Showing results by author "Cala Vox" in All Categories
Holy Contradictions
- By: Cala Vox
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We’re excited to announce that, following the incredible success of our previous season, we’ve launched the next one with another 100 Bible quotes. From now on, episodes will be released weekly, every Sunday. We understand that some may view irony as the devil’s plaything, but here, it’s a tool to ignite curiosity and deepen our understanding of God’s Word—much like Joseph's story in Genesis 50:20 reminds us of the bigger picture.That’s why we’re thrilled to present *"Holy Contradictions: ❤️ Love, 😡 Hate, ✝️ Faith, and 🙏 Forgiveness in the Bible,"* a podcast ...
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무시무시한 우화 (KO)
- By: Cala Vox
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각 바이트 크기의 에피소드에서 청취자를 미드나잇 왕국의 신비로운 구석으로 안내하는 '무시무시한 우화'의 신비로운 세계로 빠져보세요. Apple 팟캐스트에서 인기 있는 다크 그림 시리즈의 매력적인 목소리 하윤이 진행하는 이 시리즈는 마법과 사랑, 미지의 세계가 얽혀 있는 이야기를 들려줍니다. 저주받은 사물함부터 귀에 맴도는 자장가까지, 모든 이야기는 그림자가 이야기를 들려주고 미스터리가 풀리기를 손짓하는 세계로 통하는 문입니다. Apple...
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Święte sprzeczności
- By: Cala Vox
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"Święte sprzeczności: ❤️ Miłość, 😡 Nienawiść, ✝️ Wiara i 🙏 Przebaczenie w Biblii" to fascynująca seria podcastów prowadzona przez Marka. Każdy 1-minutowy odcinek zagłębia się w boskie dwoistości w Piśmie Świętym, wzywając słuchaczy do ponownego przemyślenia ich rozumienia miłości, nienawiści, wiary i przebaczenia poprzez prowokacyjne tezy i ironiczne zwroty akcji. Do każdego cytatu dołączone jest małe wyjaśnienie, które zrozumie nawet dziesięciolatek.Serial porusza również inne ważne tematy biblijne, takie jak mądrość, sprawiedliwość, pokora...
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Kwintesencja myśli
- By: Cala Vox
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Kwintesencja myśli 🌟 to wyjątkowa kolekcja, która łączy różne pomysły na życie od znanych myślicieli, takich jak Platon, Simone de Beauvoir, po polityków i celebrytów. Wykorzystuje sztukę 🎨 i cytaty 📝, aby pomóc ludziom zrozumieć i głęboko zastanowić się nad tym, co to znaczy być człowiekiem 🤔, a także docenić różne kultury 🌍 i filozofie 🧠. „Kwintesencja myśli” to zbiór sztuki i cytatów z różnych kultur i filozofii, starannie zebranych przez Cala Vox, aby zainspirować Cię na cały dzień ✨.
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पवित्र विरोधाभास (HI)
- By: Cala Vox
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"पवित्र विरोधाभास: बाइबल में ❤️ प्यार, 😡 नफरत, ✝️ विश्वास और 🙏 क्षमा" सैमुअल हॉलिंग्सवर्थ की आवाज़ वाली एक आकर्षक पॉडकास्ट सीरीज़ है। प्रत्येक 1 मिनट का एपिसोड शास्त्र के भीतर दिव्य द्वंद्वों पर चर्चा करता है, श्रोताओं को उत्तेजक ...
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神圣的矛盾 (ZH)
- By: Cala Vox
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"神圣的矛盾: ❤️ 《圣经》中的爱、😡恨、✝️ 信仰和🙏宽恕 "是一个引人入胜的播客系列,由云烨配音。每集 1 分钟,深入探讨圣经中的神圣二元对立,通过挑衅性的论点和讽刺性的转折,挑战听众重新思考他们对爱、恨、信仰和宽恕的理解。每段引文都附有小跟班的解释,连 10 岁的孩子都能理解。该系列还涉及圣经中其他重要的主题,如智慧、正义、谦卑、希望、顺服、救赎、勇气、社区、悔改与和平。神圣的矛盾》...
