FluentFiction - Indonesian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?

    Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Holiday Dilemma: Choosing Family Over Project Deadlines
    Dec 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Holiday Dilemma: Choosing Family Over Project Deadlines Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-12-26-08-38-20-id Story Transcript:Id: Di jantung kota yang sibuk, kantor perusahaan tempat Rendra bekerja dipenuhi oleh semangat musim liburan.En: In the heart of the bustling city, the office of the company where Rendra worked was filled with the spirit of the holiday season.Id: Pohon Natal berdiri di sudut ruangan, dan lampu berkelap-kelip menambah semarak suasana.En: A Christmas tree stood in the corner of the room, and twinkling lights added to the lively atmosphere.Id: Aroma kopi segar menyebar dari dapur kecil di ujung lorong, mengundang para karyawan untuk mengambil rehat sejenak.En: The aroma of fresh coffee wafted from the small kitchen at the end of the hallway, inviting the employees to take a momentary break.Id: Rendra, seorang manajer proyek yang ambisius, duduk di depan komputernya dengan tatapan penuh konsentrasi.En: Rendra, an ambitious project manager, sat in front of his computer with a look of deep concentration.Id: Tumpukan dokumen menghias mejanya, dan teleponnya tak henti berdering.En: A pile of documents adorned his desk, and his phone was constantly ringing.Id: Musim panas ini, meski sebagian besar orang berharap menikmati liburan, Rendra justru terjebak dalam tekanan pekerjaannya.En: This summer, though most people hoped to enjoy a holiday, Rendra was trapped under the pressure of his job.Id: Di tempat yang sama, Sari, rekan dan sahabat dekat Rendra, memperhatikan dari jauh.En: In the same place, Sari, Rendra's colleague and close friend, observed from afar.Id: Dia tahu bahwa liburan akhir tahun ini sangat penting bagi Rendra.En: She knew that this end-of-year holiday was very important to Rendra.Id: Dia mengingat bagaimana Rendra sering berbicara tentang keinginannya untuk menghabiskan waktu dengan keluarga.En: She recalled how Rendra often talked about his desire to spend time with his family.Id: Namun, proyek besar yang harus diselesaikan sebelum akhir bulan menempatkan Rendra dalam dilema.En: However, the major project that had to be completed before the end of the month put Rendra in a dilemma.Id: "Sari," panggil Rendra dengan suara lembut ketika Sari mendekat, "Aku merasa bersalah. Anak-anak sudah lama menunggu liburan ini. Tapi pekerjaan ini... terlalu banyak."En: "Sari," called Rendra softly when Sari approached, "I feel guilty. The kids have been waiting for this holiday for a long time. But this work... it's just too much."Id: Sari tersenyum hangat. "Rendra, kamu tahu aku selalu ada di sini jika kamu butuh bantuan. Peluang seperti ini tidak datang dua kali. Keluarga lebih berharga dari segalanya."En: Sari smiled warmly. "Rendra, you know I'm always here if you need help. Opportunities like this don't come twice. Family is more valuable than anything."Id: Rendra menghela napas panjang. Kata-kata Sari bergaung dalam pikirannya.En: Rendra took a long sigh. Sari's words resonated in his mind.Id: Namun, tekanan dari atasannya semakin berat.En: However, the pressure from his boss was becoming heavier.Id: Berbagai rapat penting dan tenggat waktu proyek membuatnya ragu untuk mengambil cuti.En: Various important meetings and project deadlines made him hesitant to take leave.Id: Hari demi hari berlalu, hingga tiba saatnya untuk memilih.En: Day by day passed until the time came to choose.Id: Hari itu, Rendra harus menghadiri pertemuan penting di kantor.En: That day, Rendra had to attend an important meeting at the office.Id: Namun di waktu yang sama, keluarganya menunggu di bandara untuk liburan pertama mereka ke pantai saat musim panas.En: