FluentFiction - Croatian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

    Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Autumn Harmony: A Chance Encounter in Maksimir Park
    Nov 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Autumn Harmony: A Chance Encounter in Maksimir Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-11-01-22-34-03-hr Story Transcript:Hr: U zagrebačkom parku Maksimir, lišće je plesalo na vjetru, prekrivajući staze zlatnim slojem.En: In the Zagreb park Maksimir, leaves danced in the wind, covering the paths with a golden layer.Hr: Tihana je hodala polako, ponekad zastajkujući kako bi udahnula miris jeseni.En: Tihana walked slowly, occasionally pausing to breathe in the scent of autumn.Hr: Nosila je cvijeće, bijeli krizantemi za njezinu pokojnu baku.En: She carried flowers, white chrysanthemums for her late grandmother.Hr: Tog popodneva tražila je mir među drvećem, nadajući se da će u tišini pronaći utjehu.En: That afternoon, she sought peace among the trees, hoping to find solace in the silence.Hr: Na klupi uz jezero sjedio je Ivica.En: On a bench by the lake sat Ivica.Hr: Njegov skicirni blok ležao je otvoren na koljenima.En: His sketchpad lay open on his knees.Hr: Crtao je krošnje stabala, pokušavajući uhvatiti čaroliju boja.En: He was drawing the treetops, trying to capture the magic of the colors.Hr: Svaki dan je dolazio ovdje, tražeći inspiraciju za svoje crteže.En: Every day, he came here seeking inspiration for his drawings.Hr: Ali danas, nešto ga je nagnalo da digne pogled s papira.En: But today, something compelled him to look up from the paper.Hr: Primijetio je Tihanu kako prilazi, umorna, ali odlučna.En: He noticed Tihana approaching, tired but determined.Hr: Tihana se spustila na kraj klupe.En: Tihana sat down at the end of the bench.Hr: Osjetila je Ivicine oči, ali bila je nesigurna kako započeti razgovor.En: She felt Ivica's eyes but was unsure how to start a conversation.Hr: Ipak, Ivica je osjetio potrebu da govori.En: Nevertheless, Ivica felt the need to speak.Hr: "Predivan dan za šetnju, zar ne?En: "A beautiful day for a walk, isn't it?"Hr: " rekao je nasmiješeno, nadajući se da će se Tihana osjećati dobrodošlom.En: he said with a smile, hoping to make Tihana feel welcome.Hr: Tihana se okrenula prema njemu i osmijeh se pojavio na njezinom licu.En: Tihana turned to him, and a smile appeared on her face.Hr: "Da, zaista je lijepo.En: "Yes, it really is lovely.Hr: Došla sam se malo opustiti.En: I came to relax a bit."Hr: "Oni su počeli razmjenjivati priče, naizmjenično otkrivajući djeliće svojih života.En: They began exchanging stories, alternately revealing pieces of their lives.Hr: Tihana mu je pričala o svojoj baki, o ljubavi i miru kojeg je uvijek pronalazila uz nju.En: Tihana told him about her grandmother, the love and peace she always found with her.Hr: Ivica joj je govorio o svojoj strasti za umjetnost i potrazi za istinskim osjećajima u ljudima koje susreće.En: Ivica spoke about his passion for art and his search for true emotions in the people he meets.Hr: Dok je sunce polako zalazilo, osjećali su se kao da se znaju odavno.En: As the sun slowly set, they felt as if they had known each other for a long time.Hr: Ivica je Tihani poklonio crtež stabala, na kojem je nježno osmijeh otkrivao mir i ljepotu koje je uočio u njoj.En: Ivica gave Tihana a drawing of the trees, with a gentle smile revealing the peace and beauty he noticed in her.Hr: "Možemo li se opet naći?En: "Can we meet again?"Hr: " upitao je, nadajući se da je stvorio nešto značajno.En: he asked, hoping he had created something significant.Hr: Tihana je kimnula, radosna zbog novog prijateljstva koje je iznenada procvjetalo.En: Tihana nodded, joyful for the new friendship that had suddenly blossomed.Hr: "Naravno, voljela bih.En: "Of