Showing titles in Anger Management
- By: Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- Narrated by: Jason Leikam
- Length: 1 hr and 59 mins
- Unabridged
Mind-move (M-M) is likely the easiest and fastest method you will ever find to help you to cope with stress, relax, sleep, meditate, strengthen your mind, improve concentration, let go of baggage, find internal balance, meet counseling goals, and meet your life goals in constructive ways. While some report taking only minutes to benefit from the exercise, others report taking only seconds.
- Narrated by: Jason Leikam
- Length: 1 hr and 59 mins
- Release date: 10-03-22
- Language: English
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Je suis épuisé.e
- Anxiété, surmenage, burn-out. Le guide pour reprendre le contrôle
- By: Cathy Assenheim
- Narrated by: Catherine Creux
- Length: 5 hrs and 17 mins
- Unabridged
Anxiété, surmenage, burn-out... ce n'est pas que dans la tête ! L'épuisement est une réalité physiologique, et ce livre vous donne les clés pour lutter efficacement contre lui. Dans ce livre, Cathy Assenheim vous éclaire et vous aide à : Comprendre les causes nerveuses et hormonales des symptômes typiques.
Je suis épuisé.e
- Anxiété, surmenage, burn-out. Le guide pour reprendre le contrôle
- Narrated by: Catherine Creux
- Length: 5 hrs and 17 mins
- Release date: 30-03-22
- Language: French
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Regular price: £12.99 or 1 Credit
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Controla Tu Enojo [Control Your Anger]
- Actitudes Que Debemos Dejar Para Gestionar el Enojo, Cómo Sanar las Heridas No Resueltas Que lo Causan, Manejar Situaciones Difíciles y Vivir Gobernados por la Paz de Dios
- By: Javi Martínez
- Narrated by: Agustín Dominguez
- Length: 1 hr and 11 mins
- Unabridged
El enojo forma parte de nuestra cotidianidad. Vivimos en una época en que las personas viven muy sensibles y que estallan ante la menor provocación. No somos ajenos a esto, también debemos tratar con este sentimiento en nuestras propias vidas. Ya sea que nos enojemos rápido, lento o creamos que no nos enojamos. Para ser efectivos en nuestro trato con el enojo, debemos preguntarnos la causa de este. Así, al intentar llegar a la raíz podremos conocer si nuestra gestión de esta emoción es adecuada.
Controla Tu Enojo [Control Your Anger]
- Actitudes Que Debemos Dejar Para Gestionar el Enojo, Cómo Sanar las Heridas No Resueltas Que lo Causan, Manejar Situaciones Difíciles y Vivir Gobernados por la Paz de Dios
- Narrated by: Agustín Dominguez
- Length: 1 hr and 11 mins
- Release date: 11-02-22
- Language: Spanish
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Control de la ira [Anger Management]
- Gestión del enojo y la frustración [Managing Anger and Frustration]
- By: Owen Jones
- Narrated by: Jorge Fernández
- Length: 1 hr and 8 mins
- Unabridged
Vale la pena mirar de cerca al enojo y la agresión para lograr tener una comprensión más profunda de los arrebatos emocionales que requieren con frecuencia la aplicación de técnicas para el control de la ira. La frustración es la causa principal de la ira. Sin embargo, esta no aparece de la noche a la mañana; más bien se presenta cuando los temas de fondo le hacen surgir. Por tanto, la frustración es un sentimiento o estado profundo y continuo de insatisfacción y de falta de confianza que surge de agravios no resueltos o de necesidades y deseos no cumplidos.
Control de la ira [Anger Management]
- Gestión del enojo y la frustración [Managing Anger and Frustration]
- Narrated by: Jorge Fernández
- Length: 1 hr and 8 mins
- Release date: 13-01-22
- Language: Spanish
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Sortir des conflits
- Comprendre, gérer et transformer les affrontements en épisodes constructifs
- By: Christophe Carré
- Narrated by: Fabian Finkels
- Length: 4 hrs and 5 mins
- Unabridged
Abordez sereinement toutes les situations et transformez les affrontements en épisodes constructifs. Le conflit fait partie de la vie. Au quotidien, nous éprouvons des difficultés relationnelles : maladresses, malentendus, désaccords, oppositions sans conséquence ou hostilités violentes... Souvent, nous avons peur et les comportements que nous adoptons ne font qu'envenimer les choses. Pourquoi entrons-nous en conflit ? Quels outils de dialogue privilégier ? Comment communiquer de façon consciente ?