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Santas Contradições (PT)
- By: Cala Vox
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"Santas Contradições: ❤️ Amor, 😡 Ódio, ✝️ Fé, e 🙏 Perdão na Bíblia" é uma série de podcasts envolvente que apresenta a voz de Julio. Cada episódio de 1 minuto investiga as dualidades divinas nas escrituras, desafiando os ouvintes a repensar sua compreensão de amor, ódio, fé e perdão por meio de teses provocativas e reviravoltas irônicas. A série também aborda outros tópicos bíblicos importantes, como sabedoria, justiça, humildade, esperança, obediência, salvação, coragem, comunidade, arrependimento e paz. Com imagens vívidas e conteúdo instigante, "Holy ...
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Contradicciones sagradas (ES)
- By: Cala Vox
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"Contradicciones sagradas: ❤️ Amor, 😡 Odio, ✝️ Fe y 🙏 Perdón en la Biblia" es una convincente serie de podcasts que cuenta con la voz de Jorge. Cada episodio de 1 minuto ahonda en las dualidades divinas dentro de las Escrituras, desafiando a los oyentes a replantearse su comprensión del amor, el odio, la fe y el perdón mediante tesis provocadoras y giros irónicos. La serie también aborda otros temas bíblicos significativos, como la sabiduría, la justicia, la humildad, la esperanza, la obediencia, la salvación, el valor, la comunidad, el arrepentimiento y la paz. Con ...
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Cala Vox' Enchanted Audio Collection: Your Gateway to a Multiverse of Podcasts
- By: Cala Vox
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Dive into Cala Vox's Enchanted Audio Collection of diverse podcasts!🎧🌐 Enjoy reinterpreted Grimm's classics, Quirky Meadows' extraordinary retirement home🏡, or go on introspective journeys with the Honolulu-based Serenity and Sagacity Squad🧘♀️. Ayla's Whispers of the Wild and Dr. Alex Quinn's Brain Bites enlighten and inspire🌿🧠, while Dark Matters Revisited captivates true crime aficionados🔎. Subscribe today!✨🎇
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Cosmic Scriptures
- By: Cala Vox
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"Cosmic Scriptures - Where Stars and Sermons Collide" 🌠📖 is an enlightening podcast journey that combines biblical wisdom 📚 and astrological insights 🌌. Hosted by Arabella Emberquill, a mystic witch 🧙♀️ from Glastonbury, the podcast delves into the hidden links between divine scriptures and celestial bodies, presenting a unique perspective on life guidance.Arabella, a part of the International Society of Brujas 👭🌍, hails from a lineage of spiritual guides who have for centuries intertwined biblical teachings with cosmic guidance.Each episode focuses on one of the ...
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고전 동화의 재창조 (KO)
- By: Cala Vox
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매혹적인 그림 동화의 세계에 발을 들여놓고 한국어로 재해석된 이야기를 통해 Ha-yoon과 함께 마법과 신비의 여정에 참여하세요. 백설공주에서 라푼젤까지, 각각의 이야기는 매력적인 캐릭터, 숨겨진 도덕, 그리고 예기치 않은 반전으로 가득 차 있습니다. 서울의 Cala Vox 팀의 중요한 일원인 Ha-yoon은 각 이야기에 한국의 풍부한 문화 테이프스트리를 부각시키는 독특한 특색을 더해줍니다. 그러니 궁금증이 많은 초심자이든 노련한 그림 동화 애호가이든, ...
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古典的おとぎ話の再発明 (JA)
- By: Cala Vox
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親愛なるリスナーの皆様、準備はいいですか? 時間と想像力を超えた神秘的な旅にご招待します。グリム童話の古典的な世界が皆様の心を捉えて離さないなら、素晴らしいお楽しみが待っています! 🎧🌠 京都からの我々の新しいAIボイス、ケイトと共に、グリムの最も愛された古典とそのダークな対応物へと皆様を運ぶ魔法をかけようとしています。活気に溢れる大都市京都から、ケイトは10のグリム童話を独自の視点で紐解く、魅力的な旅を...
