being born again"
    Nov 22 2024

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    life is a process. & yet, somehow, so is death. everyday we live, we exist in the tension between the two…for every breath, we die a little more. poets, theologians, songwriters, philosophers of every sort alike have tried to put words to this experience that we all know deep in our very bones.

    & still, there is so much unknown & so many questions to be asked. i think of child loss…for me, having had lost our firstborn oliver at just 2 days old, it came as a shock (to put it lightly) when not even a year and a half after our loss we got the call that our good friend taylor had lost her sweet little boy elijah—who was only 5 at the time—in a car accident. 💔

    this is not an easy one…in this episode, nearly 5 years after her loss, taylor & i discuss her story. taylor so graciously & bravely retreads her life, from growing up, working through faith & doubts alongside jesus, having a little boy enter her life & dramatically change it, his traumatic exit from this earth & the journey to get to where she is now. there is such a beauty here in taylor’s story…one of roots put down to hold firm. one of life, death & even of rebirth.

    a word: loss. it’s a touchy subject for many. whether you have or not (yet), it is something we will ALL have to become familiar with. if you’ve lost, i see you & i am so sorry for your loss…& if you haven’t, let this episode give you insight to those around you who have…lead with love. listen. & be. 💛

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    peace. -will

    follow the wildflowers podcast over on instagram

    intro music by yours truly at the young band

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    2 hrs and 4 mins
  • ian gjertson: “as iron sharpens iron: the gift of encouragement”
    Nov 8 2024

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    ya know, sometimes for the sake of reminiscing, it’s easy to get lost in nostalgia or looking back on days passed as “the glory days..." however, rarely has that been the case when i look back at the last half of my life in light of one of my closest & best friends, because though the past (with so many good times!) has given context, our present tense friendship has always been in focus. 👀

    ian & i are like brothers. we’ve been friends since we were around 15 (like, just babies lol) & we have changed & grown. A LOT! but, over time one thing is consistent about ian: he has a genuine heart for the people around him & is such an encouraging dude. encouragement bleeds out of him everywhere he goes, from his home to his work place to his church to every relationship he has...& i’m so thankful to be one of those people in his life!

    if you’ve seen a void, in your own life or the people/environments around you (not enough kindness, honesty, etc.), then FILL IT. it's showing up to YOU for a reason. i hope this one can be an encouragement on your journey. 💛

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    any & all support is so so appreciated!
    peace. -will

    follow the wildflowers podcast over on instagram

    intro music by yours truly at the young band

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    1 hr and 54 mins
  • season 2 intro: "the 1911: a house of healing & the guesthouse / sonder"
    Nov 1 2024

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    well, i'm back & it feels sooooooo good! 🌻

    it's been...a year. yes, since last season, but also, this year, man...it has held A LOT! so, like a couple friends catching up over a cup of *insert preferred beverage,* this episode is a quick life update, for both myself & a handful of season 1 guests, sharing the goal & mission statement of our brand new house + studio space (yay!) & "sonder"--a word on the heart-space this season is built around.

    last season i (somehow) kept up with weekly releases of episodes. so. much. work! this time around, they will come out whenever i get the chance...hopefully often but i'm not forcing it either.

    expect the first episode of season 2 to drop shortly...i can't wait for you to hear this one. anyways, i'm just really happy you're here 🖤

    photo: end of season 2023. a beautiful blooming spot on our local river trail. my go-to reconnect with my soul (aka happy) place :)

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    peace. -will

    follow the wildflowers podcast over on instagram

    intro music by yours truly at the young band

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    18 mins
  • season 1: “an introspective / overwintering”
    Dec 15 2023

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    the wildflowers podcast has been so so good to me (& hopefully to you as well)! 🌻

    i’ve been wanting to do some kind of “wrap-up” episode, reflecting on the goodness of this project, a dig into each episode released thus far & where i’m going from here now that season one has officially ended...so, here it is!

    season 1 = 10 episodes. 6 guests. & about 10 hours worth of content/conversations. with more to come in season 2…💛

    photo by: kayla (episode one guest!)

    this episode was sponsored by young final finish!
    a local family business near & dear to my heart 😉

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    any & all support is so so appreciated!
    peace. -will

    follow the wildflowers podcast over on instagram

    intro music by yours truly at the young band

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    25 mins
  • zion barnett: “finding truth in seasons of unraveling & re-becoming”
    Nov 24 2023

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    if you’re willing to pay attention, there’s often something beautiful waiting in the mundane right in front of you…like a barista at the local coffee shop who becomes a friend?!

    my friend zion is a bright spot to anyone who knows him, & not just because he is instantly friendly to anyone & everyone that walks into the coffeeshop or because he has such an upbeat outlook on life…it’s something deeper. in fact, underneath an exterior of skateboarding & coffee talk, he has been walking through a lot of inner & outer turmoil this summer/fall while still maintaining his light & it’s almost completely due to a fresh discovery of truth via a relationship with jesus.

    to be truthful with ourselves sometimes means facing down the ugly things we’ve done or lies we’ve told (to others or ourselves) & if you have been experiencing an unraveling of self, then i hope this one speaks to you in the process of rebecoming. 🖤

    this episode was sponsored by young final finish!
    a local family business near & dear to my heart 😉

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    any & all support is so so appreciated!
    peace. -will

    follow the wildflowers podcast over on instagram

    intro music by yours truly at the young band

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • ik caraballo de sotomayor: "hope when an ocean lies in between you & them"
    Nov 17 2023

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    my wife joylily & i have grown very close to our friend ik (pronounced “ee-kuh”) the last several months—& not just because she lives in our upstairs lol 👀. we are like family & it's so so good to be here for each other, esp. because ik has been in an extremely challenging season of life for almost 3 years now—one that's hard to wrap the head around let alone the heart…she is here in the states & her husband, lemuel, is in colombia (where ik is originally from). they are constantly caught between the hopes that come with trying to gain a visa, carrying out a long distance marriage & trusting the lord all through the process.

    a closed door sometimes stands in the way of us & the thing that's laid on our hearts most heavily...if you find yourself in that hard place to exist, then this one is for you. 🖤

    this episode was sponsored by young final finish!
    a local family business near & dear to my heart 😉

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    any & all support is so so appreciated!
    peace. -will

    follow the wildflowers podcast over on instagram

    intro music by yours truly at the young band

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    1 hr and 57 mins
  • dapo adeniyi: "...life beyond definition"
    Nov 14 2023

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    a small portion of dapo & i's convo from a while back that didn't quite make the cut for the main episode, but that was still too good not to share! 🖤

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    any & all support is so so appreciated!
    peace. -will

    follow the wildflowers podcast over on instagram

    intro music by yours truly at the young band

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    7 mins