• How To Get On The Mount Rushmore of Thespians (Actors)…. Be James Earl Jones!
    Sep 17 2024

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    If you want to understand people you need to listen to them before you begin speaking. There are many good things going on in the world. The Wingman Show always aims to be positive and leave you with a positive outlook.

    Although not headline news, NBA Hall of Fame alum, and beloved broadcaster on all things basketball, the one and only Charles Barkley, has quietly donated one million dollars to St. Marys Academy in New Orleans. This is the school that produced the two young ladies who proved the Pythagorean theorem using trigonometry in a manner once thought to be impossible.

    The world lost one of its greatest actors. James Earl Jones who appeared in a wide range of movies, Broadway plays, and VoiceOver narration for such legendary characters as the Lion King and the unmistakable voice of the character Darth Vader in the movie Star Wars. He is also one of the few people in the world who earned an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony Awards.

    No one wants to suffer a painful injury, but if you “break-a-leg” in show business like Commander Drew did when he was a thespian, that’s a good thing.

    Do you have to have perfect (20/20) vision to fly an airplane?

    No you don’t, just get a a pair of prescription eye glasses.

    Meet a little wingman who completed a big job that helped save a life.

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    31 mins
  • How to Work Anywhere in the world…Become a Digital Nomad
    Sep 10 2024

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    Life is not always going to be convenient. Embrace the challenge to be better even though you may suffer some discomfort in the short run. Meaningful growth rarely happens by accident, one must be intentional to move forward.

    A U.S. Army base in the state of Virginia has been renamed Fort Greg-Adams to honor two pioneers who persevered to serve the nation honorably, oftentimes under less than honorable social conditions mandated by culture and law. The honorees, Lt. General James Greg was the first black military officer to achieve the rank of Lieutenant General; while Lieutenant Colonel Charity Adams Earley was the first black woman to become a commissioned officer in the Army’s Womens Auxiliary Corps and given the ground breaking task of leading a specialized unit of women on a special project overseas during World War II.

    The emergence of a new class of employees has been created. Those known as digital nomads are employed worldwide outside of a traditional office. Instead, they work from disparate locations from a personal computer. In general these oftentimes, highly skilled workers have no fixed position. Some work from home or other domestic location, while others may be found anywhere in the world. The primary requirement is a suitable environment and employer who allows remote work and a good internet connection.

    Young adults are still trying to mature in many cases, years after they technically become adult. Conflicts with parents in adulthood need to be handled differently than in an earlier environment where one is clearly the parent while the other is a minor.

    Meet a wingman to an entire school system who quietly contributed to the upward growth of her school family during her life and beyond.

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    33 mins
  • How to Get a Job at a Black Airline Convention While Being White
    Sep 3 2024

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    Every day you wake up is a new day, so make the most of it.

    Dr. Paul represented the Wingmen Show at the OBAP (Organization of Black Aviation Professionals) at their annual conference held this year in Memphis, Tennessee, and sponsored by FedEx. This annual conference is open to all and serves as a gathering point for those interested in any of the vast array of career opportunities that are available in the airline industry right now and in the foreseeable future.

    One of the most touching aspects of the conference was the special recognition given to the first seven black pilots hired by a small company known as Federal Express that grew to become a global giant in the cargo transportation industry. Of the seven aviators, the four pilots still living, were present at the airing of this mini documentary. In this Biopic, the founder of Federal Express, Mr. Fred Smith gave a comprehensive historical narrative on the need to open opportunities for employment without regard to racial background or other limiting factors in order to expedite the long term development of his burgeoning aviation company.

    Heman Bekele, a young man we featured some time ago for his development of a special soap to combat skin cancer has been named Time Magazine’s, Kid of The Year and has teamed up with researchers at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John’s Hopkins University to get his treatment approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and made available to the outside world.

    The recent passing of the one-time, most listened-to daytime talk show hosts, Phil Donahue was noted by the wingmen as his show watched daily by millions. Commander Drew was the star of his show, not once but twice, that helped propel his motivational speaking career throughout the United States. This show you are listen to or watching, the Wingmen Show Podcast is an offshoot of what he has been doing in front of of large audiences for decades.

    Listen to the story of a whole town full of wingmen who adopted dozens of children who had nowhere to go.

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    32 mins
  • How to Stay Pee-Pee Free In a Pool? Don’t Be An Olympic Swimmer!
    Aug 20 2024

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    Those who help others are essentially wingmen, whether they know it or not. We have renewed our alliance with Magic Mind, the nootropic that improves alertness and concentration. This concoction is so effective, that separately, both of our wives have requested it by name, to improve their individual performance. The Veterans Hotline has been found to be an effective way to get mental health help to our servicemen and women who need assistance with internal battles that plague their lives. As so-called Baby Boomers we reflect on some of the simple things in life that gave us great joy while growing up. The ability to roam free, unrestricted by artificial boundaries, in the search for youthful adventure, provided us with an exposure to the outside world and a sense for adventure. Did you know that olympic swimmers relieve themselves in the pool when nature calls? No wonder my old YMCA pool had enough chlorine in the water that it turned everyone’s eyes red even before we got in the water! If you are fortunate enough to get a sizable inheritance, we think it’s ok to spend some of it on yourself to have some fun; then knock out some debt and invest the rest. Meet a young wingman who has been helping school children in his county and shows no signs of stopping.

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    34 mins
  • How to Have a Black Job and Strike Gold, Be an Olympian!
    Aug 13 2024

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    Accomplishing purpose driven goals requires commitment as well as enduring periods of discomfort. Athletes in general and olympians in particular, experience many years of extreme physical and emotional stress in their quest to be the best in their sport.

