• Mingjue Awakening: The Gateway to Pure Consciousness in Zhineng Qigong - Regina Dell Oro
    Oct 2 2024

    Mingjue in Zhineng Qigong is a self aware state that goes beyond all feelings, thoughts and emotions. It is a state of pure consciousness and clear awareness that is both accessible and applicable in daily life. Regina Dell Oro teaches us how to access this almost meditative state and how to apply Mingjue to every situation. When we align with the inner observer through Zhineng Qigong, we develop a stable consciousness state and awaken to our true self. Mingjue acts as a gateway, connecting our everyday, concept-driven thinking to a more elevated state of pure awareness.

    Regina was taught how to access Mingjue by Teacher Wei Qifeng. How to ensure relaxation forms the foundation of the Mingjue practice, allowing Qigong practitioners and students to let go of tension and enter a deeper state of consciousness. Observation follows, where attention is brought to the body and mind without judgment. The third step is concentration, or effortless attention, deepens this observation, contradicting Western notions or reference frameworks of concentration as effortful.

    Change naturally occurs as a result of these steps. Emotional regulation becomes possible through the application of Mingjue principles, Regina explains. By letting go of attachments and preconceptions is crucial throughout this process, Regina notes.

    When you are in a state of Mingjue you are in control as choice in reactions is emphasised. Regina also notes that daily life has stressors, and she encourages us to use Qigong and Mingjue in all aspects of one's life. Regina believes that one’s Qi is preserved and enhanced through Mingjue and Zhineng Qigong, leading to increased energy and joy in daily experiences.

    Mindful moments:

    • Mingjue: A state of pure consciousness beyond feelings and thoughts.
    • Access Mingjue: Relax, observe, and focus.
    • Emotional Regulation: Release attachments and preconceptions.
    • Enhanced Qi: Increase energy and joy through Mingjue.
    • Gateway to Higher Awareness: Connect with your true self.

    Links & Resources:
    La Qi Method E-learning Course: Unlock a 50% Early Bird Discount!

    More about Mingjue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E5eTqYxNu0

    Contact Regina Dell Oro here: https://www.daoinmotion.com/

    Regina's first episode: https://youtu.be/BH_wysfuilw?si=ZKzoOPGWuYa1kwPB

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    56 mins
  • How To Create Your Very Own Qigong Diet - Sahaja Yuantong
    Sep 25 2024

    The Zhineng Qigong practice has its purpose in unity and balance within the mind-body connection. Dr Pang said Qigong shouldn’t be limited to movements, but a reflection in daily life. Sahaja Yuantong integrated diet and food choices with Zhineng Qigong, reflecting wholeness. Qigong and nutrition are interconnected aspects of holistic health. The Zhineng Qigong practice, while not explicitly focused on diet, recognizes the importance of food in overall well-being.

    Discovering your true-self through Zhineng Qigong, will expand awareness as this is the source of wisdom even with personal nutrition. The inner master, will become conscious of the effect food can have. Sahaja explains, that our inner-self, awakens as one becomes more attuned to their body's needs through mindfulness. Our reference framework of food often influence our choices, this could stem from childhood or an experience associated with a particular meal, like seeking comfort - Sahaja notes.

    Sahaja discusses, flexibility and awareness in dietary choices allow individuals to adapt to their unique requirements. Recalling an acupuncture session, where she was told to increase her protein intake and take a more balanced route with her nutrition. Encouraging mindful eating rather than rigid dietary rules, where missing nutrients can cause trouble and develop into a disease.

    Sahaja touches on the inevitable cravings too. As cravings complicate our relationship with food. Recognizing these cravings is essential for distinguishing them from genuine nutritional needs. It’s okay to satisfy a craving in moderation, because even a craving will work it's way out and reset, Sahaja emphasizes the importance of balance and oneness in food choices.

    We have to be mindful of what we put into our bodies. Sahaja highlights the significance of aligning food choices with the natural rhythms of life. The concept of macrobiotics (a diet associated with Zen Buddhism), which emphasizes the balance of yin and yang in foods & illustrates how seasonal eating can enhance health. For instance, ever wondered why you prefer lighter meals in summer, while heartier ones in winter? This approach reflects the Daoist philosophy that underpins both Qigong and nutrition, suggesting that food should harmonize with our environment and personal needs.

    Mindful moments:

    • Qigong & Nutrition: Zhineng Qigong emphasizes nutrition for holistic health
    • Self-Awareness & Food: Connect with your true self to make informed food choices
    • Yin & Yang Eating: Balance your diet with seasonal eating
    • Mindful Eating: Be conscious of how food affects your energy
    • Avoid Self-Sabotage: Understand emotional eating patterns
    • Positive Nutrition: Enjoy food that promotes well-being

    Links & Resources:
    Sahaja's other episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO2ZaGQ2Y6c
    Sahaja's site: https://www.radiantawakening.net/
    La Qi Method E-learning Course: Unlock a 50% Early Bird Discount!

