FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • A Muse in Tivoli Park: Art and Nature's Gentle Bond
    Nov 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Muse in Tivoli Park: Art and Nature's Gentle Bond Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-01-22-34-03-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je sedel na klopci v Tivoli Parku v Ljubljani.En: Matej was sitting on the bench in Tivoli Park in Ljubljana.Sl: Veter se je igral z jesenskim listjem, ki je lebdel preko poti kot pisane sanje.En: The wind was playing with the autumn leaves, which floated across the path like colorful dreams.Sl: On je stiskal skicirko v rokah, a stranice so ostajale prazne.En: He was clutching a sketchbook in his hands, but the pages remained blank.Sl: V glavi so bile le prazne misli in dvomi.En: In his head, there were only empty thoughts and doubts.Sl: Slišal je bližajoče se korake.En: He heard approaching footsteps.Sl: Lea je prišla mimo s košaro, polno vejic in listov.En: Lea came by with a basket full of twigs and leaves.Sl: Njene oči so sijale, medtem ko je opazovala naravo okrog sebe.En: Her eyes shone as she observed the nature around her.Sl: Ni opazila Mateja, ki je sedel poleg nje.En: She didn't notice Matej, who was sitting beside her.Sl: Bila je v svojem svetu, razmišljujoča, izgubljena v svoji naravi.En: She was in her own world, contemplative, lost in her nature.Sl: Matej je opazoval in čutil neznano silo v sebi, ki ga je nagovarjala, naj povleče svinčnik po papirju.En: Matej watched and felt an unknown force within him that urged him to drag the pencil across the paper.Sl: Začel je risati drevesa, padle liste, ujel je svetlobo, ki se je prebijala skozi veje.En: He began drawing the trees, fallen leaves, capturing the light that pierced through the branches.Sl: Pogledal je Lea.En: He looked at Lea.Sl: Zbrala je nekaj vejic, preučevala liste.En: She gathered some twigs, examined the leaves.Sl: Matej je zadrhtel.En: Matej shivered.Sl: Njene poteze so bile nežne, a osredotočene, kot bi brala skrivnosti narave.En: Her movements were gentle yet focused, as if she were reading the secrets of nature.Sl: Odločil se je.En: He made a decision.Sl: Začel je risati na novo stran.En: He began to draw on a new page.Sl: Njegova roka je postala bolj pogumna, risal je njeno silhueto ob drevesu, listje, ki lebdi okrog nje.En: His hand became bolder as he sketched her silhouette by the tree, leaves floating around her.Sl: Vsak udarec svinčnika je nosil strah, a tudi nujo po izražanju.En: Each stroke of the pencil carried fear, but also a necessity for expression.Sl: Nenadoma je Lea opazila Mateja in njegove skice.En: Suddenly, Lea noticed Matej and his sketches.Sl: Ustavila se je, presenečena nad njegovo predanostjo in domiselnostjo.En: She stopped, surprised by his dedication and creativity.Sl: "Kaj delaš?" je vprašala s toplim nasmehom.En: "What are you doing?" she asked with a warm smile.Sl: Matej je pogledal gor, rahlo zardel.En: Matej looked up, slightly blushing.Sl: "Samo... skidam," je zamrmral, ne vedoč, kako bi prav zares pojasnil.En: "Just... sketching," he murmured, not knowing how to truly explain.Sl: Njegove oči so odsevale skromnost in hrepenenje.En: His eyes reflected modesty and longing.Sl: Sedenje poleg Mateja je za Leo postalo zanimivo.En: Sitting next to Matej became interesting for Lea.Sl: Skupaj sta se pogovarjala o umetnosti in naravi.En: They talked together about art and nature.Sl: Matej ji je pokazal svoje skice.En: Matej showed her his sketches.Sl: Lea je bila očarana nad načinom, kako je ujel bistvo naravnega sveta.En: Lea was enchanted by the way he captured the essence of the natural world.Sl: Ko je sonce začelo zahajati, se je zavedel, da sta minili ure.En: When the sun began to set, he realized that hours had passed.Sl: Matej in