    This year’s Summer Olympics has been historic for many reasons. One of the key moments of distinction was at the conclusion of the Womens Gymnastics 2024 Olympic Floor final results which had three black women at the podium, all at the same time, being awarded the gold, silver and bronze medal respectively. The crowd in attendance cheered and applauded with great joy. This celebration in Paris was in stark contrast to the final result of the Mens 200 meter dash at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City where John Carlos and Tommie Smith gave a Black Power salute. With each man raising a black-gloved fist as a sign of defiance of the racial condition afflicting the majority black people in their quest for equality in the USA during that tumultuous era, contrary to being celebrated they found themselves vilified and shunned by mainstream media for causing discomfort for those unaccustomed to challenge of the social status quo.

    For more good news, former New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg does it again. His philanthropic organization has donated an additional 600 million dollars on top of the one billion dollar donation he’s already provided to Johns Hopkins School of Medicine just two months ago. This time his donation will be directed specifically to four historically black medical schools, doubling their overall endowments in the long term quest to narrow racial health care disparities across the country.

    When people hear the term ‘spin’ with an airplane it brings up the thoughts of a disaster. But in the rarefied air of Naval Aviation, there is a type of spin that is a good thing. That term is used exclusively in carrier aviation when the visual landing pattern is so full of aircraft that there is room for no more. In that case additional aircraft approaching the pattern may be told to “spin it”, meaning they simply need to take their formation and circle the ship to allow additional time for space to develop in the landing pattern so they can enter safely and land normally.

    Meet a wingman who does good deeds to neighbors in need by providing free lawn care and property maintenance to those unable to care for it themselves due to the challenges of life. His selfless service transforms the lives and local communities for those who are less fortunate.

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    32 mins
  • How to Be a Badass -Top Gun Navy Jet - Attack - Pilot? Subscribe to The Wingmen Show Podcast!
    Jul 30 2024

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    Perseverance is key to accomplishing anything worth doing, especially if it is difficult at first. Those who succeed are those who do not quit after encountering hurdles that can be overcome eventually with persistence.

    Many people can become jet pilots, but relatively few people have landed aboard a floating object moving in the ocean. Naval Aviation, and aircraft carrier operations in particular require a level precision unmatched in other realms of flying. The first time a pilot lands on an aircraft carrier, he or she joins a unique cadre of aviators. Those who persevere under the unique environment and the rigors of Naval Aviation and manage to land safely aboard a moving platform at sea are prime examples of those who have dedicated themselves to successfully completing a difficult task under difficult conditions.

    In the hustle and bustle of modern life many people are filled with tension and worry. In a Northern section of Japan it is mandatory that residents laugh vigorously at various periods to help relieve stress and improve the overall quality throughout the community.

    Our friend Mr. Beast is at it again, as one of his latest philanthropic efforts has successfully removed tens of millions of trash from the world’s oceans.

    The stress and strain of caring for an older relative can tax the nerves and resources of the most giving caregiver. Those who are overwhelmed because they are doing everything themselves need to involve others in the tasks that seem overwhelming. Having a team of people to help out is key. If other relatives are unwilling or unable to assist, look online for community resources that may be available.

    Meet a wingman who has raised dozens of children from infancy to adulthood even though, she was not their biological mother.

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    32 mins
  • How To Win an Emmy, Get Racially Profiled In Central Park!
    Jul 23 2024

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    Maintaining a positive attitude will take you farther in life than just being down in the dumps all the time.

    Central Park in New York City serves as a meeting place for different kinds of people. An encounter between a birdwatcher and a pet owner who found themselves in the same place at the same time led to an incident that became a national news story. But despite all of the negative implications of yet another incident of racial profiling taking center stage in public discussion, there was an unexpected positive outcome. The bird watcher who was accused of being “threatening” faced no charges because video evidence showed the complaint had no merit. Subsequent to this ordeal, this Harvard educated birdwatcher has received a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Daytime Personality from National Geographic for his show Extraordinary Birder.

    Despite what you hear in the news, there are good things going on in the USA; the wingmen cover ten of them.

    It may be a coincidence, but another multibillionaire has donated one billion dollars to a medical school to cover tuition and other expenses to aspiring doctors, relieving them of massive school debt. Former New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg donated one billion dollars to the medical school of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland from his philanthropic foundation.

    If you visit the city of Barcelona in Spain, you may need to carry an umbrella even on sunny days if the locals decide to encourage you to visit elsewhere by firing water pistols to get you on your way.

    If you have nasty neighbors, take the kind and understanding approach at first. If subtle things don’t help, consider building some kind of barrier or just moving altogether.

    Meet a wingman who built one hundred modern homes for impoverished people in the Caribbean, South America and Mexico; despite his easily recognized name, he is more of an angel than a beast.

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    32 mins
  • How to have better Sex, follow these 7 healthy Tips!
    Jul 16 2024

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    We all possess some form of brilliance whether we are superstars or everyday people.

    In a shocking turn of events, the wingmen pull the covers off, and exposes better sex secrets to the world, but in a way that is different than most. They earn a “G” rating, making this information acceptable for General Audiences.

    Good things continue to happen in the world that get little attention. Commander Drew details good deeds done by others.

    The price of food these days has everyone looking for more reasonable choices. To get more bang for your bucks, the supermarket chain, ALDI is your best bet.

    In the near future the U.S. Navy is said to be considering eliminating the need for future pilots to have performed actual carrier landings during their flight training. Modern technologies and equipment enhancements have made the (still) dangerous event of landing on a floating platform at sea, like riding on a magic carpet.

    Everyone should learn how to swim. If fear is a factor in the reluctance to enter the water, this emotion can be successfully overcome over time by a competent and patient instructor.

    Meet a wingman who is lending her fame as a contribution to underserved young people to encourage active participation in a global sport rarely found in their communities.

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    33 mins