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最后的八旗 1:拉林河阳 - 最後的八旗 1:拉林河陽 [The Last Mandarin 1: Lalin River Adret]
- By: 赵力 - 趙力 - Zhao Li, 张育新 - 張育新 - Zhang Yuxin
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 20 hrs and 14 mins
- Unabridged
故事以清朝嘉庆十年的一段真实的历史事件开篇,描写了抓帽胡同闲居作废、生活拮据的八旗子弟的不同遭遇…… 故事以清朝嘉慶十年的一段真實的歷史事件開篇,描寫了抓帽胡同閒居作廢、生活拮据的八旗子弟的不同遭遇……
最后的八旗 1:拉林河阳 - 最後的八旗 1:拉林河陽 [The Last Mandarin 1: Lalin River Adret]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 最后的八旗 - 最後的八旗 [The Last Mandarin], Book 1
- Length: 20 hrs and 14 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
最后的八旗 3:末世微光 - 最後的八旗 3:末世微光 [The Last Mandarin 3: The Glimmer at the End of the Qing Dynasty]
- By: 赵力 - 趙力 - Zhao Li, 张育新 - 張育新 - Zhang Yuxin
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 22 hrs and 41 mins
- Unabridged
光绪宣统年间的古城子,传统道德的堤坝轰然垮塌。贪官索要万民伞,村愚把落草为寇当成乐子。甲午之衰,光绪奇灾,俄人筑路,两次跑毛子,宣统鼠疫浩劫…… 光緒宣統年間的古城子,傳統道德的堤壩轟然垮塌。貪官索要萬民傘,村愚把落草為寇當成樂子。甲午之衰,光緒奇災,俄人築路,兩次跑毛子,宣統鼠疫浩劫……
最后的八旗 3:末世微光 - 最後的八旗 3:末世微光 [The Last Mandarin 3: The Glimmer at the End of the Qing Dynasty]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 最后的八旗 - 最後的八旗 [The Last Mandarin], Book 3
- Length: 22 hrs and 41 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £29.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £29.99 or 1 Credit
人脉圈 - 人脈圈 [Connection Circles]
- By: 章岩 - 章岩 - Zhang Yan
- Narrated by: 笑语 - 笑語 - Xiaoyu
- Length: 9 hrs and 27 mins
- Unabridged
人脉就好比一座无形的金矿,拥有了这座金矿,你就掌握了取之不尽的财富。本有声书将告诉你真正的成功秘密——有人脉成功就像坐电梯,没人脉成功就像爬楼梯,这是每一个聪明的中国人都应该明白的“潜规则”。…… 人脈就好比一座無形的金礦,擁有了這座金礦,你就掌握了取之不盡的財富。本有聲書將告訴你真正的成功秘密——有人脈成功就像坐電梯,沒人脈成功就像爬樓梯,這是每一個聰明的中國人都應該明白的「潛規則」。
人脉圈 - 人脈圈 [Connection Circles]
- Narrated by: 笑语 - 笑語 - Xiaoyu
- Length: 9 hrs and 27 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £12.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £12.99 or 1 Credit
职场菜鸟升职记 - 職場菜鳥升職記 [The Story of a Greenhorn's Promotion] (Audio Drama)
- By: 张玎 - 張玎 - Zhang Ding
- Narrated by: 苏俣 - 蘇俁 - Su Yu, 田娟 - 田娟 - Tian Juan
- Length: 4 hrs and 9 mins
- Unabridged
一个职场菜鸟,如何成为一家企业的总经理的?张午阳来到一家不错的外企,从一个底层员工做起,一点一滴地积累经验…… 一個職場菜鳥,如何成為一家企業的總經理的?張午陽來到一家不錯的外企,從一個底層員工做起,一點一滴地積累經驗……
职场菜鸟升职记 - 職場菜鳥升職記 [The Story of a Greenhorn's Promotion] (Audio Drama)
- Narrated by: 苏俣 - 蘇俁 - Su Yu, 田娟 - 田娟 - Tian Juan