course, I'd love to."Hr: " Otišla je iz parka s više nade u svom srcu nego kad je stigla.En: She left the park with more hope in her heart than when she arrived.Hr: Njihovi susreti postali su sve češći.En: Their meetings became more frequent.Hr: S vremenom, njihovo prijateljstvo je procvjetalo u nešto dublje.En: Over time, their friendship blossomed into something deeper.Hr: Tihana je polako izlazila iz svoje tuge, a Ivica je pronašao novi elan i inspiraciju u njezinoj blizini.En: Tihana slowly emerged from her sadness, and Ivica found new zeal and inspiration in her presence.Hr: U prekrasnom, zlatnom Maksimiru, dok su se mijenjali godišnji dobici, promijenili su se i životi Tihane i Ivice.En: In the beautiful, golden Maksimir, as the seasons changed, so too did the lives of Tihana and Ivica.Hr: Njihovo partnerstvo se pretvorilo u ljubav koju je hranila i inspirirala ljepota svijeta oko njih.En: Their partnership turned into a love nourished and inspired by the beauty of the world around them. Vocabulary Words:danced: plesalooccasionally: ponekadscent: mirissolace: utjehasketchpad: skicirni bloktreetops: krošnje stabalacapture: uhvatiticompelled: nagnalotired: umornadetermined: odlučnaconversation: razgovorrevealing: otkrivajućipassion: strastemotions: ...
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    15 mins
  • Finding Friendship in the Hunt for the Perfect Pumpkin
    Oct 31 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Friendship in the Hunt for the Perfect Pumpkin Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-10-31-22-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Zrake sunca probijale su se kroz krošnje drveća u Maksimiru, bacajući zlato na vlažne staze.En: The rays of the sun pierced through the tree canopies in Maksimir, casting gold over the damp paths.Hr: Tri prijatelja, Ivana, Marko i Ante, hodali su kroz šumu.En: Three friends, Ivana, Marko, and Ante, walked through the forest.Hr: Ivana je bila uzbuđena.En: Ivana was excited.Hr: Halloween je kucao na vrata, a ona je željela nezaboravnu proslavu.En: Halloween was just around the corner, and she wanted an unforgettable celebration.Hr: "Ivana, jesi li sigurna da ćemo naći savršenu bundevu ovdje?En: "Ivana, are you sure we'll find the perfect pumpkin here?"Hr: " upita Marko, gledajući oblake koji su se nagomilavali.En: asked Marko, looking at the clouds gathering above.Hr: "Moramo probati," reče Ivana, njene oči sijale.En: "We have to try," Ivana replied, her eyes shining.Hr: "Nigdje nije bolje nego u Maksimiru.En: "There's nowhere better than Maksimir."Hr: "Ante ih je pratio, korak po korak, uživajući u padu lišća.En: Ante followed them, step by step, enjoying the fall of leaves.Hr: "Ne žurimo," rekao je.En: "Let's not rush," he said.Hr: "Vani je lijepo.En: "It's nice outside."Hr: "Dok su hodali, kiša je počela padati, isprva lagano, pa jače.En: As they walked, the rain began to fall, first lightly, then more heavily.Hr: Staze su postajale skliske, a bundeve su bile rijetke.En: The paths became slippery, and pumpkins were scarce.Hr: "Možda se trebamo vratiti," reče Marko, zabrinut zbog kiše.En: "Maybe we should head back," Marko said, worried about the rain.Hr: Ali Ivana je bila odlučna.En: But Ivana was determined.Hr: "Samo još malo," nagovara ga.En: "Just a little further," she persuaded him.Hr: "Vjerujem da ćemo je naći.En: "I believe we'll find it."Hr: "U tom trenutku oblačno nebo se raščistilo i pronašli su se na malenom proplanku.En: At that moment, the cloudy sky cleared, and they found themselves in a small clearing.Hr: Tamo, skrivene iza gustog grmlja, bile su bundeve.En: There, hidden behind thick bushes, were the pumpkins.Hr: Velike, narančaste i netaknute.En: Large, orange, and untouched.Hr: "Ivana, uspjeli smo!En: "Ivana, we did it!"Hr: " uskliknu Ante, smijući