Showing titles in Gastrointestinal
Reversing Insulin Resistance
- By Healing Your Fatty Liver
- By: Curtis Slade
- Narrated by: Michael Kornblau
- Length: 1 hr and 1 min
- Unabridged
Many people often associate the fatty liver condition with alcohol intake. However, fatty liver is not always the result of excessive alcohol consumption. This is only one of the reasons why the condition occurs. There is a prediabetes stage that can also cause fatty liver; this stage is called insulin resistance, which is characterized by weight gain and fat deposits in all viscera, including the liver.
Reversing Insulin Resistance
- By Healing Your Fatty Liver
- Narrated by: Michael Kornblau
- Length: 1 hr and 1 min
- Release date: 08-07-21
- Language: English
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Dieta alcalina [Alkaline Diet]
- Guía para principiantes para recuperar y equilibrar su salud naturalmente, perder peso y comprender el ph (libro en español / alkaline diet spanish book) [Beginner's Guide to Regain and Balance Your Health Naturally, Lose Weight and Understand PH (Libro En Español / Alkaline Diet Spanish Book)]
- By: Simone Jacobs
- Narrated by: Camilla Pamplona
- Length: 1 hr and 29 mins
- Unabridged
Este libro le guiará a través de todos los hechos esenciales que necesita saber sobre esta dieta. Le dará información pura y práctica, junto con sugerencias sencillas para empezar la dieta, así como recetas rápidas para que pueda comenzar de la mejor manera. Aprenderá la importancia de un sistema digestivo alcalino bien mantenido y apreciará mejor un estilo de vida saludable para comer sin tener que sacrificar mucho.
Dieta alcalina [Alkaline Diet]
- Guía para principiantes para recuperar y equilibrar su salud naturalmente, perder peso y comprender el ph (libro en español / alkaline diet spanish book) [Beginner's Guide to Regain and Balance Your Health Naturally, Lose Weight and Understand PH (Libro En Español / Alkaline Diet Spanish Book)]
- Narrated by: Camilla Pamplona
- Length: 1 hr and 29 mins
- Release date: 15-06-21
- Language: Spanish
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
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Sane su intestino [Heal Your Gut]
- Restaure naturalmente el equilibrio en su cuerpo. Dieta: guía definitiva para sanar su intestino permeable + 50 recetas restaurativas ... / Gut Healing Diet Book) [Naturally Restore Balance in Your Body. Diet: Definitive Guide to Healing Your Leaky Gut + 50 Restorative Recipes ... / Gut Healing Diet Book)]
- By: Jennifer Louissa
- Narrated by: Paula Cadena
- Length: 2 hrs and 50 mins
- Unabridged
Este libro contiene pasos comprobados y estrategias efectivas sobre cómo puede sanar su intestino y salvarse de enfermedades crónicas y mortales. También descubrirá cómo puede disfrutar de comidas sabrosas mientras ayuda a su intestino a recuperarse de una flora intestinal desequilibrada. Además, aprenderá por qué un estilo de vida saludable es esencial para mantener un intestino saludable.
Sane su intestino [Heal Your Gut]
- Restaure naturalmente el equilibrio en su cuerpo. Dieta: guía definitiva para sanar su intestino permeable + 50 recetas restaurativas ... / Gut Healing Diet Book) [Naturally Restore Balance in Your Body. Diet: Definitive Guide to Healing Your Leaky Gut + 50 Restorative Recipes ... / Gut Healing Diet Book)]
- Narrated by: Paula Cadena
- Length: 2 hrs and 50 mins
- Release date: 15-06-21
- Language: Spanish
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
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Probiotics: Protection Against Infection
- Using Nature's Tiny Warriors to Stem Infection and Fight Disease
- By: Case Adams
- Narrated by: Case Adams
- Length: 5 hrs and 41 mins
- Unabridged
We are surrounded, inside and out, by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes. The spread of infectious microorganisms has threatened or killed millions during recent pandemics. Dangerous bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Can we win the war against infectious disease? In Probiotics: Protection Against Infection, we find clear evidence for probiotics' ability to directly engage and defeat infectious microorganisms, boost our moods, help us sleep, and more.