- Length: 4 hrs and 9 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £6.99 or 1 Credit
清末四大奇案 - 清末四大奇案 [Four Big Mysteries in the Late Qing Dynasty]
- By: 张军 - 張軍 - Zhang Jun
- Narrated by: 琴無弦 - 琴無弦 - Qingwuxian
- Length: 13 hrs and 38 mins
- Unabridged
慈禧垂帘听政的清末,即同治、光绪之交,曾发生无数的奇情冤案,其中以杨乃武与小白菜案、名伶杨月楼冤案、太原奇案、张汶祥刺马案最为轰动,统称为清末四大奇案。…… 慈禧垂簾聽政的清末,即同治、光緒之交,曾發生無數的奇情冤案,其中以楊乃武與小白菜案、名伶楊月樓冤案、太原奇案、張汶祥刺馬案最為轟動,統稱為清末四大奇案。
清末四大奇案 - 清末四大奇案 [Four Big Mysteries in the Late Qing Dynasty]
- Narrated by: 琴無弦 - 琴無弦 - Qingwuxian
- Length: 13 hrs and 38 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £21.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £21.99 or 1 Credit
司马懿:从龙套到主角 - 司馬懿:從龍套到主角 [Sima Yi: From Nobody to Somebody]
- By: 章岩 - 章岩 - Zhang Yan
- Narrated by: 洢秋 - 洢秋 - Yiqiu
- Length: 8 hrs and 20 mins
- Unabridged
司马懿的处世智慧、人生哲学处处精彩,处处显示出他的与众不同。本有声书书以“胜者为王”作为命题,借由司马懿的案例来谈如何取得人生的胜利…… 司馬懿的處世智慧、人生哲學處處精彩,處處顯示出他的與眾不同。本有聲書以「勝者為王」作為命題,借由司馬懿的案例來談如何取得人生的勝利……
司马懿:从龙套到主角 - 司馬懿:從龍套到主角 [Sima Yi: From Nobody to Somebody]
- Narrated by: 洢秋 - 洢秋 - Yiqiu
- Length: 8 hrs and 20 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £18.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £18.99 or 1 Credit
老干妈创始人陶华碧:我不坚强,就没得饭吃 - 老干媽創始人陶華碧:我不堅強,就沒得飯吃 [Tao Huabi: Laoganma Creator (I Will Have Nothing to Eat if I Am Not Strong)]
- By: 张立娜 - 張立娜 - Zhang Lina
- Narrated by: 蛮儿如斯 - 蠻兒如斯 - Manerrusi
- Length: 9 hrs and 37 mins
- Unabridged
人生永远没有太晚的开始,她50岁创业、70岁成为超级亿万女富豪;不贷款、不融资、不上税、不逃税,她的人生逆袭就靠两个字:坚强。…… 人生永遠沒有太晚的開始,她50歲創業、70歲成為超級億萬女富豪;不貸款、不融資、不上稅、不逃稅,她的人生逆襲就靠兩個字:堅強。
老干妈创始人陶华碧:我不坚强,就没得饭吃 - 老干媽創始人陶華碧:我不堅強,就沒得飯吃 [Tao Huabi: Laoganma Creator (I Will Have Nothing to Eat if I Am Not Strong)]
- Narrated by: 蛮儿如斯 - 蠻兒如斯 - Manerrusi
- Length: 9 hrs and 37 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £12.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £12.99 or 1 Credit
五大贼王 2:火门三关 - 五大賊王 2:火門三關 [Five Thief Lords 2: Three Traps at the Gate of Fire]
- By: 张海帆 - 張海帆 - Zhang Haifan
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 17 hrs and 28 mins
- Unabridged
火家召徒,各路盗贼为入火家纷纷亮出看家本领,百般技艺齐上阵。挑战贼王,需过三关!每一关危机四伏,盗取器物也光怪陆离,皆是生死攸关!金木水火土,五大世家陆续亮相,暗中有何玄机?火小邪历经艰辛,最终能否如愿成为火家弟子?…… 火家召徒,各路盜賊為入火家紛紛亮出看家本領,百般技藝齊上陣。挑戰賊王,需過三關!每一關危機四伏,盜取器物也光怪陸離,皆是生死攸關!金木水火土,五大世家陸續亮相,暗中有何玄機?火小邪歷經艱辛,最終能否如願成為火家弟子?
