• 137: The Unconventional Way to Feel Equity at Work For Childless Women
    Mar 9 2025

    If you're frustrated with workplace structures, experiencing inequities, or feeling envy towards mothers or other women - this episode is for you. This is Part 2 of a discussion I had with my sister, Jen, about women in the workplace and the experiences of both mothers and childless women.

    This episode might ruffle some feathers. Jen and I are going to lay out why the diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives (or dismantling of them right now in the US) might not matter.

    Then, we suggest some new and unconventional ways to find equity in the workplace for women in general, and specifically, how to bridge the gap between mothers and non-mothers.

    We cover so much in this episode. Things like:

    • empowering you to find a feeling of equity internally
    • how to stop trying to fit into a man's world and own your feminine strengths
    • how to stop being agreeable and playing small

    We believe that the more women lead authentically, the more the system will have no choice but to adapt. Listen in if you want to be your authentic, joyful, childless self.

    Join the waitlist for Sheri's Women of Worth For Childless Women Program here

    Find Jen at:

    Instagram: @jenreimerleadership

    Join Jen's "From Busy to Being Program" here.

    Where to find Sheri:
    Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching
    Website: sherijohnson.ca

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • The Untold Power Struggle: Women, Work & Motherhood
    Mar 2 2025

    I've been avoiding this topic, but it's time we talk about it. At some point along the way, most of my clients mention "work", and how being childless can be a unique experience in the workplace, no matter what kind of workplace it is.

    It's International Women's Day as we publish this episode, and with that comes renewed vigour for gender equality in the workplace.

    On today’s ep, my sister, Jen, who is a leadership coach and expert in boundaries and busy-ness, joins me to flesh out what it means to be a woman (with or without children) in the workplace and how the quest for equality might be happening in all the wrong ways.

    We dive into ways society reinforces inequality - not just gender inequality, but also inequality between women. We discuss ways workplaces can actually cause a divide between women and what women really want in workplaces.

    This episode is sure to turn your women's equality paradigms upside-down. At the end, we'll suggest some actions that will incite real change in women's equity.

    See you inside!

    Find Jen at:



    Join Sheri's Women of Worth Program for Childless Women here.

    Where to find Sheri:
    Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching
    Website: sherijohnson.ca

    Show More Show Less
    54 mins
  • EP 135: How to Make the Agonizing Decision to Stop Trying
    Feb 24 2025

    If you wanted to have kids and you're here now, at some point you have to or had to make a very tough decision.

    What I’ve found is that it doesn’t matter whether you’re single, partnered, tried IVF, on the adoption route, never tried anything – we all are faced with a decision at some point. If you end up on the childless path, at some point, you decide to stop trying.

    On today’s episode, I talk about the decision, the process, and what happens after you make it, so that you can feel more confident in your choice and recover emotionally after you've made it.

    We're going to talk about

    - the agonizing process of figuring out what to do

    - some critical mistakes you might be making in an effort to make a choice

    - the counterintuitive mindset shift to finally get to a decision

    This conversation is going to help you find peace with your decision, if you're in it or you already made it, freedom from regret, and wholeness beyond motherhood.

    Where to find Sheri:
    Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching
    Website: sherijohnson.ca

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    37 mins
  • 134: When Motherhood Was a Someday Thing....Until It Was Too Late
    Feb 19 2025

    You're the woman who was kind of ambivalent about having kids...until it was too late. Maybe you thought, "Someday I’ll have kids. When the right person comes along. When I have my career in place. I have time."

    That was me. And suddenly I was out of time.

    The feelings you might have felt and still be feeling are slightly different than if you desperately wanted kids and couldn't, or you never wanted them.

    I'm going to talk about these nuanced emotions today, and what you can do to thrive if this is you.

    We'll cover some of what you may be experiencing and why - like grappling with unexpected grief, regret, confusion, and self-doubt. Most importantly, we'll talk about the counterintuitive thing you can do to shift from ruminating, regretting, or grieving to finding clarity, freedom, and deep inner peace.

