• Finding Warmth: A Tale of Connection Amidst the Cold Office

  • Dec 26 2024
  • Length: 15 mins
  • Podcast

Finding Warmth: A Tale of Connection Amidst the Cold Office

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Finding Warmth: A Tale of Connection Amidst the Cold Office Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2024-12-26-08-38-20-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Ar y diwrnod byr a rhewllyd hwnnw, y Swyddfa Gorfforaethol oedd yn anghyfarwydd o anghysurus fud a dim ond Emrys, yng nghanol cymysgedd o addurniadau blycheiniog ar ben-destunau, oedd yn eu tyllu gyda'i bresenoldeb.En: On that short, icy day, the Corporate Office was unusually silent and uncomfortable, with only Emrys, amidst a mix of gaudy decorations on the desktops, piercing through with his presence.Cy: Roedd Carys, chwaer Emrys, wedi galw yn argyfwng teuluol er nad oedd yn mynd â phob Chop Suey gyda hi, a Emrys a ddaeth i'w hatgyfodi yma.En: Carys, Emrys's sister, had called in a family emergency even though she didn't take every Chop Suey with her, and Emrys came to revive her here.Cy: “Mae’n rhaid i mi orffen hyn i gyd erbyn diwedd y dydd,” meddai Emrys wrth ei hun, golwg besimistaidd ar ei wyneb.En: "I must finish all this by the end of the day," Emrys told himself, a pessimistic look on his face.Cy: Roedd y sŵn araf a churiadog o'i fysedd yn tarfu ar ei bwyll trylwyr.En: The slow, rhythmic sound of his fingers disturbed his thorough concentration.Cy: O'r mba wedi gwthio gwyliau ymhell o'r golwg, gadawodd Carys gyda'i gwraig â chalon drwm oherwydd cyfrifoldeb arall oedd Emrys ar ei gefn.En: Carys had shoved holidays far from sight, leaving with his wife with a heavy heart because another responsibility weighed on Emrys's shoulders.Cy: “Bydd bob dim yn iawn,” ceisiodd Emrys ddweud wrtho’i hun, cofio'r addurniadau Nadoligaidd ac abwyd eu goleuni'n ei gwneud yn groes i'r realiti constrast hwn.En: "Everything will be okay," Emrys tried to tell himself, remembering the Christmas decorations and the allure of their lights, which made this contrasting reality harder to accept.Cy: Ymddengys nad yw Kyled Gareth, ffrind a chydweithiwr Emrys, yn cael ei drwytho gan y cyfan.En: It appears that Gareth Kyled, a friend and colleague of Emrys, was not engrossed by it all.Cy: “Wel Emrys, dwi off!En: "Well Emrys, I'm off!Cy: Mae angen ymlacio,” meddai gyda wên chwareus, ei fag olllun dan ei fraich.En: I need to relax," he said with a playful grin, his bag slung under his arm.Cy: Roedd hyn yn cynhyrfu Emrys yn ddifrifol tra oedd yn cydwybodol o faint o waith y rhaid ei wneud.En: This seriously irritated Emrys while he was conscious of the work that had to be done.Cy: “Fedri di ddim mynd,” fe wibiwyd Emrys, stops ar y naill seiriol a'r llall.En: "You can't go," Emrys snapped, stopping short on both the verbal and the physical front.Cy: “Mae angen help—”O'i hemilhiad, dychwelodd Gareth.En: "Help is needed—" From his departure, Gareth returned.Cy: “Ti ddim yn deall.En: "You don't understand.Cy: Mae gen i resymau.En: I have reasons."Cy: ” Dirwynodd ei lais, gyda nodyn o lid.En: His voice trailed off, with a note of irritation.Cy: Ta waeth, penderfynodd Emrys ddyfnhau’r berthynas â Gareth.En: Despite this, Emrys decided to deepen the relationship with Gareth.Cy: Siaradon nhw’n ffrind, panodd Gareth yn iawn.En: They talked as friends, Gareth relaxed.Cy: “Byddaf ar gael am awr arall.En: "I'll be available for another hour.Cy: Ond bydda i’n dal i fynd.En: But I will still leave."Cy: ”Cyn hir, daeth Emrys yn gwerthfawrogi Gareth.En: Before long, Emrys came to appreciate Gareth.Cy: Gweithion nhw ar y tasgau fel deuawd wych, y siglen golau sy’n nodweddiadol o fandom y Nadolig yn ein cadarnhau i gyd.En: They worked on the tasks like a great duo, the soft glow typical of Christmas magic encouraging them both.Cy: O'r cyd o gwmnïaeth Gareth a gwaith Emrys, cawson nhw o amser a fynmor.En: From Gareth's companionship and Emrys's work, they made use of the time they had.Cy: Fe gafodd y ddau brofiad o weld y gorau yn ei gilydd.En: The two experienced seeing the best in each other.Cy: Y Rhwystr o Isolation o emosiynau dan ormod o drafferthu oedd canlyniad buddugoliaeth hunan-ymsugno.En: The barrier of emotional isolation from too much trouble was the result of triumphant self-discovery.Cy: Cymerodd Gareth un olwg arno.En: Gareth took one last look at him.Cy: “Da ti, Emrys.En: "Well done, Emrys."Cy: ” Aeth y ddau allan o'r swyddfa.En: Both left the office.Cy: Snant y gwynt oer yn gwneud cofia am amseroedd da wrth iddynt edrych ymlaen at efrydu, eu ffyrdd o gyferwedd arall ffordd fer.En: The biting cold wind reminded them of good times as they looked forward to relaxation, their unique paths meeting for another short while.Cy: Dysgon nhw werth ailgydio, Emrys yn ymdrochi mewn rhywioldeb newydd iddo: yn ddiweddar deall pam roedd fel bod brawir yn cydweithredu ag eraill hyd yn oed yn arweiniad at ffordd gwell i datgymysgu pwysau drosto'i hun yn ei fywyd bob dyddur.En: They learned the value of reconnecting, with Emrys immersing himself in a newfound self-awareness: ...
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