Lea sta se spogledala, vsak izmed njih obogaten s pristnim pogovorom.En: Matej and Lea exchanged glances, each enriched by the genuine conversation.Sl: Matej je začutil novo samozavest v sebi, misel, da njegove skice niso le poteze na papirju, ampak okno v njegov notranji svet.En: Matej felt a new confidence within himself, the idea that his sketches were not just strokes on paper, but a window into his inner world.Sl: Lea je odšla s parka s svežim pogledom.En: Lea left the park with a fresh perspective.Sl: Matejeva umetnost ji je pokazala, da lahko tudi v najpreprostejših stvareh uzre še nevidene dimenzije.En: Matej's art showed her that even in the simplest things, unseen dimensions could be perceived.Sl: Tivoli Park je bil priča rojstvu neke nežne vezi, kjer sta umetnost in narava našli skupni jezik.En: Tivoli Park was witness to the birth of a gentle bond, where art and nature found a common language.Sl: Matej je tam našel svojo muzo; Lea pa v njem pridobila prijatelja, ki je svet okoli nje znal videti skozi povsem nov prizor.En: Matej found his muse there; Lea gained a friend in him who could see the world around her from a completely new perspective.Sl: Zima bo kmalu prišla, a Matej in Lea sta že načrtovala ...
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    16 mins
  • Finding Solace: A Journey Through Triglav's Enchanted Woods
    Oct 31 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Solace: A Journey Through Triglav's Enchanted Woods Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-10-31-22-34-03-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Meglice jutra so se počasi dvigale, ko so Mateja, Tomaž in Neža vstopili v gozd Triglavskega narodnega parka.En: The morning mist slowly lifted as Mateja, Tomaž, and Neža entered the forest of the Triglav National Park.Sl: Listje je pokrivalo tla z zlato rdečo odejo, ki je rahlo šumela pod njihovimi koraki.En: The leaves covered the ground with a golden-red blanket that rustled softly under their steps.Sl: Zrak je bil hladen in svež, navdajal jih je z energijo jeseni.En: The air was cool and fresh, filling them with the energy of autumn.Sl: Mateja je hodila naprej.En: Mateja walked ahead.Sl: Njene misli so bile kot raznobarvno listje okoli nje.En: Her thoughts were like the colorful leaves around her.Sl: Srce ji je govorilo, da mora najti nekaj posebnega.En: Her heart told her she needed to find something special.Sl: Izziv, ki ga je sama sebi postavila, je bil del poti k zaprtju poglavja svojega življenja.En: The challenge she set for herself was part of the path to closing a chapter of her life.Sl: Prej je nekoga izgubila, osebo, ki je posedovala enako ljubezen do narave.En: She had lost someone who shared the same love for nature.Sl: Tomaž je krmaril pot z znanjem gozdarja.En: Tomaž navigated the path with the knowledge of a forester.Sl: Njegove oči so bile pazljive.En: His eyes were watchful.Sl: "Ne popoldne pregloboko v gozd," je opozoril skupino.En: "Don't stray too deep into the woods in the afternoon," he warned the group.Sl: "Ko pade noč, postane gozd skrivnosten.En: "When night falls, the forest becomes mysterious."Sl: "Neža je opazovala drevesne krošnje, prepletene z žarkom sonca.En: Neža watched the tree canopies interwoven with sunbeams.Sl: Na poti je zbirala storže in zanimivo oblikovano lubje.En: Along the way, she collected cones and interestingly shaped bark.Sl: Njena domišljija je že plela umetnine, ki bi jih lahko ustvarila za sejmišče.En: Her imagination was already weaving artworks for the fair.Sl: Vendar pa ji je duša trepetala.En: Yet her soul trembled.Sl: Ni bila navajena v naravi, kot je bil Tomaž, ali imela globoko povezavo z njo, kot Mateja.En: She wasn't as accustomed to nature as Tomaž was, nor did she have a deep connection with it like Mateja.Sl: Ko so se iztikali