Showing titles in Ancient
- La sconfitta che fece vincere Roma
- By: Giovanni Brizzi
- Narrated by: Roberto Pompili
- Length: 5 hrs and 48 mins
- Unabridged
216 a.C., Canne, Apulia-Puglia: è qui che, nel corso della seconda guerra punica, le truppe di Annibale annientarono un esercito romano di dimensioni quasi doppie. Un capolavoro tattico, tuttora studiato nelle accademie militari. Il libro racconta il contesto storico in cui maturò la battaglia (vale a dire la discesa in Italia dei Cartaginesi), analizza la composizione delle forze in campo, descrive lo svolgersi dello scontro e ne mette in luce le conseguenze sull'andamento della guerra.
- La sconfitta che fece vincere Roma
- Narrated by: Roberto Pompili
- Length: 5 hrs and 48 mins
- Release date: 07-12-21
- Language: Italian
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Regular price: £7.99 or 1 Credit
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Sulla Guerra in Africa [On the War in Africa]
- De Bello Africo (Foro Latino Vol. 6)
- By: Gaio Giulio Cesare
- Narrated by: Ian A Miller
- Length: 3 hrs and 33 mins
- Unabridged
The book contains the translation in English and the original Latin text of De Bello Africo and a background taken from the second book of De Bello Civili, by Gaius Julius Caesar, which helps understanding the historical story.
Sulla Guerra in Africa [On the War in Africa]
- De Bello Africo (Foro Latino Vol. 6)
- Narrated by: Ian A Miller
- Length: 3 hrs and 33 mins
- Release date: 24-08-21
- Language: Italian
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
L'ultima vittoria dell'impero romano
- By: Andrea Frediani, Raffaele D'Amato
- Narrated by: Alberto Bergamini
- Length: 3 hrs and 47 mins
- Unabridged
La guerra civile che sconvolse l'impero romano d'Occidente tra il 350 e il 353 d.C. lasciò le frontiere indebolite, consentendo alle confederazioni dei Germani stanziate lungo il Reno di occupare parti della Gallia romana. Nel 355 l'imperatore Costanzo II nominò quindi cesare suo cugino Giuliano, di soli ventitré anni, affidandogli il comando, dapprima solo teorico, di tutte le truppe galliche. Nonostante la sua giovane età, Giuliano si dimostrò un comandante capace, riguadagnando progressivamente terreno e arginando per quasi due anni le reazioni degli Alemanni.
L'ultima vittoria dell'impero romano
- Narrated by: Alberto Bergamini
- Length: 3 hrs and 47 mins
- Release date: 09-07-21
- Language: Italian
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Regular price: £5.99 or 1 Credit
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Alexander the Great: General, Leader, God?
- By: Christopher Bellitto
- Narrated by: Christopher Bellitto
- Length: 5 hrs and 55 mins
- Original Recording
Alexander the Great (ca. 356-323 BCE) was a Macedonian general who brought Greek civilization to the edge of modern-day India. After studying the Iliad, he believed himself to be Achilles reincarnated, imitating the hero of the epic poem in his own military campaigns. Even before he died barely into his 30s, the legends surrounding him were larger than life. In this compelling new audio course, you’ll explore the history and lore surrounding this real man and mythic figure, often by consulting the ancient sources themselves.
Alexander the Great: General, Leader, God?
- Narrated by: Christopher Bellitto
- Length: 5 hrs and 55 mins
- Release date: 19-12-20
- Language: English
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Regular price: £12.99 or 1 Credit
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La Guerra judeo romana: El desarrollo de las tres guerras [The Roman-Jewish War: The Development of the Three Wars]
- By: Online Studio Productions
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 25 mins
- Unabridged
La larga pugna entre el naciente Estado Judío de comienzos de la era cristiana, y la opresión de sus conquistadores, los romanos, en este audiolibro que pretende rescatar los momentos más álgido de estas guerras. Por las consecuencias de estos hechos, su escucha resulta imprescindible.
