• The Blessings of Marriage and Children // Genesis 1:28-31
    Dec 30 2024

    When God created Adam & Eve, Scripture tells us He blessed them with a command to have children. We'll look at the implications of this for the Church today and compare it to the views of the culture. Are marriage, children, and family still blessings and commands for Christians today? What about singleness? We'll talk about all of it.


    How has personal experience and the influence of the culture shaped your views of marriage and children?

    Do you feel your views align with Scripture or conflict with Scripture?

    How can we reconcile the idea of marriage and children as blessings with the very real challenges and hardships that often come with them in our fallen world?

    How can single Christians balance pursuing obedience to God’s command to marry with not rushing into a relationship foolishly?

    Have you ever pursued a life goal at the expense of obeying, or delaying obedience to, God?

    What are some good reasons for delaying marriage?

    What are some bad reasons for delaying marriage?

    Invite the married couples in your group to share an unexpected blessing they found in marriage.

    How can the Church meaningfully affirm and celebrate biblical singleness?

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    49 mins
  • Gender Confusion: What Should Christians Do? // Genesis 1:27
    Dec 23 2024

    How should Christians respond to pressing cultural issues around gender, like preferred pronouns, bathrooms, and gay or trans weddings? We'll apply the truth of the Scriptures practically and also look at how churches should respond to seekers who wrestle with issues like same-sex attraction and/or gender dysphoria.


    What are your thoughts on preferred pronouns? What sort of situations have you encountered around this issue? How did you handle them?

    Jeff shared that attending a wedding is generally viewed as an endorsement of the celebration. Do you agree? Why or why not? How would you respond to being invited to a same-sex wedding?

    How does the idea that 'God is love' (Cf. 1 John 4:8) differ from the cultural notion that 'love is God'?

    Agape love means doing what is best for someone regardless of personal cost. What are some ways God has called you, personally, to show His Agape love to others in your life?

    Reflect on the statement: "Their being actually loved is more important than their feeling loved." How does this challenge our typical understanding of love?

    How does the promise of resurrected, perfected bodies in eternity impact how we view and deal with physical and mental struggles in this life?

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    54 mins
  • Gender Confusion: What Should Christians Think? // Genesis 1:27
    Dec 9 2024

    What is gender dysphoria, and what causes it? Why are we seeing so much more of it? We'll talk about these timely questions and how Christians can think biblically about gender identity issues.


    Do you believe in besetting sins (I.E., sins that a Christian will probably wrestle with their whole lives)?

    Do you believe every Christian can be fully healed from any struggle with sin?

    If not, what IS possible for every Christian in their struggles with sin?

    In what ways might Christians be tempted to make exceptions for obedience to God's Word based on emotions or mental health struggles?

    If a Christian struggled with gender dysphoria, how would you show them the love of Christ while maintaining biblical standards?

    What are the potential consequences of finding your identity in something other than Christ?

    What things in your life are you most tempted to find your identity in other than Christ?

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    52 mins
  • Gender Confusion: How Did We Get Here? // Genesis 1.26-27
    Dec 3 2024

    What does the Bible say about the origins of our gender? How did the subject of gender identity go from something practically nobody was talking about 7-8 years ago to a mainstream cultural issue today? We'll talk about these questions and the answers provided by Romans 1 and the past few centuries of secular philosophy and intellectualism.


    What stood out to you most from the sermon. Why?

    Read Romans 1:18-32 out loud as a group. Take breaks and invite group members to share what sticks out to them from the text. Do they have any questions?

    Jeff shared that the human heart becomes calibrated to recognize truth when we welcome truth that is revealed to us. Conversely, if we reject truth our heart can become uncalibrated, and we can struggle to discern truth from lies. Have you ever observed this reality in your own life or the lives of others? Tell the group about it.

    Are there any truths about God and the Christian life that the modern church often suppresses?

    What role does gratitude play in maintaining a right relationship with God, as suggested in Romans 1:21?