danjem soncu, je Mateja našla stezo, ki je vodila globlje v gozd.En: As they soaked in the day's sun, Mateja found a path leading deeper into the woods.Sl: Njeno srce jo je vleklo naprej.En: Her heart pulled her forward.Sl: "Samo še malo," je zavpila.En: "Just a little more," she shouted.Sl: "Obljubim, da bom pazljiva!En: "I promise I'll be careful!"Sl: "Tomaž je zmajal z glavo, a zaupal ji je.En: Tomaž shook his head, but he trusted her.Sl: Vedel je, da ima narava poseben način, da vodi vsakega, ki se resnično poveže z njo.En: He knew that nature has a special way of guiding anyone who truly connects with it.Sl: Ko se je sonce spuščalo, so sence postajale daljše in zrak hladnejši.En: As the sun set, the shadows grew longer and the air colder.Sl: Mateja je našla skrito jaso.En: Mateja found a hidden clearing.Sl: Njena roka je postopala po mehkem mahu, dokler ni naletela na osupljivo vejo, oblikovano kot srce.En: Her hand moved over the soft moss until it came upon a stunning branch shaped like a heart.Sl: Rastlina je bila prekrita z živahnimi jesenskimi barvami, kot da bi jo narava posebej priredila za njen prihod.En: The plant was covered in vibrant autumn colors, as if nature had specially arranged it for her arrival.Sl: S srcem polnim topline in ganjenosti je Mateja zagrabila pokojno vejo.En: With a heart full of warmth and emotion, Mateja grasped the fallen branch.Sl: Toda v temi, ki je hitro padla, ni več jasno videla poti nazaj.En: But in the darkness that quickly fell, she could no longer see the path back clearly.Sl: Na trenutek se je počutila izgubljeno, obkrožena z neznanim.En: For a moment, she felt lost, surrounded by the unknown.Sl: V tistem trenutku so se v daljavi zasvetile luči.En: At that moment, lights appeared in the distance.Sl: Tomaž in Neža sta prišla s svetilkami, njuni glasovi so jo klicali.En: Tomaž and Neža had come with flashlights, their voices calling out to her.Sl: Mateja je sledila svetlobi in svojemu notranjemu vodilu.En: Mateja followed the light and her inner guide.Sl: Čutila je, da ji ni treba biti sama s svojo žalostjo.En: She realized she didn't have to be alone with her grief.Sl: Ko se jim je pridružila, je njen strah izginil.En: As she joined them, her fear vanished.Sl: Njihovi obrazi so bili polni olajšanja in veselja.En: Their faces were full of relief and joy.Sl: V objemih svojih prijateljev je našla tolažbo.En: In the embrace of her friends, she found solace.Sl: Razumela je, da je vez z ljudmi enako ...
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    17 mins
  • Fright and Fun: A Halloween Adventure in the Ljubljansko Barje
    Oct 30 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Fright and Fun: A Halloween Adventure in the Ljubljansko Barje Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-10-30-22-34-03-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja je z velikim navdušenjem stopila na Ljubljansko barje.En: Mateja stepped onto the Ljubljansko barje with great enthusiasm.Sl: Jesensko meglo je zavesa skrivnostne atmosfere razgrinjala okoli nje in Bojana.En: The autumn fog unfolded a curtain of mysterious atmosphere around her and Bojana.Sl: Zrak je bil vlažen in poln vonja po sveže rezanem listju.En: The air was damp and filled with the scent of freshly cut foliage.Sl: Blizo je osamljeni strašilo, ki sta ga postavili mestni otroci, zaplesalo v vetrni senci.En: Nearby, a lonely scarecrow, set up by city children, danced in the windy shadow.Sl: Bojan je nosil velik nož, Mateja pa svetilko in obližno voljo.En: Bojan carried a big knife, while Mateja had a flashlight and abundant will.Sl: Skupaj sta nameravala izklesati največjo bučo za festival noči čarovnic.En: Together, they intended to carve out the largest pumpkin for the Halloween festival.Sl: Mateja je imela rada noč čarovnic, a skrivoma se je bala