Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Fright and Fun: A Halloween Adventure in the Ljubljansko Barje Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-10-30-22-34-03-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja je z velikim navdušenjem stopila na Ljubljansko barje.En: Mateja stepped onto the Ljubljansko barje with great enthusiasm.Sl: Jesensko meglo je zavesa skrivnostne atmosfere razgrinjala okoli nje in Bojana.En: The autumn fog unfolded a curtain of mysterious atmosphere around her and Bojana.Sl: Zrak je bil vlažen in poln vonja po sveže rezanem listju.En: The air was damp and filled with the scent of freshly cut foliage.Sl: Blizo je osamljeni strašilo, ki sta ga postavili mestni otroci, zaplesalo v vetrni senci.En: Nearby, a lonely scarecrow, set up by city children, danced in the windy shadow.Sl: Bojan je nosil velik nož, Mateja pa svetilko in obližno voljo.En: Bojan carried a big knife, while Mateja had a flashlight and abundant will.Sl: Skupaj sta nameravala izklesati največjo bučo za festival noči čarovnic.En: Together, they intended to carve out the largest pumpkin for the Halloween festival.Sl: Mateja je imela rada noč čarovnic, a skrivoma se je bala čebel.En: Mateja loved Halloween, but secretly feared bees.Sl: Bojan pa je bil tekmovalen.En: Bojan, on the other hand, was competitive.Sl: "To bo naša zmagovalna buča," je rekel z odločnim glasom.En: "This will be our winning pumpkin," he declared with a determined voice.Sl: Iskala sta popolno bučo med barjanskimi gozdnimi potmi.En: They were searching for the perfect pumpkin along the marshland forest paths.Sl: Končno sta našla ogromno, ki se je skrivnostno lesketala v megli.En: Finally, they found a huge one that mysteriously glistened in the fog.Sl: Začela sta z rezbami.En: They began the carvings.Sl: Bojan je delal veliko luknjo na vrhu, Mateja pa je pogumno pomagala pri praznjenju buče.En: Bojan made a big hole at the top, while Mateja bravely helped in emptying the pumpkin.Sl: Zabava in smeh sta hitro polnila zrak.En: Fun and laughter quickly filled the air.Sl: A ko sta kopala globlje, sta našla nekaj, česar nista pričakovala – skrivni panj znotraj buče.En: But as they dug deeper, they found something unexpected—a secret hive inside the pumpkin.Sl: V trenutku, ko sta odprla prostor, so čebele zavreščale.En: The moment they opened the space, the bees swarmed.Sl: Mateja je sprva zmrznila, a njen strah jo je hitro prisilil v akcijo.En: Mateja froze at first, but her fear quickly forced her into action.Sl: "Beži, Bojan!En: "Run, Bojan!"Sl: " je zakričala, vlečeč ga za rokav.En: she screamed, grabbing him by the sleeve.Sl: Oba sta bila v hipu prekrita s koščki bučne kaše in čebelji brenčanje ju je gnalo naprej.En: Both were instantly covered in bits of pumpkin pulp, and the buzzing of the bees drove them onward.Sl: Tekla sta po mokri travi, smeh in panika prepletena v njunih glasovih.En: They ran across the wet grass, laughter and panic intertwined in their voices.Sl: Ko sta dosegla avto, so se čebele umaknile nazaj k svoji domovi.En: When they reached the car, the bees retreated back to their home.Sl: Sedela sta na stari klopi, pokrita z ostanki buče, dihaje in smeje se.En: They sat on an old bench, covered in pumpkin remnants, breathing and laughing.Sl: "Mateja," je rekel Bojan med smehom, "ne bi se smeli tako prizadevati za zmago.En: "Mateja," said Bojan amidst laughter, "we shouldn't have tried so hard to win.Sl: Bilo je bolj zabavno, kot sem mislil.En: It was more fun than I expected."Sl: "Mateja se je smejala z njim, občutek ponosa jo je prežemal.En: Mateja laughed with him, a feeling of pride enveloping her.Sl: Pogledala je v daljavo, kjer se je megla počasi razkrajala in razkrivala zlato-rumeno obzorje.En: She looked into the distance, where the fog was slowly dissipating, revealing a golden-yellow horizon.Sl: Spoznala je, da je premagovanje strahu pomenilo nekaj večjega.En: She realized that overcoming fear meant something greater.Sl: "Veš kaj, Bojan," je rekla, "želim še več takih dogodivščin.En: "You know what, Bojan," she said, "I want more adventures like this."Sl: "Tako sta se, polna novih spoznanj in smeha, odpravila domov.En: And so, full of new insights and laughter, they headed home.Sl: Ljubljansko barje je ostalo priča njune nenavadne zabave, ki je povezala prijateljstvo in pogum pod jesenskim nebom.En: The Ljubljansko barje remained a witness to their unusual fun, which bound friendship and courage under the autumn sky. Vocabulary Words:enthusiasm: navdušenjemfog: meglounfolded: razgrinjaladamp: vlaženfoliage: listjuscarecrow: strašilocarve: izklesatihive: panjswarmed: zavreščalepulp: kašepanic: panikalaughed: smejalaovercoming: premagovanjeadventures: dogodivščininsights: spoznanjmarshland: barjanskimimysteriously: skrivnostnobravely: pogumnobuzzing: brenčanjeretreated: umaknileremnants: ostankienveloped: prežemaldissipating: ...