Probiotics: Protection Against Infection
- Using Nature's Tiny Warriors to Stem Infection and Fight Disease
- Narrated by: Case Adams
- Length: 5 hrs and 41 mins
- Release date: 07-06-21
- Language: English
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Regular price: £14.99 or 1 Credit
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Dein innerer Ernährungsberater
- Wie wir mit somatischer Intelligenz mehr erreichen als mit jeder Diät
- By: Thomas Frankenbach
- Narrated by: Martin Hecht
- Length: 7 hrs and 2 mins
- Unabridged
Ob Low Carb, Paleo oder Keto - trotz immer neuer Diättrends fällt es vielen Menschen schwer, erfolgreich abzunehmen und dauerhaft ihr Gewicht zu halten. Doch die somatische Intelligenz (SI) ist keine klassische Diät - sondern eine achtsamkeitsbasierte Methode des Ernährungstrainings. Im Fokus dabei: Über eine nachhaltige Entwicklung von Körperbewusstsein zu einem entspannten Umgang mit Essen und Trinken finden. Denn der Weg in ein gesundes und schlankes Leben führt nicht über strenge Diätpläne und Kalorienzählen.
Dein innerer Ernährungsberater
- Wie wir mit somatischer Intelligenz mehr erreichen als mit jeder Diät
- Narrated by: Martin Hecht
- Length: 7 hrs and 2 mins
- Release date: 12-01-21
- Language: German
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Regular price: £7.99 or 1 Credit
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Hypnose bei Reizdarm
- Den Magen und Darm beruhigen
- By: Norman Wiehe
- Narrated by: Norman Wiehe
- Length: 36 mins
- Unabridged
Reizdarm ist weit verbreitet. Über 20% der Bevölkerung leiden unter den Symptomen. Die Hypnose hat sich hier bewährt und kann Abhilfe verschaffen. Klinische Studien zur Darmhypnose belegen die Wirksamkeit der Hypnose bei Reizdarmbeschwerden sowohl kurz- als auch langfristig. Zum einen kann die Hypnose mithilfe eines Therapeuten durchgeführt werden. Alternativ kann sie durch Audioprogramme zur Selbstanwendung durchgeführt werden. Beide Möglichkeiten haben sich in Studien als ähnlich effektiv erwiesen.
Hypnose bei Reizdarm
- Den Magen und Darm beruhigen
- Narrated by: Norman Wiehe
- Length: 36 mins
- Release date: 27-11-20
- Language: German
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Regular price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
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Suveræn fordøjelse
- Slip for oppustet mave, inflammation og træthed
- By: Louise Rindel Gudbergsen, Mette Bender
- Narrated by: Annette Grunnet
- Length: 4 hrs and 23 mins
- Unabridged
"Suveræn fordøjelse" giver dig en 6-ugers kur, der helbreder ubalancer og mærkbart forbedrer fordøjelsen og dit generelle velvære. Gennem ugerne vil du få mere energi og bedre humør. Efter de 6 uger vil du være godt i gang med at helbrede eventuelle tarmsygdomme og forebygge andre sygdomme. Bogen er inddelt i fire dele: Bogens første del klæder dig på til at forstå din fordøjelse ved at beskrive fordøjelsens mange trin og de problemer, der hyppigst opstår i fordøjelsens mange delfunktioner.