čebel.En: Mateja loved Halloween, but secretly feared bees.Sl: Bojan pa je bil tekmovalen.En: Bojan, on the other hand, was competitive.Sl: "To bo naša zmagovalna buča," je rekel z odločnim glasom.En: "This will be our winning pumpkin," he declared with a determined voice.Sl: Iskala sta popolno bučo med barjanskimi gozdnimi potmi.En: They were searching for the perfect pumpkin along the marshland forest paths.Sl: Končno sta našla ogromno, ki se je skrivnostno lesketala v megli.En: Finally, they found a huge one that mysteriously glistened in the fog.Sl: Začela sta z rezbami.En: They began the carvings.Sl: Bojan je delal veliko luknjo na vrhu, Mateja pa je pogumno pomagala pri praznjenju buče.En: Bojan made a big hole at the top, while Mateja bravely helped in emptying the pumpkin.Sl: Zabava in smeh sta hitro polnila zrak.En: Fun and laughter quickly filled the air.Sl: A ko sta kopala globlje, sta našla nekaj, česar nista pričakovala – skrivni panj znotraj buče.En: But as they dug deeper, they found something unexpected—a secret hive inside the pumpkin.Sl: V trenutku, ko sta odprla prostor, so čebele zavreščale.En: The moment they opened the space, the bees swarmed.Sl: Mateja je sprva zmrznila, a njen strah jo je hitro prisilil v akcijo.En: Mateja froze at first, but her fear quickly forced her into action.Sl: "Beži, Bojan!En: "Run, Bojan!"Sl: " je zakričala, vlečeč ga za rokav.En: she screamed, grabbing him by the sleeve.Sl: Oba sta bila v hipu prekrita s koščki bučne kaše in čebelji brenčanje ju je gnalo naprej.En: Both were instantly covered in bits of pumpkin pulp, and the buzzing of the bees drove them onward.Sl: Tekla sta po mokri travi, smeh in panika prepletena v njunih glasovih.En: They ran across the wet grass, laughter and panic intertwined in their voices.Sl: Ko sta dosegla avto, so se čebele umaknile nazaj k svoji domovi.En: When they reached the car, the bees retreated back to their home.Sl: Sedela sta na stari klopi, pokrita z ostanki buče, dihaje in smeje se.En: They sat on an old bench, covered in pumpkin remnants, breathing and laughing.Sl: "Mateja," je rekel Bojan med smehom, "ne bi se smeli tako prizadevati za zmago.En: "Mateja," said Bojan amidst laughter, "we shouldn't have tried so hard to win.Sl: Bilo je bolj zabavno, kot sem mislil.En: It was more fun than I expected."Sl: "Mateja se je smejala z njim, občutek ponosa jo je prežemal.En: Mateja laughed with him, a feeling of pride enveloping her.Sl: Pogledala je v daljavo, kjer se je megla počasi razkrajala in razkrivala zlato-rumeno obzorje.En: She looked into the distance, where the fog was slowly dissipating, revealing a golden-yellow horizon.Sl: Spoznala je, da je premagovanje strahu pomenilo nekaj večjega.En: She realized that overcoming fear meant something greater.Sl: "Veš kaj, Bojan," je rekla, "želim še več takih dogodivščin.En: "You know what, Bojan," she said, "I want more adventures like this."Sl: "Tako sta se, polna novih spoznanj in smeha, odpravila domov.En: And so, full of new insights and laughter, they headed home.Sl: Ljubljansko barje je ostalo priča njune nenavadne zabave, ki je povezala prijateljstvo in pogum pod jesenskim nebom.En: The Ljubljansko barje remained a witness to their unusual fun, which bound friendship and courage under the autumn sky. Vocabulary Words:enthusiasm: navdušenjemfog: meglounfolded: razgrinjaladamp: vlaženfoliage: listjuscarecrow: strašilocarve: izklesatihive: panjswarmed: zavreščalepulp: kašepanic: panikalaughed: smejalaovercoming: premagovanjeadventures: dogodivščininsights: spoznanjmarshland: barjanskimimysteriously: skrivnostnobravely: pogumnobuzzing: brenčanjeretreated: umaknileremnants: ostankienveloped: prežemaldissipating: ...
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    14 mins

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