五大贼王 2:火门三关 - 五大賊王 2:火門三關 [Five Thief Lords 2: Three Traps at the Gate of Fire]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 五大贼王 - 五大賊王 [Five Thief Lords], Book 2
- Length: 17 hrs and 28 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £22.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £22.99 or 1 Credit
五大贼王 7:五行合纵 1 - 五大賊王 7:五行合縱 1 [Five Thief Lords 7: The Integration of the Five Elements 1]
- By: 张海帆 - 張海帆 - Zhang Haifan
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 19 hrs and 34 mins
- Unabridged
初探罗刹阵后失忆的火小邪唯独不忘“五行合纵,破万年镇,破罗刹阵”的使命。五行合纵的结果是什么?五行世家的所有秘密将在大结局中一一揭晓…… 初探羅刹陣後失憶的火小邪唯獨不忘「五行合縱,破萬年鎮,破羅刹陣」的使命。五行合縱的結果是什麼?五行世家的所有秘密將在大結局中一一揭曉……
五大贼王 7:五行合纵 1 - 五大賊王 7:五行合縱 1 [Five Thief Lords 7: The Integration of the Five Elements 1]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 五大贼王 - 五大賊王 [Five Thief Lords], Book 7
- Length: 19 hrs and 34 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
五大贼王 3:净火修炼 - 五大賊王 3:淨火修煉 [Five Thief Lords 3: The Practice in the Valley of Cleansing Fire]
- By: 张海帆 - 張海帆 - Zhang Haifan
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 17 hrs and 49 mins
- Unabridged
传说中的五行至尊圣王鼎再次现世,“得此鼎者,得天下”。历朝担任护鼎的五行世家又面临考验,但民国初期,天下动荡,军阀割据,五行传人各投其主。虽彼此敬重,却又心存芥蒂,他们还能联手护宝吗?火小邪的一身盗术能否成就新的传奇…… 傳說中的五行至尊聖王鼎再次現世,「得此鼎者,得天下」。歷朝擔任護鼎的五行世家又面臨考驗,但民國初期,天下動盪,軍閥割據,五行傳人各投其主。雖彼此敬重,卻又心存芥蒂,他們還能聯手護寶嗎?火小邪的一身盜術能否成就新的傳奇……
五大贼王 3:净火修炼 - 五大賊王 3:淨火修煉 [Five Thief Lords 3: The Practice in the Valley of Cleansing Fire]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 五大贼王 - 五大賊王 [Five Thief Lords], Book 3
- Length: 17 hrs and 49 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £22.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £22.99 or 1 Credit
五大贼王 6:逆血罗刹 - 五大賊王 6:逆血羅刹 [Five Thief Lords 6: Against the Xueluocha]
- By: 张海帆 - 張海帆 - Zhang Haifan
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 21 hrs and 32 mins
- Unabridged
七年之后,火小邪以日本忍军少主的身份重返奉天。二十多年前的火行秘辛,火小邪的身世之谜,在火王严烈的遗言中真相大白…… 七年之後,火小邪以日本忍軍少主的身份重返奉天。二十多年前的火行秘辛,火小邪的身世之謎,在火王嚴烈的遺言中真相大白……
五大贼王 6:逆血罗刹 - 五大賊王 6:逆血羅刹 [Five Thief Lords 6: Against the Xueluocha]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 五大贼王 - 五大賊王 [Five Thief Lords], Book 6
- Length: 21 hrs and 32 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £27.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £27.99 or 1 Credit
五大贼王 8:五行合纵 2 - 五大賊王 8:五行合縱 2 [Five Thief Lords 8: The Integration of the Five Elements 2]
- By: 张海帆 - 張海帆 - Zhang Haifan
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 19 hrs and 21 mins
- Unabridged
初探罗刹阵后失忆的火小邪唯独不忘“五行合纵,破万年镇,破罗刹阵”的使命。五行合纵的结果是什么?五行世家的所有秘密将在大结局中一一揭晓…… 初探羅刹陣後失憶的火小邪唯獨不忘「五行合縱,破萬年鎮,破羅刹陣」的使命。五行合縱的結果是什麼?五行世家的所有秘密將在大結局中一一揭曉……
五大贼王 8:五行合纵 2 - 五大賊王 8:五行合縱 2 [Five Thief Lords 8: The Integration of the Five Elements 2]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 五大贼王 - 五大賊王 [Five Thief Lords], Book 8
- Length: 19 hrs and 21 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £24.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £24.99 or 1 Credit
五大贼王 4:地宫盗鼎 - 五大賊王 4:地宮盜鼎 [Five Thief Lords 4: Stealing Ding in the Underground Palace]
- By: 张海帆 - 張海帆 - Zhang Haifan
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 19 hrs and 58 mins
- Unabridged
关乎国家命运的五行至尊圣王鼎被藏护在大青山下。火小邪应田问之邀前去盗鼎,贼王后人相继加入。途中一路惊现奇事:潘子竟是金家失散多年的继承人…… 關乎國家命運的五行至尊聖王鼎被藏護在大青山下。火小邪應田問之邀前去盜鼎,賊王後人相繼加入。途中一路驚現奇事:潘子竟是金家失散多年的繼承人……
五大贼王 4:地宫盗鼎 - 五大賊王 4:地宮盜鼎 [Five Thief Lords 4: Stealing Ding in the Underground Palace]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 五大贼王 - 五大賊王 [Five Thief Lords], Book 4
- Length: 19 hrs and 58 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
The Tundra
- By: Jacob Zhang
- Narrated by: Joe Monzo
- Length: 4 hrs and 5 mins
- Unabridged
Cornell senior Logan Freeman returns from a camping trip only to find that the campus, and much of upstate New York, has turned into an arctic wasteland overnight. Left behind in the evacuation, Logan must battle the agonizing cold, ravenous predators and his own inner demons in order to survive.