La Guerra judeo romana: El desarrollo de las tres guerras [The Roman-Jewish War: The Development of the Three Wars]
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 25 mins
- Release date: 20-06-16
- Language: Spanish
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
La Batalla de Cannas: El desastre romano [The Battle of Cannae: The Roman Disaster]
- By: Online Studio Productions
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 30 mins
- Unabridged
A comienzos del siglo III a. de C., el Mediterráneo era testigo de la existencia de dos extraordinarias potencias: Cartago y Roma. Tras la espectacular expansión del segundo y su victoria en la primera guerra púnica, surgió la definitiva rivalidad entre ambos, la cual estalló militarmente otra vez en el 218 a. de C, cuando una de las figuras militares más importantes de todos los tiempos, el gran Aníbal, cruza los Alpes y ataca a Roma desde su propio territorio.
La Batalla de Cannas: El desastre romano [The Battle of Cannae: The Roman Disaster]
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 30 mins
- Release date: 16-06-16
- Language: Spanish
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
Las Guerras Púnicas [The Punic Wars]
- By: Online Studio Productions
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 51 mins
- Unabridged
La historia de los tres enfrentamientos militares más famosos de la Antigüedad. Roma y Cartago, las dos potencias de la época, se enfrentaron encarnizadamente en pos de la supremacía mundial. En un principio, el éxito parecía sonreír a los romanos, sin embargo, muy pronto los cartagineses cambiarían el curso de los acontecimientos tras la aparición de quizás el mayor genio militar de la historia: Aníbal.
Las Guerras Púnicas [The Punic Wars]
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 51 mins
- Release date: 19-01-16
- Language: Spanish
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La Batalla de los Campos Catalaúnicos
- La incursión de Atila y otros pueblos barbaros en el Imperio Romano [The Battle of the Catalaunian Plains: The incursion of barbarians Atila and other peoples in the Roman Empire]
- By: Online Studio Productions
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 26 mins
- Unabridged
No puede olvidar adquirirla. Considerada una de las batallas decisivas de la Historia Universal, en los campos franceses en el año 451 se enfrentaron las fuerzas de una gran coalición romana liderada por el general Flavio Aecio junto a las del rey visigodo Teodorico I, contra la alianza de los hunos comandada por su formidable rey Atila, "El azote de Dios".
La Batalla de los Campos Catalaúnicos
- La incursión de Atila y otros pueblos barbaros en el Imperio Romano [The Battle of the Catalaunian Plains: The incursion of barbarians Atila and other peoples in the Roman Empire]
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 26 mins
- Release date: 09-06-15
- Language: Spanish
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
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La guerra del Peloponeso [The Peloponnesian War]
- La cruenta batalla entre Atenas y Esparta [The Bloody Battle Between Athens and Sparta]
- By: Online Studio Productions
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 44 mins
- Unabridged
Culminadas dos de las tres guerras médicas entre el mundo heleno y Persia, un nuevo orden se había instaurado en el mundo occidental del siglo V a.C. Los griegos se habían convertido en el muro de defensa de Europa, con el consiguiente desarrollo y riqueza derivado de tal condición. Sin embargo, el éxito muy pronto traería envidias, resentimientos e intolerancias sobre todo en sus dos pueblos más importantes.
La guerra del Peloponeso [The Peloponnesian War]
- La cruenta batalla entre Atenas y Esparta [The Bloody Battle Between Athens and Sparta]
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 44 mins
- Release date: 06-05-15
- Language: Spanish
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
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Batalla de las Termopilas [The Battle of Thermopylae]
- La hazaña de Leónidas [The Heroism of Leonidas]
- By: Online Studio Productions
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 29 mins
- Unabridged
Un momento crucial para la sobrevivencia del mundo occidental. Hacia 500 años antes de Cristo, el imperio Persa, acaso el más grande de su tiempo, anhelaba conquistar Europa. Sin embargo, nunca imaginó que en el estrecho paso de las Termópilas conocería la fuerza de un pueblo, el griego, que haría de su amor por la libertad su mejor arma.
Batalla de las Termopilas [The Battle of Thermopylae]
- La hazaña de Leónidas [The Heroism of Leonidas]
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 29 mins
- Release date: 01-05-15
- Language: Spanish
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
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Las Guerras Médicas [The Greco-Persian Wars]
- El imperio persa contra el mundo helénico [The Persian Empire Against the Hellenic World]
- By: Online Studio Productions
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 35 mins
- Unabridged
Considerada como el enfrentamiento militar más importante y crucial de la antigüedad, las consecuencias nacidas tras este emocionante episodio histórico marcaron el rumbo definitivo no sólo de Grecia y Persia, sino de todo el mundo occidental. Ambas naciones, a la sazón las dos naciones más grandes de la época, se enfrascaron en una guerra colosal que empezó en el siglo V antes de Cristo, que duró más de 60 años, y que concluyó con la derrota de quien menos se esperaba: Persia.
