Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Security Guard’s Christmas: Love Across Distances Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-25-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V Ljubljani, v tihem in zasneženem naselju, je Matej, varnostnik, stal na svojem nočnem delovnem mestu.En: In Ljubljana, in a quiet and snow-covered neighborhood, Matej, a security guard, stood at his night post.Sl: Zunaj je bila hladna zima, veje dreves so bile pokrite s tankim slojem snega.En: Outside, it was a cold winter, the branches of the trees were covered with a thin layer of snow.Sl: Hiše so bile okrašene z božičnimi lučkami, katerih svetloba je nežno sijala v noč.En: The houses were adorned with Christmas lights, whose glow gently shone into the night.Sl: Matej je bil predan svojemu delu.En: Matej was dedicated to his work.Sl: Ampak v srcu je čutil pomanjkanje.En: But in his heart, he felt a lack.Sl: Bilo je božično obdobje, čas za družino.En: It was the Christmas season, a time for family.Sl: Matejeva družina pa je živela daleč stran, v drugem mestu.En: However, Matej's family lived far away, in another town.Sl: Globoko v sebi je čutil žalost, ker ni mogel biti z njimi.En: Deep inside, he felt sadness because he couldn't be with them.Sl: Na svojem postajališču je Matej imel majhno skrivnost, ki ga je tolažila.En: At his post, Matej had a small secret that comforted him.Sl: Mizo je okrasil z majhnim foto albumom.En: He had decorated the table with a small photo album.Sl: Slike njegove žene in otrok so ga napolnile s toplino in ljubeznijo.En: Pictures of his wife and children filled him with warmth and love.Sl: Vsakič, ko je pogledal na slike, mu je bilo toplo pri srcu.En: Every time he looked at the pictures, he felt a warmth in his heart.Sl: Noč je bila mirna.En: The night was calm.Sl: Le redko so mimo peljali avtomobili.En: Cars rarely passed by.Sl: Matej je sedel na svojem stolu, srkal topel čaj in si mislil na srečne trenutke z družino.En: Matej sat in his chair, sipping warm tea and thinking about happy moments with his family.Sl: Nato pa, nenadoma, je njegov telefon zazvonil.En: Then, suddenly, his phone rang.Sl: Matej je hitro pogledal zaslon.En: Matej quickly glanced at the screen.Sl: Videlo se je ime njegove žene, Ana.En: The name of his wife, Ana, appeared.Sl: "Srečen božič, Matej!En: "Merry Christmas, Matej!"Sl: " je rekla Ana, ko se je video klic odprl.En: said Ana when the video call opened.Sl: Poleg nje sta stala njuna otroka, Luka in mala sestrična.En: Beside her stood their children, Luka and his little cousin.Sl: Njihovi smehi in veseli obrazi so zapolnili njegovo srce z toplino.En: Their laughter and joyful faces filled his heart with warmth.Sl: Zanje so bili na voljo samo kratki trenutki, ko so lahko skupaj preživeli prek video klica, a ti trenutki so mu pomenili vse.En: They had only brief moments available when they could be together through a video call, but those moments meant everything to him.Sl: Z njimi so izmenjali smešne zgodbe in božične pesmi.En: They exchanged funny stories and Christmas songs.Sl: Luka je igral na kitaro in pel, medtem ko je Ana pripravljala večerjo v kuhinji, vsi pa so se držali s toplino in nasmehi.En: Luka played the guitar and sang while Ana prepared dinner in the kitchen, and they all held onto warmth and smiles.Sl: Matej je čutil, kako se mu ljubezen prepleta v srcu, tudi na razdalji.En: Matej felt how love intertwined in his heart, even at a distance.Sl: Ko je konec njegove izmene prišel, je bil občutek žalosti zamenjan s hvaležnostjo.En: When his shift ended, the feeling of sadness was replaced with gratitude.Sl: Matej je razumel, da moževa ljubezen do družine premaga vsako razdaljo.En: Matej understood that a husband's love for his family overcomes any distance.Sl: Tehnologija mu je omogočila, da je del božiča delil na daljavo.En: Technology had allowed him to share a part of Christmas from afar.Sl: Z novim duhom je Matej zaključil nočno izmeno.En: With a renewed spirit, Matej concluded the night shift.Sl: Njegovo srce je bilo polno, saj je ljubezen njegove družine prekrila puste snežene poti.En: His heart was full, as the love of his family covered the barren snowy paths.Sl: Na poti domov je zaznaval, kako lučke sijajo močneje, občutek sreče pa ga je grel, kot bi bil obkrožen z njimi v resnici.En: On the way home, he sensed how the lights shone brighter, and the feeling of happiness warmed him as if he were truly surrounded by them. Vocabulary Words:dedicated: predanlack: pomanjkanjesadness: žalostcomforted: tolažilaintertwined: prepletagratitude: hvaležnostbarren: pustesecurity guard: varnostnikshift: izmenaadorned: okrašeneneighborhood: naseljealbum: albumrenewed: novspirit: duhpaths: potipassed by: mimo peljalithin: tankimlayer: slojbranches: vejeshone: sijalacalm: mirnabrief: kratkiglow: svetlobasurrounded: obkrožendistance: razdaljaexchange: ...