But at the same time, his family was waiting at the airport for their first holiday to the beach in the summer.Id: Ketika jam dinding berdetak mendekati tengah hari, hati Rendra bergejolak.En: As the wall clock ticked close to noon, Rendra's heart was in turmoil.Id: Ia menatap kalender di mejanya, mengingat wajah gembira anak-anaknya.En: He glanced at the calendar on his desk, remembering his children's joyful faces.Id: Akhirnya, dengan napas yang tertahan, Rendra berdiri.En: Finally, with held breath, Rendra stood up.Id: Dia melangkah menuju ruangan bosnya.En: He walked towards his boss's office.Id: "Pak, saya tahu ini tiba-tiba, tapi saya harus bersama keluarga saya. Saya harus pergi. Pekerjaan ini penting, tapi keluarga adalah segalanya."En: "Sir, I know this is sudden, but I have to be with my family. I have to go. This work is important, but family is everything."Id: Bosnya terdiam sejenak, lalu mengangguk.En: His boss paused for a moment, then nodded.Id: "Saya menghargai kejujuranmu, Rendra. Pergilah, perusahaan akan tetap berjalan."En: "I appreciate your honesty, Rendra. Go, the company will still run."Id: Rendra merasa seolah beban besar terangkat dari bahunya.En: Rendra felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from his shoulders.Id: Dua jam kemudian, dia ...
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    20 mins
  • Bali Dreams: Rizky's Quest for Success at the Office Party
    Dec 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Bali Dreams: Rizky's Quest for Success at the Office Party Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-12-25-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Matahari terbenam dengan indah di atas komunitas perumahan mewah di Bali.En: The sun set beautifully over the luxurious residential community in Bali.Id: Lampu-lampu kecil menghias setiap sudutnya, menciptakan suasana hangat dan meriah.En: Small lights adorned every corner, creating a warm and festive atmosphere.Id: Di tengah malam musim panas itu, Rizky mengenakan kemeja batik terbarunya, bersiap menghadiri pesta Natal kantor pertamanya di pulau ini.En: In the middle of that summer night, Rizky put on his newest batik shirt, getting ready to attend his first office Christmas party on the island.Id: Rizky baru saja pindah ke Bali untuk pekerjaan impiannya.En: Rizky had just moved to Bali for his dream job.Id: Ia tahu, pesta ini adalah kesempatan emas untuk mengenal rekan kerja dan, terutama, membuat kesan baik pada Dewi, bosnya yang terkenal tegas namun adil.En: He knew this party was a golden opportunity to get to know his coworkers and, most importantly, make a good impression on Dewi, his boss who was known for being strict yet fair.Id: Ada proyek besar di kantor, dan Rizky sangat ingin ditunjuk untuk menanganinya.En: There was a big project at the office, and Rizky was very eager to be assigned to handle it.Id: Sesampainya di pesta, Rizky tersenyum dan memperkenalkan dirinya kepada setiap orang.En: Upon arriving at the party, Rizky smiled and introduced himself to everyone.Id: Makanan lezat diletakkan di meja panjang, sementara musik gamelan lembut mengalun di udara.En: Delicious food was laid out on a long table, while soft gamelan music filled the air.Id: Rizky mencoba mencari topik pembicaraan yang cocok dengan masing-masing orang.En: Rizky tried to find suitable conversation topics with each person.Id: Satu per satu, ia merasa sedikit lebih nyaman, meskipun rasa gugup kadang menyerangnya.En: One by one, he felt a bit more comfortable, although nervousness occasionally struck him.Id: Setelah beberapa lama, Rizky melihat Dewi berdiri sendirian di dekat kolam renang.En: After a while, Rizky saw Dewi standing alone by the swimming pool.Id: "Ini saatnya," pikir Rizky.En: "This is the moment," Rizky thought.Id: Ia menarik napas dalam untuk menghilangkan kecemasannya dan mendekati Dewi dengan