Las Guerras Médicas [The Greco-Persian Wars]
- El imperio persa contra el mundo helénico [The Persian Empire Against the Hellenic World]
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 35 mins
- Release date: 01-05-15
- Language: Spanish
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
La Guerra de las Galias [The Gallic Wars]
- La maravillosa epopeya del gran Julio César [The Amazing Epic Story of the Great Julius Cesar]
- By: Online Studio Productions
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 29 mins
- Unabridged
La maravillosa epopeya del gran Julio César en los desconocidos campos del sur de Francia, en un emotivo audiolibro que recoge el grueso de los episodios vividos y también relatados por el propio César entre el año 58 y 51 antes de Cristo.
La Guerra de las Galias [The Gallic Wars]
- La maravillosa epopeya del gran Julio César [The Amazing Epic Story of the Great Julius Cesar]
- Narrated by: uncredited
- Length: 29 mins
- Release date: 13-03-15
- Language: Spanish
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
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Guerrieri di Roma [Warriors of Rome]
- L’integrale [Integral]
- By: Marco Busetta
- Narrated by: Piero Di Domenico
- Length: 7 hrs and 54 mins
- Unabridged
Contiene: Guerrieri di Roma vol.1, vol.2, vol.3, vol.4. Tutta la serie Guerrieri di Roma: la storia dei leggendari guerrieri romani, le loro biografie, il valore e i discorsi più emozionanti, dall’origine di Roma alla fine dell’Impero. Per chi ama la storia militare, ma soprattutto per chi ama le biografie dei grandi eroi di Roma antica.
Guerrieri di Roma [Warriors of Rome]
- L’integrale [Integral]
- Narrated by: Piero Di Domenico
- Series: Guerrieri di Roma, Book 1-4
- Length: 7 hrs and 54 mins
- Release date: 16-10-12
- Language: Italian
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Regular price: £7.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £7.99 or 1 Credit
Guerrieri di Roma, vol. 4 [Warriors of Rome vol. 4]
- By: Marco Busetta
- Narrated by: Piero Di Domenico
- Length: 2 hrs and 19 mins
- Unabridged
Il quarto e ultimo volume in audiolibro sui più leggendari guerrieri romani, le loro biografie, il valore e i discorsi più emozionanti. Per chi ama la storia militare, ma soprattutto per chi ama le biografie dei grandi eroi di Roma antica. Le biografie del quarto volume: Marco Antonio - Agrippa - Varo - Tiberio - Druso Maggiore - Germanico - Tito - Traiano - Marco Aurelio - Settimio Severo - Aureliano - Costantino.
Guerrieri di Roma, vol. 4 [Warriors of Rome vol. 4]
- Narrated by: Piero Di Domenico
- Series: Guerrieri di Roma, Book 4
- Length: 2 hrs and 19 mins
- Release date: 11-10-12
- Language: Italian
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
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Le grandi battaglie di Roma antica 1 [The great battles of ancient Rome 1]
- By: Federico Mascagni
- Narrated by: Valentina Palmieri
- Length: 58 mins
- Unabridged
Primo audiolibro di una serie dedicata alle più importanti battaglie della storia romana, dal periodo regio alla fine dell’impero. Dal Lago Curzio (753 a.C.) a Zama (202 a.C.), dai popoli latini ad Annibale tutte le più grandi battaglie combattute da Roma antica.The first audiobook in a series dedicated to the most important battles of Roman history, from the regal period to the end of the empire. From Lake Curtius (753 BC) to Zama (202 BC), from the Latin peoples to Hannibal, all the biggest battles of ancient Rome.