se sa radošću.En: Ante exclaimed, laughing with joy.Hr: Uzele su jednu veliku bundevu, a ostale su posložili ispred sebe.En: They took one large pumpkin, and the rest they arranged in front of them.Hr: Kiša se vratila, no njih troje su sagradili mali zaklon od granja.En: The rain returned, but the three of them built a small shelter from branches.Hr: Sjedili su zajedno, smijući se i pričajući.En: They sat together, laughing and talking.Hr: Ivana je gledala svoje prijatelje i shvatila nešto važno.En: Ivana looked at her friends and realized something important.Hr: "Zahvalna sam što ste uz mene," rekla je.En: "I'm grateful that you're with me," she said.Hr: "S bundeva ili bez nje, vi ste ono što Halloween čini posebnim.En: "With or without pumpkins, you're what makes Halloween special."Hr: "Marko se složio.En: Marko agreed.Hr: "Ne moramo naći rješenje za sve odjednom.En: "We don't have to find a solution to everything all at once.Hr: Bitno je biti ovdje, zajedno.En: The important thing is being here, together."Hr: "Dok se kiša smirivala, prijatelji su slavili pobjedu, ne samo zbog bundeve, već zbog prijateljstva koje ih je povezivalo.En: As the rain calmed down, the friends celebrated their victory, not just for the pumpkin, but for the friendship that united them.Hr: Šuma je ponovno oživjela oko njih, ispunjena smijehom i obećanjem lijepog Halloween-a pred njima.En: The forest came alive once more around them, filled with laughter and the promise of a wonderful Halloween ahead.Hr: Ivana je znala da će ovo biti nezaboravan dan, ne zbog savršene bundeve, već zbog savršenih prijateljstava.En: Ivana knew this would be an unforgettable day, not because of the perfect pumpkin, but because of the perfect friendships.Hr: Dug je bio put do savršenstva, ali prijatno je bilo shvatiti da savršenstvo leži u trenucima koje provodimo s voljenima.En: The path to perfection was long, but it was lovely to realize that perfection lies in the moments we spend with loved ones. Vocabulary Words:rays: zrakepierced: probijalecanopies: krošnjedamp: vlažneunforgettable: nezaboravnugathering: nagomilavalipersuaded: nagovarascarce: rijetkecleared: raščistiloclearing: proplankuhidden: skrivenebushes: grmljauntouched: netaknuteexclaimed: uskliknularge: velikearranged: posložilishelter: zaklonbranches: granjarealized: shvatilagrateful: zahvalnaperfect: savršenecelebrated: slaviliunited: povezivalolaughter: smijehompromise: obećanjeahead: predliés: ležimoments: trenucimalong: duglovely: ...
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    14 mins
  • Squirrel Shenanigans: Laughter and Camaraderie in Autumn
    Oct 30 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Squirrel Shenanigans: Laughter and Camaraderie in Autumn Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-10-30-22-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je stajala na pragu svoje kuće, pogledu duboko utonulog u šume koje su okruživale selo.En: Ivana stood on the threshold of her house, her gaze deeply immersed in the woods surrounding the village.Hr: Lišće je nježno padalo, stvarajući šaren tepih na tlu.En: The leaves gently fell, creating a colorful carpet on the ground.Hr: Bližio se Dan Svih Svetih, i Ivana je željela da njezino dvorište bude savršeno.En: All Saints' Day was approaching, and Ivana wanted her yard to be perfect.Hr: Ona je bila poznata po svom urednom vrtu, i nadala se da će susjedi primijetiti njezin trud.En: She was known for her tidy garden and hoped the neighbors would notice her effort.Hr: Petar, njezin susjed i prijatelj od djetinjstva, upravo je dolazio.En: Petar, her neighbor and childhood friend, was just coming over.Hr: On je bio opušten, uvijek sklon šalama.En: He was relaxed, always inclined to joke.Hr: S njim je bio Luka, njegov mlađi rođak, poznat po nestašlucima