Showing results by author "ciesse" in All Categories
Processo Open Arms contro Matteo Salvini
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
Questo podcast contiene la registrazione integrale della fase dibattimentale, della requisitoria del Pubblico Ministero e dell'Arringa difensiva finale dell'Avvocato Giulia Bongiorno del Processo di primo grado contro il Ministro Matteo Salvini, celebrato presso il Tribunale di Palermo dall'agosto 2019 al dicembre 2024.La registrazione è di Pubblico Dominio.Il download di questa registrazione è disponibile anche su:
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Novelle per un anno (Luigi Pirandello)
- By: ciesse
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Novelle per un anno è una raccolta di 241 novelle scritte da Luigi Pirandello. Originariamente sono state pubblicate sul Corriere della Sera, successivamente ripubblicate in 15 raccolte. Inizialmente erano previste 24 raccolte contenenti 365 novelle, tuttavia la prematura morte dell'autore ha impedito il raggiungimento del traguardo. Postume sono state pubblicate altre novelle scritte dall'autore. Le raccolte sono state pubblicate tra il 1922 e il 1938.
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Valerio Di Stefano - La scuola a pezzi
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
La scuola è: - leggi - regolamenti - disposizioni - circolari - patti di corresponsabilità - organi collegiali - attività didattiche - verifiche scritte e orali - assemblee di classe e di istituto - rappresentanti di classe, dei genitori e dei docenti - RSU - procedure amministrative - contratti collettivi nazionali di lavoro - diritti e doveri del personale - diritti e doveri degli studenti - diritti e doveri delle famiglie ma, soprattutto, Pubblica Amministrazione. E, in virtù di questo, molto, molto altro. La scuola è fatta di carte (le proverbiali "scartoffie"), documenti, ...
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Collodi - Le avventure di Pinocchio -
- By: ciesse
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Questo audiolibro è distribuito dalla biblioteca multimediale ad accesso gratuito Valerio Di Stefano sull'audiolettura.
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Book of Mormon, The by Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805 - 1844)
- By: ciesse
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The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible, used by Latter Day Saints. It is a record of God’s dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas.The book was written by ancient prophets through the spirit of prophecy and revelation. It gives an account of two great civilizations. One came from Jerusalem in 600 B.C., and afterward separated into two nations, known as the Nephites and the Lamanites. The other came much earlier when the Lord confounded the tongues at the Tower of Babel. This group is known as the Jaredites. After thousands of years, all were ...
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Pearl of Great Price by Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805 - 1844)
- By: ciesse
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The Pearl of Great Price is a selection of choice materials touching many significant aspects of the faith and doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These items were translated and produced by the Prophet Joseph Smith, and most were published in the Church periodicals of his day.The first edition was published in 1851. It became a standard work of the Church in 1880. It was divided into chapters and verses in 1902. The version being read is the 1920 edition. (Summary by Glenn O'Brien)
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Alice; or The Wages of Sin by Frederic Werden Pangborn (1855 - )
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
This book is given to the reader, as the exposition of a terrible possibility in actual life. Should there be found, in its pages, any warm tints, any cheering or amusing passages, the author will be glad to know that they have brightened a moment of some reader's life. But he has not written merely to amuse. He has sought to "point a moral," as well as to "adorn a tale;" and, if the work shall become the means of helping some sincere soul to a strengthening of its determination to think before acting, to study consequences before creating causes, the author will not have written in vain.
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Alice Dugdale by Anthony Trollope (1815 - 1882)
- By: ciesse
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An ordinary village girl's plans for the future with her long-standing beau are threatened when he is seen to be an attractive prospect by a local noble family Trollope's novella works through the consequences with typical affection and sensitivity. - Summary by Anthony Ogus
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Allerlei Gelehrte by Hans Hoffmann (1848 - 1909)
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
Humoresken von Hans Hoffmann. Im Anekdoten-ähnelnden Stil erzählt Hoffmann in diesem ruhigen Buch mit großer Menschenkenntnis und feinem Humor von verwirrten Gelehrten, Fehden, Streichen und Kunst. Durch das Hervorrufen von Schmunzeln und Verwunderung entwickeln diese langen Erzählungen ihren Charme. (schrm)
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The Holy Bible Complete Audio Project
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
ALL Recordings of "The Holy Bible Complete Audio Project" in English are taken from archives.All Recordings are in the Public Domain.