Sortir des conflits
- Comprendre, gérer et transformer les affrontements en épisodes constructifs
- Narrated by: Fabian Finkels
- Length: 4 hrs and 5 mins
- Release date: 14-10-21
- Language: French
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Regular price: £15.99 or 1 Credit
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Aggressionsbewältigung [Anger Management]
- Wut und Frustration kontrollieren [Control anger and frustration]
- By: Owen Jones
- Narrated by: Desiree Singson
- Length: 1 hr and 7 mins
- Unabridged
Viele Menschen glauben, dass die Wut in der Weltbevölkerung insgesamt in alarmierendem Maße zunimmt. Es werden verschiedene Gründe vorgeschlagen, von denen einige sind: Gewalt im Fernsehen und in Filmen; Chemikalien und E-Nummern in verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln; das Besprühen von Pflanzen; Chemtrails von Flugzeugen; Alkohol- und Drogenmissbrauch; eine Abnahme der Selbstkontrolle; reduzierter Glaube an Gott; mangelnder Respekt vor traditionellen Autoritätspersonen und viele andere.
Aggressionsbewältigung [Anger Management]
- Wut und Frustration kontrollieren [Control anger and frustration]
- Narrated by: Desiree Singson
- Length: 1 hr and 7 mins
- Release date: 29-07-21
- Language: German
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Expert Secrets - Emotional Intelligence
- By: Terry Lindberg
- Narrated by: Joseph Thorson
- Length: 1 hr and 21 mins
- Unabridged
Award-winning psychologist and author, Terry Lindberg, has crafted Expert Secrets - Emotional Intelligence, a life-changing guide for people like you who suffer from anger and emotion regulation issues.With this life-changing guide, you will learn what your emotional intelligence level is using an insanely accurate test; significantly benefit from personal and social competencies of emotional intelligence; and more.
Expert Secrets - Emotional Intelligence
- Narrated by: Joseph Thorson
- Length: 1 hr and 21 mins
- Release date: 01-07-21
- Language: English
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Come gestire la rabbia tossica indotta da manipolatori affettivi
- By: Francesca Saccà
- Narrated by: Alessio Moneta
- Length: 51 mins
- Unabridged
L'incapacità di controllare la rabbia è uno dei principali meccanismi che impediscono di tenere a debita distanza i manipolatori affettivi. La provocazione è l'arma preferita da un manipolatore professionista, che si nutre della frustrazione altrui e si diletta in quest'arte. In questo volume la Dott.ssa Francesca Saccà, psicologa, psicoterapeuta e scrittrice, esperta nel campo della dipendenza affettiva e del trauma da narcisismo, spiega come gestire la rabbia tossica indotta da manipolatori affettivi (partner, genitori, amici, colleghi di lavoro) e trasformarla.
Come gestire la rabbia tossica indotta da manipolatori affettivi
- Narrated by: Alessio Moneta
- Length: 51 mins
- Release date: 27-04-21
- Language: Italian
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Love Yourself Through Anger Breathwork Meditation
- One Moon Present, A Radical Healing Formula to Transform Your Life in 28 Days (Love Yourself Through Breathwork Meditations, Book 3)
- By: Borut Lesjak
- Narrated by: Borut Lesjak, Sarah Berti
- Length: 35 mins
- Unabridged
Love Yourself Through Anger Breathwork Meditation: One Moon Present, A Radical Healing Formula to Transform Your Life in 28 Days is an intuitively guided, powerful breathwork meditation recording for your regular, dedicated healing practice. By following Lesjak’s grounded daily plan and learning to stay in the moment with this highly practical approach, you’ll soon feel the fog clearing. And as your own truth becomes clearer with each day, any anger, rage, frustration, and powerlessness will evaporate in favor of a potent sense of feeling in charge of your own destiny.
Love Yourself Through Anger Breathwork Meditation
- One Moon Present, A Radical Healing Formula to Transform Your Life in 28 Days (Love Yourself Through Breathwork Meditations, Book 3)
- Narrated by: Borut Lesjak, Sarah Berti
- Series: Love Yourself Through Breathwork Meditations, Book 3
- Length: 35 mins
- Release date: 22-04-21
- Language: English
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
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A Grownup Guide to Effective Crankiness: The CrankaTsuris Method
- By: Steven Joseph
- Narrated by: Nicholas Santasier
- Length: 4 hrs and 33 mins
- Unabridged
The last surviving dinosaur: The TyrantoCrankaTsuris introduced the kid listeners to the tiniest, most dangerous dinosaur on the planet: The TyrantoCrankaTsuris. All humans descended from this tiny dinosaur - and this follow-up audiobook for adults examines how “crankiness” is part of our nature. Using good humor throughout, Steven Joseph observes that we typically do not hesitate to pour out our CrankaTsuris all over our spouses, kids, parents, and sibling - and then there can be a CrankaTsuris retaliation. Before you know it, you are in the middle of a CrankaTsuris food fight.