Suveræn fordøjelse
- Slip for oppustet mave, inflammation og træthed
- Narrated by: Annette Grunnet
- Length: 4 hrs and 23 mins
- Release date: 30-04-21
- Language: Danish
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Regular price: £12.99 or 1 Credit
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Colitis ulcerosa - Das Selbsthilfebuch
- Von der Diagnose über die Therapie und den Umgang mit Colitis ulcerosa im Alltag bis zur Heilung - inkl. 7-Tage-Ernährungsplan und den besten Übungen
- By: Maria Baumfink
- Narrated by: Miriam Blumenberg Gronau
- Length: 3 hrs and 10 mins
- Unabridged
Das Leben (wieder) in vollen Zügen genießen - trotz Colitis Ulcerosa. Colitis Ulcerosa - wer davon betroffen ist, weiß ganz genau, was er mit diesem Begriff in Verbindung bringt: Schmerzen, Durchfall, Unwohlsein, manchmal gar Fieber und noch einiges mehr. Kein Wunder, dass die Diagnose zunächst einschlägt wie eine Bombe und das ganze Leben auf den Kopf stellt.
Colitis ulcerosa - Das Selbsthilfebuch
- Von der Diagnose über die Therapie und den Umgang mit Colitis ulcerosa im Alltag bis zur Heilung - inkl. 7-Tage-Ernährungsplan und den besten Übungen
- Narrated by: Miriam Blumenberg Gronau
- Length: 3 hrs and 10 mins
- Release date: 24-03-21
- Language: German
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Regular price: £10.99 or 1 Credit
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Blähbauch loswerden
- Wie Sie die Ursachen des häufigen Völlegefühls aufdecken, diese Schritt für Schritt beseitigen und langfristig beschwerdefrei bleiben - inkl. der besten FODMAP Rezepte gegen Blähungen und Reizdarm
- By: Maria Lauterbach
- Narrated by: Jacky Höfflin
- Length: 1 hr and 39 mins
- Unabridged
Es zwickt hier, es zwickt da, die Lieblingshose spannt und der Bauch wölbt sich unschön - Völlegefühl sowie ein aufgeblähter Darm zählen wohl zu den bekanntesten Problemen. Hinzu kommt dann noch, dass das ständige Bauchgrummeln nicht das Schlimmste ist, denn nach wie vor gehört ein Blähbauch auch heute noch zu den Tabu-Themen. Dieser Ratgeber spricht die Symptome offen aus, erklärt Ihnen leicht verständlich mögliche Ursachen und stellt ebenso einfache wie alltagstaugliche Maßnahmen und Rezepte vor, die dem Blähbauch den Kampf ansagen.
Blähbauch loswerden
- Wie Sie die Ursachen des häufigen Völlegefühls aufdecken, diese Schritt für Schritt beseitigen und langfristig beschwerdefrei bleiben - inkl. der besten FODMAP Rezepte gegen Blähungen und Reizdarm
- Narrated by: Jacky Höfflin
- Length: 1 hr and 39 mins
- Release date: 18-05-21
- Language: German
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Regular price: £7.99 or 1 Credit
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Intermittent Fasting: The Complete Guide for Weight Loss, Burn Fat Through Meal Plan, Healing Your Body for a Healthy Lifestyle
- By: Amy Smith
- Narrated by: Nikki Zakocs
- Length: 3 hrs and 19 mins
- Unabridged
If you are struggling with weight loss and have no idea what to do to get it under control, this book can help. If you do not like to exercise that much, but still need to lose weight, this book is for you. If you want a lifestyle that our ancient ancestors used, then this book is for you! When you listen to Intermittent Fasting: The Complete Guide For Weight Loss, Burn Fat Through Meal Plan, Healing Your Body for a Healthy Lifestyle, you will learn all the ways intermittent fasting, and fasting in general, can help you in your life!