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First Chapter Collection 003 by Various
- By: ciesse
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LibriVox First Chapter Collection 003 - a collection of the first chapters of 15 different books, chosen by LibriVox volunteers. This volume includes the first chapters of books by Andrew Murray, William Dean Howells, Charles Dickens, Frederick Marryat, and others, plus Bible readings from the Reina Valera (Spanish) and King James versions, and more! (Summary by Rachel)
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Valerio Di Stefano -De Profundis Clamavi
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
Questo non è un libro di morale, né un grido di dolore o, tanto meno, una lamentazione acritica e dozzinale su come va il mondo. Si tratta, molto più semplicemente, di una sorta di testamento spirituale di un uomo che, giunto alle soglie dei sessant'anni, e con la viva speranza di vivere ancora molto a lungo, fa un bilancio non tanto della propriai vita, quanto della vita in générale, cercando di inserirvi tutto quanto in essa ha appreso. Cioè poche cose.
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Giovanni Verga - Storia di una capinera
- By: ciesse
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Questo audiolibro proviene dalla biblioteca multimediale 2010 e seguenti di Valerio Di Stefano per l'audiolettura,
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Favole di Jean de La Fontaine: Libro 11 by Jean de La Fontaine (1621 - 1695)
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
Nei 12 volumi delle "Favole" (1669 - 1693) Jean de La Fontaine rinnovò la tradizione esopica, rappresentando la commedia umana. Quest'opera dimostrò il suo amore per la vita rurale e attraverso animali simbolici ironizzò sulla vita della società dell'epoca.In the 12 volumes/books of "Favole" (1669 - 1693) Jean de La Fontaine renewed Aesop's tradition, representing the human comedy. This demonstrated his love for country life and by symbolic animals he ironized about his current years society's life.(Summary by Paolo Fedi)
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1900 or The Last President by Ingersoll Lockwood (1841 - 1918)
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
The year is 1896. The United States is rocked by the election of an unlikely president. On election night, riots broke out in the streets of New York. The city was paralyzed with dread. Mobs organized under the lead of Anarchists and Socialists. Farther South, people celebrated. This was a President elected by the working class and he was a President who followed through with his commitment to fight for the rights of the people. This president would fight to end the enslavement of the people by money lenders, big bankers, corporations and government overtax. But can he be successful in a ...
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Bee and Butterfly, A Tale of Two Cousins by Lucy Foster Madison (1965 - 1932)
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
The wonderful evolution of a caterpillar, or grub, into a beautifully winged creature must inspire admiration in everyone. More marvelous still is the growth of the human soul which in many respects resembles the development of the butterfly. It is this thought which has induced the author to attempt to depict the transformation of a careless maiden into noble womanhood. - Summary by Lucy Foster Madison
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Birthday Party, A Story for Little Folks, The by Oliver Optic (1822 - 1897)
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
Flora Lee's birthday came in July. Her mother wished very much to celebrate the occasion in a proper manner. Flora was a good girl, and her parents were always glad to do any thing they could to please her, and to increase her happiness.This story was written by Adams under the pseudonym of Oliver Optic.
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Anne's House of Dreams (version 3) by Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874 - 1942)
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
The book begins with Anne and Gilbert's wedding, which takes place in the Green Gables orchard. After the wedding, they move to their first home together, which Anne calls their "house of dreams". Gilbert finds them a small house on the seashore at Four Winds Point, an area near the village of Glen St. Mary, where he is to take over his uncle's medical practice. (Summary by Shiluh)
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Birds' Christmas Carol (version 2), The by Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856 - 1923)
- By: ciesse
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Born on Christmas Day, little Carol Bird is a gentle soul who touches every life around her. Despite physical illness, Carol is loved by everyone who knows her. This year, she is going to make Christmas extra special for her family and the little Ruggles children who live nearby. (Introduction by Andrea Boltz)
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Absentee, The by Maria Edgeworth (1768 - 1849)
- By: ciesse
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Published in 1812, “The Absentee” by Maria Edgeworth examines social injustice in 19th-century Britain. At that time, the management of many Irish estates suffered from the absenteeism of their Anglo-Irish landlords. We meet Lord and Lady Clonbrony. Lord Clonbrony struggles with debt, while Lady Clonbrony tries to shed her Irish connections and earn status in London’s high society (known as “the ton.”) Meanwhile, their son, Lord Colambre, is wary of the entanglements of that society and escapes to the family estate in Ireland, where he discovers the abuses that have arisen in the ...
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