A Grownup Guide to Effective Crankiness: The CrankaTsuris Method
- Narrated by: Nicholas Santasier
- Length: 4 hrs and 33 mins
- Release date: 21-04-21
- Language: English
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
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Top Tips for Dealing with Anger
- Tips, Techniques, Quotes, and Illustrations on How to Overcome, Control, and Channel Your Anger and Make It Work for You
- By: Gini Graham Scott
- Narrated by: John Sipple
- Length: 1 hr and 31 mins
- Unabridged
Top Tips for Deatling with Anger provides a broad overview of the many facets of anger by combining commentary, quotes, and illustrations. It concludes with a section on tips and techniques for dealing with your own anger and a questionnaire to help you decide what to do. It covers these main topics: the pervasiveness and destructiveness of anger; controlling anger and making choices; letting go, expressing your anger, and forgiveness; and promoting change.
Top Tips for Dealing with Anger
- Tips, Techniques, Quotes, and Illustrations on How to Overcome, Control, and Channel Your Anger and Make It Work for You
- Narrated by: John Sipple
- Length: 1 hr and 31 mins
- Release date: 15-04-21
- Language: English
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
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La Gestione Della Rabbia [Anger Management]
- Controllare la rabbia e la frustrazione [Control Anger and Frustration]
- By: Owen Jones
- Narrated by: Patrizia Barrera
- Length: 1 hr and 13 mins
- Unabridged
Molte persone credono che la rabbia nella popolazione mondiale stia crescendo con un ritmo allarmante. Ci sono vari motivi proposti per spiegarlo, tra i quali: la violenza in televisione e nei film; additivi chimici nei cibi processati; uso dei pesticidi; scie chimiche degli aerei; abuso di alcool e di altre sostanza; un calo dell`autocontrollo; diminuzione della credenza in Dio; mancanza di rispetto per le tradizionali figure autoritarie, e molte altre.
La Gestione Della Rabbia [Anger Management]
- Controllare la rabbia e la frustrazione [Control Anger and Frustration]
- Narrated by: Patrizia Barrera
- Length: 1 hr and 13 mins
- Release date: 29-03-21
- Language: Italian
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Angry as F*** but No Idea Why?
- Transform Anger into Inner Peace
- By: Justin Lodge
- Narrated by: Justin Lodge
- Length: 3 hrs and 45 mins
- Unabridged
It’s time to step up and harness your anger. They say ignorance is bliss, but it’s not. Willful ignorance is killing us. It is killing us violently, relentlessly, and without mercy. Conscious growth is not for the person who believes that the fault lies with someone else and is seeking to shift the blame. Conscious growth is not for the person that wants to hide out and avoid making change. Conscious growth is not for the person who believes that they already know all the answers.
Angry as F*** but No Idea Why?
- Transform Anger into Inner Peace
- Narrated by: Justin Lodge
- Length: 3 hrs and 45 mins
- Release date: 19-02-21
- Language: English
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
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Forget Anger Management: Learn 7 Key Ways to Transform Anger into Courage
- By: Ken Marrow
- Narrated by: James Morrison
- Length: 3 hrs and 10 mins
- Unabridged
Stop letting your anger get the best of you. Turn it into a launching pad instead. Have you often gotten into trouble because of your short fuse? Do people tiptoe around you in case they do something that might set you off? Have you tried to keep a lid on your outbursts, only to end up feeling more frustrated than ever? Anger can be a destructive force that affects relationships long after the initial rush of emotion. More often than not, you end up regretting the hurtful things you’ve said and done in the heat of the moment.
Forget Anger Management: Learn 7 Key Ways to Transform Anger into Courage
- Narrated by: James Morrison
- Length: 3 hrs and 10 mins
- Release date: 14-01-21
- Language: English
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Anger Management, Anxiety and Panic Attack and Self-Discipline: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Dealing with Anxiety and Anger
- Develop Habits to Build Mental Toughness and Self-Confidence
- By: Charlotte Brown
- Narrated by: Sharon Paloma, Kelly Ryan Wilmos
- Length: 9 hrs and 47 mins
- Unabridged
Your negative emotions and anxieties could have the power to ruin your life. It’s time for you to take it back. These books will help you get the control you need before you lose the people around you that you love most. Anger and anxiety are two of the hardest problems for people to deal with, but with the lessons inside these books, you’ll be able to master them in no time.
Anger Management, Anxiety and Panic Attack and Self-Discipline: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Dealing with Anxiety and Anger
- Develop Habits to Build Mental Toughness and Self-Confidence
- Narrated by: Sharon Paloma, Kelly Ryan Wilmos
- Length: 9 hrs and 47 mins
- Release date: 19-11-20
- Language: English
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Regular price: £14.99 or 1 Credit
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House of Peace
- 4 Step System to Building a More Peaceful You
- By: Robin Flowers
- Narrated by: Graham Mack
- Length: 3 hrs and 43 mins
- Unabridged
Anger’s a small word, but it can have big consequences. When we understand where our anger comes from and what triggers it, we can build new, healthy habits to help us break the cycle. And with that comes a feeling of peace and the power to use our anger in a constructive way. In House of Peace, you’ll learn everything you need to know to build a more peaceful structure for your life brick by brick.