    I love hearing about your breakthroughs and AHA moments. Send me a DM on instagram @sherijohnsoncoaching.

    Ready for more?


    Our signature program to process your grief, awaken your self-worth, and create your life of purpose and joy, even without kids.

    Where to find Sheri:
    Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching
    Website: sherijohnson.ca

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    41 mins
  • 133: Are Guilt and Self-Sabotage Keeping You From Being Happy as a Childless Woman?
    Feb 9 2025

    Why do we hold ourselves back from the lives we truly want? And more
    importantly, how do we break free from this cycle?

    Today, we are talking about something that quietly but powerfully shapes the
    way we live—guilt.

    This emotion affects childless women in unique ways. And sometimes, it turns into self-sabotage.

    In this episode, I'm going to help you:

    • Identify any guilt you might be harbouring, knowingly or unknowingly
    • Discover how it might be leading you to unwittingly self-sabotage joy and happiness in your life.
    • Understand some common ways that self-sabotage shows up for childless women like overcompensating. For example, Some childless women over-give in relationships, almost as if trying to justify their worth without kids.
    • And finally, to release this guilt and embrace the joy in your life.

    Listen in to start releasing the guilt you're carrying underneath it all, and start embracing your childless life joyfully.


    Money, A Love Story by Kate Northrup

    Create Your Best Life guide: https://sherijohnson.ca/bestyear/

    Where to find Sheri:
    Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching
    Website: sherijohnson.ca

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    28 mins
  • 132: What to Do When You Feel Like No One Understands You as a Childless Woman, with Jen Reimer
    Feb 3 2025

    Many of my clients grapple with this feeling that no one understands or has compassion for what they're going through. I might ruffle some feathers with my advice for you. But it's worth listening to the end, because when you do this, your life will transform.

    I'm talking with my sister, Jen Reimer, about compassion - receiving it, giving it, and having it for yourself.

    We get into where this seeming lack of compassion stems from, how to foster mutual compassion for those you perceive as insensitive, and finally, how this practice can transform your life.

    Where to find Jen:

    Instagram: @jenreimerleadership

    Website: www.virtuousradicals.com

    Where to find Sheri:
    Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching
    Website: sherijohnson.ca

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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • 131: How to Love Your Body That Didn’t Birth a Child
    Jan 26 2025

    Struggling to accept and love our bodies, especially when they haven’t done what society expects, is a theme that has been emerging inside my Women of Worth program.

    Are you content with your body that didn't birth a child? Or do you feel that it has somehow failed you?

    From ancient ideals to modern media, we’ve been told that motherhood is fundamental to being a woman. So, when that’s not part of your story many women begin to feel that their body is a daily reminder of what didn't happen. And to deal with this kind of judgement, they disconnect from their bodies.

    In this episode, we'll find a way to honour the incredible bodies that carry us through life, and forgive them if they haven’t behaved the way we wanted them to, or they don’t look the way we want them to.

    Then we'll explore how tapping into your body’s wisdom can lead you to profound self-love, joy, and acceptance.

    Have a listen and share it with your friends if it's helpful - childless or not.

    Where to find Sheri:
    Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching
    Website: sherijohnson.ca

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    32 mins
  • 130: Childless Women Get Tired Too
    Jan 19 2025

    It's not just parents who get tired. Childless women do too and when they are honest about feeling tired, that feeling is often invalidated by parents. We couldn't possibly be as tired as someone who has kids, right?

    And yet, childless women feel just as busy, burned out and fatigued. Why is that?

    In this solo episode, you find out:

    • why we feel guilty when we rest
    • how you can redefine rest in a way that will give you permission to do so more often
    • what you can start doing today to practice resting without guilt

    Where to find Sheri:
    Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching
    Website: sherijohnson.ca

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    30 mins