Intermittent Fasting: The Complete Guide for Weight Loss, Burn Fat Through Meal Plan, Healing Your Body for a Healthy Lifestyle
- Narrated by: Nikki Zakocs
- Length: 3 hrs and 19 mins
- Release date: 22-04-19
- Language: English
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
- Ein gesunder und glücklicher Neustart
- By: Gaia Lena
- Narrated by: Gaia Lena
- Length: 1 hr and 16 mins
- Unabridged
In dem Wort Heilfasten steckt nicht umsonst heilen. Mit dieser Methode habe ich es aus gesundheitlichen Gründen geschafft, meinen Darm und meinen Körper zu heilen. Erfahrt auch ihr, wie euch Heilfasten unterstützen kann: Wie Heilfasten mein Leben verändert hat, warum Heilfasten gut ist, welche Methoden es gibt, was man beim Heilfasten beachten sollte, Empfehlungen für eine Heilfastenkur, Checkliste für eine Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Nachbereitung des Heilfastens. Ich hoffe, dass das Heilfasten vielen helfen kann, so wie es mir geholfen hat.
- Ein gesunder und glücklicher Neustart
- Narrated by: Gaia Lena
- Length: 1 hr and 16 mins
- Release date: 06-07-18
- Language: German
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Regular price: £1.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £1.99 or 1 Credit
Think Like Your Colon
- By: Dr. Kotb
- Narrated by: Mar Lopata
- Length: 2 hrs
- Unabridged
Get this amazing cure for your diverticulitis in easy three steps. Get this audiobook by Amazon best-selling author Dr. M. Kotb. Have you struggled with diverticulitis? This audiobook gives you the step-by-step game plan to cure your diverticulitis in three easy, amazing steps. This step-by-step guide will give you all of the tools you need about the scientifically proven diet to cure your diverticulitis, plus healthy recipes.
Think Like Your Colon
- Narrated by: Mar Lopata
- Length: 2 hrs
- Release date: 27-02-18
- Language: English
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
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Probiotic Dieting
- The Miracle of Probiotics in Healing Your Gut, Trimming Belly Fat and Weight Loss
- By: Smart Reads
- Narrated by: Diana Lynn
- Length: 37 mins
- Unabridged
The probiotics revolution is taking over the health world. More and more people are adopting it and realizing just how important a diet filled with probiotics is in their life. If you've always wondered what probiotics are and how you can do a probiotic diet, this book will help you. Filled with information on the basics of probiotics along with simple and general diet guides you can follow. You'll find out what food items are the best sources for probiotics and which ones aren't.
Probiotic Dieting
- The Miracle of Probiotics in Healing Your Gut, Trimming Belly Fat and Weight Loss
- Narrated by: Diana Lynn
- Length: 37 mins
- Release date: 20-06-17
- Language: English
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
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Inteligencia digestiva para niños [Digestive Intelligence for Children]
- Cómo prevenir y tratar la salud digestiva de tus hijos [How to Prevent and Treat Digestive Health in Your Children]
- By: Irina Matveikova
- Narrated by: Ines Oviedo
- Length: 4 hrs and 13 mins
- Unabridged
Somos lo que comemos, y por ello como padres hemos de educar a nuestros hijos en todo lo concerniente a la correcta alimentación. Se trata de una responsabilidad que no debemos eludir si queremos que los niños crezcan sanos.
Inteligencia digestiva para niños [Digestive Intelligence for Children]
- Cómo prevenir y tratar la salud digestiva de tus hijos [How to Prevent and Treat Digestive Health in Your Children]
- Narrated by: Ines Oviedo
- Length: 4 hrs and 13 mins
- Release date: 13-06-17
- Language: Spanish
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Gluten Free Fitness
- Beginners Guide to 10 Tasty Diet Meals to Lose Weight
- By: Scott Jay Marshall
- Narrated by: Maurice R. Cravens II
- Length: 48 mins
- Unabridged
Increase your weight-loss potential on a gluten-free diet, without feeling starved or eating bland food. What if a few tips, tricks, and life hacks could double, triple, or even quadruple your ability to lose weight on a gluten-free diet? What if bland gluten-free meals and diet plans were a thing of the past and you could lose weight doing it? I lost 60lbs and you can too! I know that losing weight and eating right can be hard, especially when you are eating gluten-free. If you want to lose weight, eat delicious meals, and live a happier life through health, then pick up your copy today!
