Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: The Poker Mystery on the Snow-Covered Express Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-27-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Vlak je drvel čez snežne Julijske Alpe, njegov prestižni igralni vagon pa je bil napolnjen z napetostjo.En: The train raced across the snowy Julijske Alpe, and its prestigious gambling car was filled with tension.Sl: Notranjost je bilo toplo osvetljeno z lestenci, ki so metali svetlobo na osredotočene obraze igralcev, medtem ko je zunaj nežno snežilo.En: The interior was warmly lit by chandeliers, casting light on the focused faces of the players, while gentle snow fell outside.Sl: Bližal se je božič in vzdušje je bilo nostalgično, a tudi skrivnostno.En: Christmas was approaching, and the atmosphere was nostalgic yet mysterious.Sl: Matej je bil v razmišljanju.En: Matej was deep in thought.Sl: Bil je izkušen igralec pokra, znan po svoji sposobnosti branja ljudi.En: He was an experienced poker player, known for his ability to read people.Sl: Želel je nazaj pridobiti svoj ugled in postati nesporni prvak.En: He wanted to regain his reputation and become the undisputed champion.Sl: Sara je bila tiho in skrivnostna, na videz hladna, a izredno preračunljiva.En: Sara was quiet and mysterious, seemingly cold but extremely calculating.Sl: Luka je bil nov v tej visoki igri, toda željan dokazati se.En: Luka was new to this high-stakes game, but eager to prove himself.Sl: Vsi so sedeli za isto mizo.En: They all sat at the same table.Sl: Igra je potekala napeto.En: The game was tense.Sl: Matej je tehtal vsak gib, ko je nenadoma eden od igralcev izginil.En: Matej weighed every move when suddenly one of the players disappeared.Sl: Vse je ostalo šokirano.En: Everything was in shock.Sl: Pot z dobitki je prav tako izginila.En: The prize pot disappeared as well.Sl: Vsi pogledi so se obrnili k Mateju.En: All eyes turned to Matej.Sl: Obtožbe so začele krožiti, in Matejeva želja po zmagi je bila možna cena njegovega imena.En: Accusations began to swirl, and Matej's desire to win could have cost him his name.Sl: Matej je vedel, da mora rešiti skrivnost, da očisti svoje ime.En: Matej knew he had to solve the mystery to clear his name.Sl: Začel je raziskovati vagon.En: He began to investigate the car.Sl: Njegovi občutki so mu govorili, da je nekaj skrito.En: His instincts told him something was hidden.Sl: Po urugovanju vseh skritih kotičkov je v eni od predelov odkril skrit predal.En: After pressing all the hidden corners, he discovered a secret drawer in one of the compartments.Sl: V njem je bila pogrešana torba in list papirja z zločinsko sledjo.En: Inside was the missing bag and a piece of paper with a criminal trail.Sl: Sprva je list bil le čuden simbol, nato pa se je spomnil - Sara je nekoč omenila isti znak, ko sta mimogrede pogovarjala.En: At first, the paper was just a strange symbol, but then he remembered—Sara once mentioned the same sign when they were casually chatting.Sl: Končno razumel, da je ona orkestrirala celotno igro.En: He finally understood that she orchestrated the entire scheme.Sl: Zbral je vse dokaze in se soočil z njo.En: He gathered all the evidence and confronted her.Sl: Sara je poskušala zanikati, a Matej ji je predstavil neizpodbitne dokaze.En: Sara tried to deny it, but Matej presented her with irrefutable evidence.Sl: Bila je razkrinkana in kmalu pridržana.En: She was exposed and soon apprehended.Sl: Igra je bila lahko nadaljevana brez sence dvoma.En: The game could continue without a shadow of doubt.Sl: Matej je s svojo preudarnostjo in smelostjo razkril resnico.En: With his prudence and boldness, Matej uncovered the truth.Sl: Sledil je zmagi, a tokrat je vedel, da je zmaga več kot poraziti nasprotnika; pomenila je zvestobo sebi in pogum.En: Victory followed, but this time he knew winning was more than defeating an opponent; it meant fidelity to oneself and courage.Sl: Medtem ko je vlak še naprej drvel skozi zasnežene pejsaže, je Matej začutil nov val samozavesti in spoštovanja do sebe.En: As the train continued racing through the snowy landscapes, Matej felt a new wave of confidence and respect for himself.Sl: V tej drami med zimsko pokrajino je našel ne samo izgubljene dobitke, temveč tudi sebe.En: In this drama amidst the winter scenery, he found not only the lost winnings but also himself. Vocabulary Words:raced: drvelprestigious: prestižnigambling: igralnitension: napetostjochandeliers: lestencifocused: osredotočeneapproaching: bližalnostalgic: nostalgičnomysterious: skrivnostnoexperienced: izkušenreputation: ugledundisputed: nespornicalculating: preračunljivahigh-stakes: visokieager: željandisappear: izginilaccusations: obtožbeswirl: krožitisolve: rešitiinvestigate: raziskovatiinstincts: občutkihidden: skritosecret: skritcompartments: predelovtrail: sledjosymbol: simbolorchestrated: orkestriralairrefutable: neizpodbitneapprehended:...