Today, 1/5/2025, I submitted my latest ebook, "THE CONTRACTOR Spankings at Lake Oh Tee Kay" to Amazon for publication. It's the story of Roger Nolan and, in part, of his girlfriend Leslie and how they run their lakeside home as a refuge for women who lack self-discipline and have 'applied' to them for a boot camp like experience in getting onto the 'straight and narrow path'. But other homes around Lake Oh Tee Kay also have spankings taking place in them and even a local farm is brought into focus. Teens and adults alike suffer good, sound blisterings in this ebook, all of them with panties down and behinds wriggling. Look for it soon!
Ruby Rondure has completed the audio version of "The Neighborhood". I have approved it for release but ran into a problem with the audiobooks cover. Ruby will address the problem within two weeks and I'll let you know when the audiobook can be purchased. And wow...did she ever do a good job on 'voicing' this audiobook!
Published books and Audiobooks available on Amazon:
Desert Discipline – Published 3/5/2021
Discipline - Two Generations – Published 4/28/2021
Ageless Discipline – Published 6/9/2021
Laura’s Correction – Published 7/6/2021
Summertime Spankin’s – Published 9/4/2021
The Correction Couple – Published 12/8/2021
An Old-Fashioned Daddy – Published 1/26/2022
Happy Valley Farms, 1950 - Published 4/13/2022
The Correction Couple, Volume II - Published 7/6/2022
Happy Valley Farms, Volume II - Published 10/7/2022
Middleton: A Quiet Family Town - 12/23/2022
Sara's Spankings: A Women's Journey into Discipline - 4/12/2023
Cardinal Court, The cul-de-sac of Corrections - 8/2/2023
Have Hairbrush, Will Travel - October, 2023
Hairbrushes, Hoydens, and Hot Rods, 1950 January, 2024
The Neighborhood - Parental Style Discipline - 1952 March, 2024
The Neighborhood, Again - Continuing Discipline on Maple Street and in the Village
The Contractor - Spankings at Lake Oh Tee Kay
Audiobooks: The Correction Couple, narrated by Ruby Rondure
Happy Valley Farms, narrated by Ruby Rondure - April 2023
Coming Soon: Audiobook - The Neighborhhood - Parental Style Discipline - 1952 Available date to be announced.
Narrated by Ruby Rondure
Hello, and welcome to my Amazon Author’s Page. My name is Mark Stiles and I write stories under that name, and also under the nom de plume of M A Stiles. The stories I write, and publish as e-books on Amazon, all have a Domestic Discipline theme. The e-books I’ve published to date have central themes that include discipline within families, discipline among co-workers, and discipline among lovers. My favorite subject to write about is spanking, spankings as punishment for real and imagined misbehavior. All of my books, to date, are about the spanking punishment of girls and women by strong, authoritative men and women. Parental-style spankings are my favorite, i.e., the spankings are quite often, but not exclusively, over-the-knee affairs and are administered via hand, hairbrush, strap and switch to the bare behinds of deserving miscreants. The women and girls in my stories always end up in tears and nursing sore behinds that sting and itch for several days after their punishment.
Some time ago, Michael Masterson, the publisher of excellent spanking videos, stated in a blurb on Fetlife that he has a 'punishment fetish'. If you've ever seen any of Michael's videos, available at RealSpankings, they do, for the most part, depict spankings for punishment. I thought about that for awhile and finally decided that, like him, spankings for punishment are my 'thing', my fetish. Hence, my stories are, indeed, about spanking for punishment, for misbehavior, either real or imagined. Many of my stories, but certainly not all of them, tend to be about miscreant women and women who age-regress to a younger time in their life when they were under the discipline of a parent or guardian or boyfriend or girlfriend. I am, I have come to understand about myself, a hopeless punishment fetishist with a penchant for writing about such fantasies.
While I tend to write about spanking as being punishment as opposed to stress-relief spankings and/or 'funishment', many of the Domestic Discipline spanking scenarios I write about are, indeed, 'enjoyed' by both participants in their different thought processes. The ladies in question that are being spanked are, indeed, being spanked for punishment, and their enjoyment of the spankings they receive come from their being cared for, looked after, and loved by their particular HOH or Person of Authority. Spankings are administered with love and care with the age-old emotion in mind that a good, sound spanking is proper punishment for misbehavior. The spankees know they need the spankings, want the spankings, and they want them for correction of misbehavior and also for catharsis, but they hate the pain and humiliation of the spankings...until the punishment is over...and then they relish them, as well as the thought of them, and will soon be over a corrective knee again.
Should you wish to contact me to comment, or even chat, I am available on Fetlife under the screen name marstis. Amazon Author Central won't allow email addresses. You can get around that by using my name...marstis...and then add the ampersand and then a term that rhymes with a type of tuna, the wahoo. I enjoy chat, comments and emails and I will usually answer quickly. Thank you for visiting this page and for supporting my efforts.
Mark Stiles
M A Stiles
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