Gluten Free Fitness
- Beginners Guide to 10 Tasty Diet Meals to Lose Weight
- Narrated by: Maurice R. Cravens II
- Length: 48 mins
- Release date: 08-07-16
- Language: English
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
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Acid Reflux Relief
- Relieve Your Acid Reflux with 10 Powerful and Safe Natural Remedies
- By: Michael K. Jensen
- Narrated by: Nathan W. Wood
- Length: 40 mins
- Unabridged
It is vital for you not to live with chronic pain. By taking your life into your own hands, you can start living a healthier, pain-free life. Simply by following the steps in this book, you can start on the path of being heartburn free. The very first step is to learn about your disorder and how you can change your life. No longer do you have to be one of the 60 million American adults who suffer from heartburn once a month. It is time to live better and live healthy!
Acid Reflux Relief
- Relieve Your Acid Reflux with 10 Powerful and Safe Natural Remedies
- Narrated by: Nathan W. Wood
- Length: 40 mins
- Release date: 08-06-16
- Language: English
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Herold Innere Medizin 2015: Gastroenterologie
- By: Gerd Herold, Birgit Richter, Simon Grau
- Narrated by: Simon Grau
- Length: 14 hrs and 36 mins
- Unabridged
Der "Herold Innere Medizin" ist DAS Standardwerk der Inneren Medizin. Nachdem das Kapitel KARDIOLOGIE im Januar 2015 als Hörbuch auf den Markt kam, ist jetzt das zweite Kapitel GASTROENTEROLOGIE verfügbar. Der Text des Lehrbuches wird nahezu identisch wiedergegeben und ist daher die perfekte Ergänzung zum Lehrbuch.
Herold Innere Medizin 2015: Gastroenterologie
- Narrated by: Simon Grau
- Length: 14 hrs and 36 mins
- Release date: 01-10-15
- Language: German
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Regular price: £12.99 or 1 Credit
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Wheat Belly Lunch Cookbook: 30 Delicious Grain-Free Recipes to Help You Lose Weight and Feel Great
- The Essential Kitchen Series, Book 42
- By: Sarah Sophia
- Narrated by: Jigisha Patel
- Length: 31 mins
- Unabridged
It's time to trade in the tired, sluggish you for a leaner, happier, and more positive version of your former self. If you're one of the millions of people who struggle through each day, consuming hurried meals made up of too many grains, you're not alone. There are much better diets available, and the Wheat Belly Diet is among the best.
Wheat Belly Lunch Cookbook: 30 Delicious Grain-Free Recipes to Help You Lose Weight and Feel Great
- The Essential Kitchen Series, Book 42
- Narrated by: Jigisha Patel
- Length: 31 mins
- Release date: 05-06-15
- Language: English
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
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Let's Use Free Speech to Ponder Hemorrhoids
- Narrated by: Jim D Johnston
- Length: 7 mins
- Release date: 18-03-15
- Language: English
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Regular price: £2.99 or 1 Credit
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So Long Constipation, Part 1
- By: Katarina Nolte
- Narrated by: Melora Kordos
- Length: 17 hrs and 14 mins
- Unabridged
Are your bowel movements difficult to evacuate? Are they dry, hard, too large or too small? Do they require straining? Do you fail to have a bowel movement after every meal? Do you feel the urge to have a bowel movement only to fail to evacuate? Do you feel that your bowel movements are incomplete? Does your gut feel bloated, stuffed and tense? Do you feel bloated after moderately sized meals? Do you frequently belch or expel gas? Does your constipation make you feel tired and moody?
So Long Constipation, Part 1
- Narrated by: Melora Kordos
- Length: 17 hrs and 14 mins
- Release date: 12-10-13
- Language: English
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Regular price: £18.99 or 1 Credit
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