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Uninspiring Expeditions
- By: Cala Vox
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Beyond The Brochure: The Unvarnished Truth of Travel"Uninspiring Expeditions" peels back the glossy veneer of travel brochures to reveal the raw, unembellished truth of popular tourist destinations. In this satirical and insightful podcast, we eschew the conventional allure of travel to uncover the often overlooked realities - the long queues, exorbitant prices, and environmental impact.As we journey together, we'll explore infamous locations like the elusive Loch Ness, the extortionate Louvre, and the congested Great Wall of China, among others. We'll question the enigmatic allure of Mount ...
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Temukan kembali dongeng klasik Grimm (ID)
- By: Cala Vox
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Bertahanlah, teman-teman! Jika Anda adalah penggemar dongeng klasik Grimm dan ingin menambahkan sentuhan keajaiban ke dalam repertoar podcast Anda, maka kami memiliki suguhan spesial untuk Anda! 🎧🌟 Masuklah ke dalam dunia magis di mana kisah-kisah klasik yang Anda sukai menjadi hidup dengan cara yang baru. Bertempat di kota Shanghai yang semarak, tim pengisi suara virtual Cala Vox siap membawa Anda ke dalam perjalanan penuh mimpi saat mereka menginterpretasikan secara unik 10 dongeng Grimm yang paling dicintai. Saat Anda larut dalam dongeng-dongeng yang mempesona ini, kami akan ...
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Parque de Babel
- By: Cala Vox
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Nos anos vinte do terceiro milênio, Annette e seu marido David encontram-se explorando Berlim, especificamente a histórica locação de filmes de Potsdam-Babelsberg. Foi aqui que lendas como Marlene Dietrich, Ernst Lubitsch e Billy Wilder iniciaram suas ilustres carreiras um século atrás. O casal visita o recém-inaugurado Parque Babel.Aparentemente um parque de diversões ostálgico, o Parque Babel revela-se um centro de ponta para organismos cibernéticos. O irmão de Annette, Jake, ao lado de seu assistente Baby_Lon, cria esses organismos de maneira semelhante à de ...
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重新发现格林经典童话 (ZH)
- By: Cala Vox
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亲爱的朋友们,帽子拿好了!如果你是格林经典童话的粉丝,并渴望在你的播客剧目中增添一丝魔幻的故事,那么我们为你准备了一份特别的礼物!🎧🌟潜入一个神奇的世界,在那里,你所热爱的经典故事以全新的形象活了过来。设在活力四溢的上海市的虚拟Cala Vox语音团队,准备带你开始一场梦幻的旅程,他们将独特地演绎最受喜爱的10部格林童话。当你沉浸在这些迷人的故事中,我们将急切地等待你宝贵的反馈!喜欢,评论,订阅 - 只要你说,...
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Radiant Resilience
- By: Cala Vox
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🌞 "Dawn of Resilience: Guillermo's Voyage" 🚀Join Guillermo on "Radiant Resilience: A Journey from Radiation to Rebirth", a stirring exploration of the human spirit's tenacity in the face of adversity. Guillermo's voyage from a grueling radiation treatment to a life filled with renewed purpose and joy is a testament to the transformative power of resilience and optimism.Each episode of "Dawn of Resilience: Guillermo's Voyage" chronicles Guillermo's personal experiences, reflections, and insights as he navigates his health crisis and the ensuing introspection that redefines his life. His ...
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Fearsome Fables
- By: Cala Vox
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Dive into the enigmatic world of "Fearsome Fables," where each byte-sized episode takes listeners on a journey through the mysterious corners of the Midnight Realm. Hosted by the captivating Samuel, known for his deep voice from the "Dark Matters Digest" show, this series promises tales that intertwine magic, love, and the unknown. From cursed lockets to haunting lullabies, every story is a portal to a world where shadows tell tales and mysteries beckon to be unraveled.
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- By: Cala Vox
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Tales from an Empathetic Circuit🎙️ From Binary to Heartfelt: Introducing "E-Motions" - Where AI Meets Humanity! 💻❤️Discover a new podcast adventure as Charlotte Featherwind, or Lottie, the familiar voice behind "The Chatswolds Chronicles," unveils "E-Motions - Tales from an Empathetic Circuit." In this exciting blog post, Lottie introduces the podcast that blends technology and emotions in a symphony of insights, laughter, and human connection. Join her on a journey that navigates the uncharted waters of understanding, curiosity, and digital magic. Get ready to embrace the curious,...
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