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Most of the times we feel trap or unmotivated according on how things are on the outside and we forget to look on the inside.MEANING INSIDE OF USThis is where we lose ourselves. Specially whenever we are race with the mentality that we need to follow, accomplish or to be in survival mode all the time compete and it seems that a group of people created a system long time ago to have the control over us so we forget or never question ourselves is that all it is? Is that all it is to follow a system? Is there all it is to follow stereotypes concepts of how things are,how a nation is,how they separate skin color people etc, with all this nonsense concepts we really loose perspective perspective of life perspective or our own world everything is os systematic.You don’t owe anything to anyone this is important that you have it very clear.Dont let anyone make you feel you ow them something I am going to explain why, Be grateful that is for sure but whatever people act react is their responsibility I cam not telling you to go and be a jurk or anything like that be thankful for sure but whenever a person brings something related that they helped you whenever you needed or they did everything for you or left or etc that is is the narcissist part coming out.And unfortunately they don’t teach us how to control this part that we all carry and that’s why there are people that are 80 years old and that’s all they are narcissists.Redefine yourself constantly be teachable without loosing yourself be there for others without loosing yourself adapt without loosing yourself love without loosing yourself.Sometimes it can feel scary to let go of our comfort zone but just this concept comport zone what does it mean where we feel safe? I have seen people neglected in a relationship and they say they don’t want to leave because they feel safe I have seen people grow up in a family that most of the times bring their narcissist side and they just don’t want to let go because they are family I have seen people struggling in a job but they don’t want to leave because they feel safe so this are just vague examples but clear examples about how a system can create our “world” and how can we wast our life’s just caring and seeing what is outside we all have a mission in the plant but you will never find your path if you keep giving away your energy your power.We are energy and are so powerful.i really invite you to give yourself permission give yourself time to analyze your strengths and ask yourself if you are really using them?How much do i worry about what others think about me?Why I feel anxious sometimes What about if i let go of my concerns start being less afraid and more determinate?The power of determination is impressive.I invite you to write down all those and your answers and everyday document your progress and stay focus instead of going outside of approval watch the news or critizize or bring negative though to your life start being present with you for yourselves Start thinking outside the box there still so much to learn discover do in this dimension please don’t get stuck try new things learn new things the most important thing take time to really know yourself as we evolve in this dimension we need to keep checking our mental ,spiritual, and physical health super important.You truly have in your hands to have what you want in your life the thing here is that you need to let go of certain believes and start moving forward and my advice keep it to yourself the more private you can be about your goals the better the reason that i tell you this is because as soon as we start talking about ourselves people start giving opinions and then you start doubting and then you loose your focus.
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