senyuman hangat.En: He took a deep breath to calm his anxiety and approached Dewi with a warm smile.Id: Namun, sebelum Rizky sempat berbicara, Wayan tiba-tiba datang.En: However, before Rizky could speak, Wayan suddenly came over.Id: Wayan, yang juga mengincar proyek itu, segera menyapa Dewi dan berbicara panjang lebar.En: Wayan, who was also eyeing the project, immediately greeted Dewi and began a long conversation.Id: Rizky terpaksa mundur selangkah, merasakan campuran rasa kecewa dan cemas.En: Rizky had to step back, feeling a mix of disappointment and anxiety.Id: Selama beberapa menit berikutnya, Rizky berdiri sambil menatap minumannya.En: For the next few minutes, Rizky stood gazing at his drink.Id: Tak lama, seorang rekan kerja yang sebelumnya ia kenal, Ketut, mendekatinya.En: Soon, a coworker he had met earlier, Ketut, approached him.Id: "Rizky, kamu sudah bicara dengan Dewi?En: "Rizky, have you spoken to Dewi?"Id: " tanyanya.En: he asked.Id: Rizky menjelaskan situasinya.En: Rizky explained the situation.Id: Ketut, dengan senyuman penuh makna, berkata, "Tenang Rizky, ada banyak cara untuk mendapatkan perhatian Dewi.En: Ketut, with a meaningful smile, said, "Relax Rizky, there are many ways to get Dewi's attention.Id: Mungkin besok kita bisa bicara lagi dengannya, waktu suasana lebih tenang.En: Maybe tomorrow we can talk to her again, when things are calmer."Id: "Hari berikutnya, dengan bantuan Ketut, Rizky mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bertemu Dewi di kantor.En: The next day, with Ketut's help, Rizky got the opportunity to meet Dewi at the office.Id: Kali ini, tanpa gangguan, Rizky menarik napas dalam-dalam dan menyampaikan ide-idenya dengan jelas dan penuh semangat.En: This time, without interruption, Rizky took a deep breath and presented his ideas clearly and passionately.Id: Dewi, yang mendengarkan dengan seksama, terlihat terkesan.En: Dewi, listening intently, looked impressed.Id: Dewi akhirnya berkata, "Rizky, aku suka semangatmu.En: Dewi finally said, "Rizky, I like your enthusiasm.Id: Aku akan mempertimbangkan ide ini dengan serius.En: I will consider this idea seriously."Id: " Rizky merasa lega dan puas.En: Rizky felt relieved and satisfied.Id: Meski awalnya cemas dan ragu, Rizky menyadari pentingnya membangun hubungan baik dengan rekan kerja.En: Although initially anxious and doubtful, Rizky realized the importance of building good relationships with coworkers.Id: Aliansi yang ia bangun di pesta malam itu membantu membuka jalan baginya.En: The alliances he formed at the party ...
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    18 mins
  • Santa in Jakarta: A Heartwarming Holiday Surprise
    Dec 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Santa in Jakarta: A Heartwarming Holiday Surprise Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-12-25-08-38-19-id Story Transcript:Id: Di sebuah kompleks elit di Jakarta, suasana Natal mulai terasa meski panas terik musim panas menyelimuti kota.En: In an elite complex in Jakarta, the Christmas atmosphere began to be felt even though the scorching summer heat enveloped the city.Id: Lampu-lampu berwarna warni menghiasi setiap sudut dan pohon-pohon Natal berdiri megah di halaman depan rumah.En: Colorful lights adorned every corner, and Christmas trees stood majestically in the front yards of houses.Id: Indra, seorang warga yang suka menyebarkan keceriaan, memiliki rencana khusus tahun ini.En: Indra, a resident who loves to spread cheer, had a special plan this year.Id: Indra ingin memberikan hadiah natal kejutan kepada tetangganya, Dewi, yang baru saja pindah ke kompleks.En: Indra wanted to give a surprise Christmas gift to his neighbor, Dewi, who had just moved into the complex.Id: Dewi dikenal sebagai tetangga yang baik hati dan ramah.En: Dewi was known as a kind-hearted and friendly neighbor.Id: Namun, Indra menghadapi tantangan