The Tundra
- Narrated by: Joe Monzo
- Length: 4 hrs and 5 mins
- Release date: 30-11-15
- Language: English
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Regular price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £11.99 or 1 Credit
Make Money by Blogging
- Learn Blogging and Start Making Money Online
- By: Andy Zhang
- Narrated by: Alex Rehder
- Length: 32 mins
- Unabridged
One of the hottest ways to make money online is through the power of blogging. But, what does blogging require? What do you think? What one thing must you do above all else in order to blog? Get all the info you need here.
Make Money by Blogging
- Learn Blogging and Start Making Money Online
- Narrated by: Alex Rehder
- Length: 32 mins
- Release date: 31-12-14
- Language: English
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Regular price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £3.99 or 1 Credit
Now I Get It
- By: Evelyn Zhang
- Original Recording
Evelyn is your bestie that loves pop culture. In a world where you're overwhelmed by email newsletters, hour-long podcasts, and news notifications, Evelyn is here to help! She helps distill what you need to know and why in today’s top entertainment business news in under 5 minutes.
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The Common Room: EngSci pod
- By: Yang Yang Zhang Fola Adeleke Adam Ben Lassoued
- Original Recording
We are a group of engineering students currently studying engineering science at the University of Toronto! We aim to document our experiences and engage in meaningful conversations with people from a walks of life.
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Lulu Incense Incense World
- By: nate zhang
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Welcome to Lulu Incense Incense World, a podcast dedicated to the art, history, and rituals of incense and backflow incense burners. Whether you're a seasoned collector or new to the world of aromatics, we’ll explore the fascinating stories behind different types of incense, cultural traditions, and the craftsmanship of burners. Join us as we dive into scents that soothe the soul, enhance mindfulness, and connect us to ancient practices. Light a stick, take a deep breath, and let the journey begin!
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Tea and Incense Garden
- By: Nate Zhang
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Welcome, dear listeners, to a journey of serenity, aroma, and tradition! In this podcast series, we will dive deep into the soothing world of tea and incense—a perfect blend of nature's gifts that elevate moments of peace and relaxation. Each episode will explore a variety of teas and incenses from around the world, from the delicate floral notes of green teas to the earthy undertones of traditional incenses. We’ll uncover the secrets of selecting the perfect blend, the art of brewing, and the techniques behind making your own incenses and burners. Whether you are a tea connoisseur, a ...
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Total Value Unlocked - A Hivemind Podcast
- By: Matt Zhang Founder and Partner of Hivemind Capital
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Welcome to Total Value Unlocked a brand-new podcast from Hivemind where we explore the technologies and ideas shaping the future of the internet and money, and how we unlock their potential. Hosted by Matt Zhang, Founder of Hivemind, this season, we're focusing on the backbone of web3: blockchain protocols." *None of this discussion should be taken as investment or financial advice. Please refer to our website for more information or contact Hivemind directly for our list of investments.
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