i znatiželji.En: With him was Luka, his younger cousin, known for his mischief and curiosity.Hr: „Ivana, sve je spremno za zimu?En: "Ivana, is everything ready for winter?"Hr: “ upitao je Petar, s osmijehom na licu.En: asked Petar, with a smile on his face.Hr: „Skoro,“ odgovorila je Ivana, brižno gledajući nered od lišća.En: "Almost," Ivana replied, looking caringly at the mess of leaves.Hr: „Ali vjeverice mi otežavaju posao.En: "But the squirrels are making my job harder.Hr: Kradu mi alat i svugdje zakopavaju lješnjake!En: They're stealing my tools and burying hazelnuts everywhere!"Hr: “Petar se nasmijao.En: Petar laughed.Hr: „Možda samo žele pomoći.En: "Maybe they just want to help.Hr: Ili prirediti zabavu!En: Or throw a party!"Hr: “„Nije smiješno,“ progunđa Ivana, ali sa smiješkom.En: "It's not funny," Ivana grumbled, but with a smile.Hr: Zatim se okrenula prema Luki.En: Then she turned to Luka.Hr: „Luka, hoćeš mi pomoći?En: "Luka, will you help me?Hr: Tvoja energija bi mi mogla dobro doći.En: Your energy might come in handy."Hr: “Luka je živahno kimnuo.En: Luka nodded energetically.Hr: „Naravno, Ivana!En: "Of course, Ivana!Hr: Možemo ih prevariti!En: We can outsmart them!"Hr: “Tako su skovali plan.En: Thus, they devised a plan.Hr: Dok je Ivana pazila na vrt, Luka je montirao mali stražarski toranj, a Petar, iako uz smijeh i šalu, pomagao je koliko je mogao.En: While Ivana tended to the garden, Luka set up a small watchtower, and Petar, despite the laughter and jokes, helped as much as he could.Hr: Nedaleko, vjeverice su ih promatrale, spremne na svoje zagonetne manevre.En: Nearby, the squirrels watched them, ready for their enigmatic maneuvers.Hr: Ubrzo, plan je stupio na snagu.En: Soon, the plan was put into action.Hr: Luka je razmjestio lažne klopke, a Ivana se posvetila grabljanju i skupljanju lišća.En: Luka set up fake traps, and Ivana focused on raking and collecting leaves.Hr: Petar je, s sjekirom u ruci, pazio na svaku naizgled mirnu vjevericu.En: Petar, with an axe in hand, kept an eye on every seemingly calm squirrel.Hr: „Pazi!En: "Watch out!"Hr: “ uzviknuo je Luka kad je ugledao jednu vjevericu kako se približava Petaru.En: shouted Luka when he spotted a squirrel approaching Petar.Hr: U sljedeći trenutak, vjeverica je skočila na njega i ukrala mu kapu!En: In the next moment, the squirrel jumped on him and stole his hat!Hr: „Ajme, da nisi!En: "Oh no, you didn't!"Hr: “ viknuo je Petar, jureći za malenim kradljivcem.En: yelled Petar, chasing after the little thief.Hr: Tijekom ove komične potjere, dogodila se prava čarolija.En: During this comical chase, a true magic happened.Hr: Smijući se, svi troje su zajedničkim snagama završili sve poslove.En: Laughing, all three of them finished all the work together.Hr: Nered od lišća bio je savršeno posložen, a alate su uspjeli vratiti na sigurno.En: The mess of leaves was perfectly arranged, and they managed to secure the tools.Hr: Dok su sjedili kraj vatre, Ivana je shvatila koliko je život opušteniji s malo smijeha.En: As they sat by the fire, Ivana realized how much more relaxed life is with a little laughter.Hr: Petar je bio zadovoljan jer je konačno malo pomogao, a Luka je shvatio kako je lijepo biti dio tima.En: Petar was satisfied because he finally helped a bit, and Luka realized how nice it is to be part of a team.Hr: „Možda su vjeverice zapravo heroji,“ našalio se Petar zadnjim zrakom sunca, promatrajući kako se vesela družina opušta.En: "Maybe the squirrels are actually the heroes," joked Petar with the last rays of the sun, watching as the cheerful group relaxed.Hr: Dvorište je bilo spremno, a duh zajedništva učinio je sve boljim nego savršeno.En: The yard was ready, and the...
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    16 mins

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