    How can we balance speaking biblical truth about gender and sexuality with showing love and compassion to those struggling with these issues?

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • God Makes Man // Genesis 1:24-27
    Nov 25 2024

    We pick up our study of creation week by looking at the reasons DNA makes evolutionary theory impossible, and a couple of other reasons why Darwin's proposals are intellectually bankrupt. We'll also delve into the question of what it means that man was created "Imago Dei" - in the image and likeness of God. In the incredible answer, we'll find the purpose of our existence...


    If someone asked you what it means that we were made in the image of God (“Imago Dei”), how would you answer?

    How should the reality that we were created for a relationship with God affect how we approach daily life, decision-making, and defining success?

    Deuteronomy 6:5 commands us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Which aspect comes most naturally to you (heart/emotions, soul/mind, strength/actions)? Which comes least naturally?

    Are you being intentional about loving the Lord in ways that don’t come naturally to you? How?

    What do think of the idea that we can be blessing to our heavenly Father? How does, or should, that idea affect the way we worship and serve Him?

    Does the fact that we are called to represent God to those in our lives affect the way you interact with people? How?

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    50 mins
  • Life Fills the Earth // Genesis 1:20-25
    Oct 27 2024

    We pause for a moment to reflect on the size of the universe, question the existence of extra-terrestrials, marvel at God's advanced astronomical revelations in the Book of Job, point out sea monsters in the Creation account, and highlight history's oldest insights into the water cycle before moving on to day 5 and the creation of water and sky creatures.


    Just for Fun: The Bible talks about sea monsters like Leviathan (which may have had multiple heads!). Are there any other mythical creatures or places you think might be real (or have existed in the past)?

    Genesis 1 cannot be reconciled with evolutionary theory. Which biblical truths have you found most controversial to the non-believers in your life, and why do you think that is?

    After God creates Adam and Eve, he blesses them in Genesis 1:28 with the instructions to “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth”. What does it look like for Christians to faithfully obey this command today?

    Should Christians feel the freedom to make this an issue of conscience or personal choice? Why or why not?

    Read Matthew 6:25-34.

    Share a time when you were astonished by how God cared or provided for you in a very personal and specific way.

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    37 mins
  • Land, Sea, and Sky // Genesis 1:9-19
    Oct 21 2024

    As we study the 3rd and 4th days of creation, we find some surprising parallels between the trees and plants and the process of sanctification in the believer's life. We'll also see similarities between the celestial bodies and the way believers are called to reflect the light of Christ.


    Do you believe that the text of Genesis 1 leaves room for evolution and/or an old universe? Why or why not?

    Have you experienced the paradox of sanctification - becoming more like Christ while simultaneously becoming more aware of our sinfulness - in your spiritual journey?

    Is there an area of your life where you’ve seen the Lord sanctify you in a significant way?

    Is there currently an area of your life where you know God wants to sanctify you?

    How can we become less stubborn toward sanctification? Are there practical things we can do that can help?

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    36 mins
  • The Expanse // Genesis 1:6-8
    Oct 15 2024

    On the second day, God separates the waters on the earth from the waters above the earth. We'll learn that recent research has disproved the popular "Canopy Theory" and we'll talk about what that teaches us about the importance of distinguishing between what Scripture is clear about and what Scripture is not clear about.


    What Is the State of the Water Vapor Canopy Model?

    Heat Problems Associated with Genesis Flood Models—Part 3: Vapour Canopy Models


    Are there any beliefs you had at one time about Christianity or the Bible that have changed over time? What caused those beliefs to change?

    How can we balance our respect for Scripture with openness to new scientific discoveries, as exemplified in the Galileo case?

    What are the dangers of elevating human interpretations of Scripture to the same level as Scripture itself? How can we guard against this tendency?

    How does Paul's description of Christ in Colossians 1:15-20 enhance our understanding of creation and God's purposes?

    Share a question related to Christianity or the Bible that you’re still looking for an answer to. Does anyone in the group have a good answer?

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    34 mins