besar.En: However, Indra faced a big challenge.Id: Keamanan di kompleks semakin ketat setelah beberapa acara liburan baru-baru ini.En: Security in the complex had tightened after several recent holiday events.Id: "Duh, bagaimana caranya ya?" pikir Indra sambil berjalan-jalan di sekitar rumahnya.En: "Oh, how can I do this?" thought Indra as he walked around his house.Id: Ia lalu memutuskan untuk berdandan sebagai Santa Claus.En: He then decided to dress up as Santa Claus.Id: "Semua orang pasti berpikir ini bagian dari perayaan," gumamnya penuh optimisme.En: "Everyone will surely think this is part of the celebration," he murmured optimistically.Id: Di malam hari, dengan jubah merah dan topi Santa, Indra mulai menjalankan misinya.En: At night, with a red robe and Santa hat, Indra began his mission.Id: Ia membawa kotak hadiah yang dibungkus apik.En: He carried a neatly wrapped gift box.Id: Sambil mengendap-endap melalui halaman, tiba-tiba Wayan, tetangga sebelah yang suka mengusili, melihatnya.En: As he tip-toed through the yard, suddenly Wayan, the neighbor who liked to tease, saw him.Id: "Hei, Santa! Mau kemana?" teriak Wayan dengan tawa keras.En: "Hey, Santa! Where are you going?" shouted Wayan with a loud laugh.Id: Indra kaget hingga hampir menjatuhkan hadiahnya.En: Indra was surprised and almost dropped his gift.Id: Namun, ia tetap melanjutkan.En: However, he continued.Id: Di sinilah masalah muncul.En: This is where the problem arose.Id: Beberapa anak kecil yang sedang bermain melihat Indra.En: Some little children who were playing saw Indra.Id: Mereka terkejut dan mengira Santa Claus sedang dalam masalah.En: They were shocked and thought Santa Claus was in trouble.Id: "Santa! Kenapa kabur?" teriak mereka sambil tertawa dan berlari menghampiri Indra.En: "Santa! Why are you running away?" they shouted while laughing and running towards Indra.Id: Suasana semakin ribut.En: The situation became more chaotic.Id: Petugas keamanan pun akhirnya datang.En: The security officers eventually came.Id: Awalnya bingung, mereka akhirnya mengenali Indra dan tertawa.En: Initially confused, they finally recognized Indra and laughed.Id: "Indra, kamu ngapain sih ini?" tanya salah satu petugas sambil membantunya berdiri dari tumpukan hadiah yang jatuh.En: "Indra, what are you doing?" asked one of the officers while helping him stand from the pile of fallen gifts.Id: Mendengar keributan, Dewi keluar dari rumah.En: Hearing the commotion, Dewi came out of the house.Id: Ia terkejut tetapi segera mengerti situasinya.En: She was surprised but soon understood the situation.Id: "Indra, terima kasih banyak. Kamu sangat baik," katanya sambil tersenyum.En: "Indra, thank you so much. You're so kind," she said with a smile.Id: Dewi lalu mengundang Indra dan Wayan untuk bergabung dalam perayaan kecil di rumahnya.En: Dewi then invited Indra and Wayan to join a small celebration at her house.Id: Di tengah tawa dan camilan khas Natal, Indra belajar sesuatu.En: In the midst of laughter and typical Christmas snacks, Indra learned something.Id: Ia sadar bahwa menyebar kebaikan tidak perlu rumit.En: He realized that spreading kindness doesn't have to be complicated.Id: Kadang, kehadiran dan niat baik sudah lebih dari cukup.En: Sometimes, presence and good intentions are more than enough.Id: Dan begitulah, di malam Natal yang panas itu, Indra, Wayan, dan Dewi menikmati kebersamaan, memperlihatkan bahwa semangat Natal lebih dari sekadar hadiah; ia ada dalam hati yang saling berbagi.En: And so, on that hot Christmas night, Indra, Wayan, and Dewi enjoyed each other's company, showing that the Christmas spirit is more than just gifts; it resides in hearts that share with one another. Vocabulary Words:elite: elitcomplex: kompleksscorching: panas ...
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    17 mins

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