Le grandi battaglie di Roma antica 1 [The great battles of ancient Rome 1]
- Narrated by: Valentina Palmieri
- Series: Le grandi battaglie di Roma antica, Book 1
- Length: 58 mins
- Release date: 13-04-12
- Language: Italian
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Regular price: £2.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £2.99 or 1 Credit
Guerre civili - Roma. Armi contro parole
- Lezioni di Storia
- By: Andrea Giardina
- Narrated by: Andrea Giardina
- Length: 1 hr and 8 mins
- Original Recording
L'ultimo secolo della Repubblica romana fu segnato dalle guerre civili. La stagione fu inaugurata nell'82 da Silla, che per primo condusse un esercito di romani contro la patria, e conclusa da Ottaviano nel 31, con la vittoria su Antonio e Cleopatra. Le regole della convivenza furono sconvolte, le cose sacre profanate, i cittadini contro i cittadini, i figli contro i padri, i fratelli contro i fratelli. I pilastri immateriali che per quattro secoli, anche nei momenti di crisi, avevano sostenuto la città, andarono in frantumi.
Guerre civili - Roma. Armi contro parole
- Lezioni di Storia
- Narrated by: Andrea Giardina
- Series: Lezioni di Storia, Book 89
- Length: 1 hr and 8 mins
- Release date: 16-08-19
- Language: Italian
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
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Guerre Civili - Atene 404 a.C. La guerra civile
- Lezioni di Storia
- By: Luciano Canfora
- Narrated by: Luciano Canfora
- Length: 1 hr and 4 mins
- Original Recording
La cesura più lacerante nella storia dell'Atene classica fu, per effetto della sconfitta militare dell'aprile 404 a.C., il divampare di una guerra civile che era in incubazione da decenni. Da sempre, la democrazia politica era stata vissuta da una parte dei ceti possidenti come una forzatura intollerabile. Essi avevano auspicato la sconfitta della propria città nel lunghissimo conflitto con Sparta; e quando finalmente la sconfitta giunse, essi presero il potere con l'aiuto delle armi spartane.
Guerre Civili - Atene 404 a.C. La guerra civile
- Lezioni di Storia
- Narrated by: Luciano Canfora
- Series: Lezioni di Storia, Book 88
- Length: 1 hr and 4 mins
- Release date: 16-08-19
- Language: Italian
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The Swords of Silence
- The Swords of Fire Trilogy, Book 1
- By: Shaun Curry
- Narrated by: Thomas McGairl
- Length: 8 hrs and 6 mins
- Unabridged
Where once new ideas and beliefs were accepted, now the country's military dictator, the Shogun, is shutting his country down to any outside influences. Father Joaquim Martinez, who left Portugal to make Hizen Province, Japan, his home, has been quietly tending to the lives of his villagers, but everything is about to be thrown into turmoil, as the Shogun has outlawed Martinez's beliefs. Those who won't recant or accept banishment, face a death sentence.
Did not finish.
- By martin freshwater on 03-05-20
The Swords of Silence
- The Swords of Fire Trilogy, Book 1
- Narrated by: Thomas McGairl
- Series: The Swords of Fire Trilogy, Book 1
- Length: 8 hrs and 6 mins
- Release date: 01-10-19
- Language: English
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Regular price: £12.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £12.99 or 1 Credit
The Art of War
- By: Sun Tzu
- Narrated by: Phil Chenever
- Length: 1 hr and 16 mins
- Unabridged
The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the 5th century BC. The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (Master Sun), is composed of 13 chapters. Each chapter is devoted to a different set of skills related to warfare and how it applies to military strategy and tactics. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare and has influenced both Far Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy, politics, sports, lifestyles and beyond.
The Art of War
- Narrated by: Phil Chenever
- Length: 1 hr and 16 mins
- Release date: 28-11-22
- Language: English
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Regular price: £8.99 or 1 Credit
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Le traité des cinq roues
- L’art de la stratégie
- By: Miyamoto Musashi
- Narrated by: Joffrey Lorre
- Length: 1 hr and 54 mins
- Unabridged
La Sagesse intemporelle des samouraïs ! Lorsque vous comprendrez l’art de la stratégie, vous deviendrez invincible ! Publié pour la première fois en 1645, ce livre reste d’actualité pour les nouvelles générations. Le traité des cinq roues est considéré comme l'un des textes les plus perspicaces sur les arts subtils de l'affrontement et de la victoire à avoir vu le jour. Composé en XVII siècle par le célèbre duelliste et samouraï invaincu, Miyamoto Musashi, ce livre analyse le processus de lutte et de maîtrise des conflits qui sous-tend tous les niveaux d'interaction humaine.
Le traité des cinq roues
- L’art de la stratégie
- Narrated by: Joffrey Lorre
- Length: 1 hr and 54 mins
- Release date: 21-12-23
- Language: French
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