House of Peace
- 4 Step System to Building a More Peaceful You
- Narrated by: Graham Mack
- Length: 3 hrs and 43 mins
- Release date: 18-11-20
- Language: English
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Estoicismo [Stoicism]
- Desbloquear los Secretos de la Vida Estoica, Adaptación Emocional, Mentalidad Inalterable y el Descubrimiento de Principios y Técnicas de Meditación
- By: Mark Jeffers
- Narrated by: Daniel Bustillo
- Length: 3 hrs and 3 mins
- Unabridged
El estoicismo es una filosofía de vida diseñada para permitir que las personas vivan sus vidas de la mejor manera posible. Esta filosofía ayuda a reducir las emociones negativas, maximiza los sentimientos positivos y le permite concentrarse y trabajar en las virtudes de su personalidad. En este audiolibro, aprenderá cómo aplicar el estoicismo en todas las etapas y momentos de su vida. Le recordará lo que es realmente importante y descubrirá estrategias prácticas para vivir una vida mejor.
Estoicismo [Stoicism]
- Desbloquear los Secretos de la Vida Estoica, Adaptación Emocional, Mentalidad Inalterable y el Descubrimiento de Principios y Técnicas de Meditación
- Narrated by: Daniel Bustillo
- Length: 3 hrs and 3 mins
- Release date: 06-11-20
- Language: Spanish
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Emotional Intelligence Mastery: 2 Books in 1
- The New Ultimate Bible to Mastering Your Emotions: Anger Management + Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- By: Lionel Potts
- Narrated by: Chris Reilly
- Length: 6 hrs and 55 mins
- Unabridged
Do you always get frustrated and annoyed by the tiniest things? Do you find yourself in a condition where you tend to lose your temper and you start saying hurtful things to the people around you? In this two-book bundle, you will discover and learn all of the secrets of anger management and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Emotional Intelligence Mastery: 2 Books in 1
- The New Ultimate Bible to Mastering Your Emotions: Anger Management + Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Narrated by: Chris Reilly
- Series: Emotional Intelligence Mastery, Book 1-2
- Length: 6 hrs and 55 mins
- Release date: 11-09-20
- Language: English
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Regular price: £14.99 or 1 Credit
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Anger Management
- Master Your Emotions with New Anger Management Tools & Strategies for Every Day Life
- By: Lionel Potts
- Narrated by: Chris Reilly
- Length: 3 hrs and 6 mins
- Unabridged
Do you always get frustrated and annoyed by the tiniest things? Do you find yourself in a condition where you tend to lose your temper and you start saying hurtful things to the people around you?Have you ever thrown things, just because you feel furious and anger or broke dishes or anything like that? Have you ever been physically aggressive to other people? If your answer to any of these previous questions is yes; then it is probable that you are experiencing certain problems related to anger and self-management.
Anger Management
- Master Your Emotions with New Anger Management Tools & Strategies for Every Day Life
- Narrated by: Chris Reilly
- Series: Emotional Intelligence Mastery, Book 1
- Length: 3 hrs and 6 mins
- Release date: 20-08-20
- Language: English
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Jammerland ist abgebrannt!
- Warum jetzt der richtige Zeitpunkt ist, dein Ding zu machen
- By: Yvette Reinberger
- Narrated by: Yvette Reinberger
- Length: 1 hr and 36 mins
- Unabridged
Der Lehrer stellt den armen Schülern bei der Klausur unmögliche Fragen, der Schiri pfeift beim Fußballspiel nur für die gegnerische Mannschaft, der Chef nervt mit seinen neuen Ideen und im Haushalt hilft auch mal wieder niemand mit. Dazu all diese Negativschlagzeilen: Klimawandel, Altersarmut, Negativzinsen, ...Wenn das mal nicht genug Gründe zum Jammern sind! Es reicht! Damit muss jetzt Schluss sein, fordert Autorin Yvette Reinberger in ihrem Buch Jammerland ist abgebrannt! Warum jetzt der richtige Zeitpunkt ist, dein Ding zu machen.
Jammerland ist abgebrannt!
- Warum jetzt der richtige Zeitpunkt ist, dein Ding zu machen
- Narrated by: Yvette Reinberger
- Length: 1 hr and 36 mins
- Release date: 03-07-20
- Language: German
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Regular price: £7.99 or 1 Credit
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