    🎙️🌟Explore more podcasts, events, and resources visit:

    📘📚 Get your FREE E-book on the "Eight verses meditation" by Dr Pang:

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    49 mins
  • Qigong For Children: Empowering Young Minds with Energy & Intention - Mirjam Buck
    Sep 18 2024

    Children without discipline often lack self-control or focus - a challenge for parents, but for Mirjam Buck, children are at the heart of her Zhineng Qigong practice. Zhineng Qigong practices, have proven to capture children's attention, allowing them to explore their innate abilities, extending beyond consciousness and the physical level. Being seen and respected are important to children, even at such a young age. By simply building a Qi field, removing ego and having a sense of community: discipline issues that some children initially faced have been addressed through Zhineng Qigong. Qigong enabled children to respect each other's emotions and ideas, creating a safe space for them to express themselves freely.

    Intention and it’s power has been demonstrated by these children countless times, through spoon bending exercises and even placing cut zucchini back together, Mirjam discusses. Children grow up in times where external validation and instant gratification are, seemingly, a part of daily life. A reference framework driven by ego and comparison. In Qigong, Mirjam taught them that sharing the Qi field as a group, sending information with supportive, positive energy as their fellow classmates achieve success won’t hinder theirs. They were just as influential and instrumental in their classmates’ success, showcasing the power of unity and oneness - a core principle of Zhineng Qigong.

    La Qi, with pouring Qi down and the 8 verses meditation, are Qigong practices children really love. Children report vivid sensations of energy and light, Mirjam notes. Children of her class found doing La Qi and meditating with the eight verses of Zhineng Qigong was grounding and help balance them after a stressful day. Mirjam notes that she often learns from them too. Mirjam excluded herself in the group, one of her student’s asked "Why are you not saying we are wonderful? You forgot yourself." This taught Mirjam about maintaining equality and connection within the group.

    Parents and guardians know the importance of the formative years in a child’s life it’s well documented. Self-confidence, and knowing your true self through Qigong is Mirjam’s purpose of these classes. Anxiety and insecurity are often the results of separation of self within childhood, the Zhineng Qigong practice provides a foundation of unity and emotional resilience, preparing children for the challenges of life.

    Mindful Moments:

    • Zhineng Qigong helps kids discover their true selves, building Self-Confidence
    • Qi Field and Unity: Build a Qi field creating oneness and a supportive, positive environment for all.
    • Qigong creates a safe space for children to connect and support each other, removing ego and jealousy.
    • Intention: Children have demonstrated extended abilities through intention & experiments.
    • La Qi and 8 verses meditation are the kid's favorites.

    Links & Resources:
    Mirjam’s site: https://mirjam-buck.de/en/
    La Qi Method E-learning Course: https://youtu.be/aDH9ntY_gTU
    More La Qi: https://t.ly/-NUQh

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    47 mins
  • Qigong & Yi Yuan Ti: Harnessing Brain Energy and A Pathway To A Higher Consciousness - Katrien Hendrickx
    Sep 11 2024

    Yi Yuan Ti represents the energy of our brain and the Qi of the central nervous system. Dr Pang describes this brain energy as the most refined Qi in the universe. Zhineng Qigong teacher, Katrien Hendrickx discusses that this power of the mind is essential for our physical well-being and also serves as the foundation for our consciousness. Stating that a pure Yi Yuan Ti is equated with one's true self, free from the accumulated experiences that form our reference framework. A distinct type of Qi. It has autonomy yet precision. The one who stays focused can direct Qi and influence physical and emotional healing, Katrien explains.

    To cultivate Yi Yuan Ti - observation is a critical component. It’s by becoming aware of our reference framework—shaped by life experiences and emotional responses—we can begin to purify our Yi Yuan Ti, Katrien explains. This awareness allows us to recognize thought patterns and habits. As we learn to observe these reactions without judgment, we can gradually set aside our conditioned responses and reconnect with the purity of our Yi Yuan Ti, fostering a clearer perception of ourselves and our surroundings.

    In Zhineng Qigong, the nervous system is seen as the first life system, which processes sensory information and shapes our life experiences. Yi Yuan Ti comes into play, in the second life system, unlocking the potential for what some may call paranormal abilities. Katrien notes these abilities are not supernatural but rather a natural consequence of our innate capacities, waiting to be cultivated through practice and awareness. By activating certain energy points to where the Yi Yuan Ti is located in our brain we develop these abilities, something akin to that of the third eye - a higher consciousness or sixth sense.

    Zhineng Qigong practitioners and students can learn to cultivate Yi Yuan Ti to find their true self and understand the world around them. By tapping into this energy, individuals can manage their physical health, their cognitive processes and even clear emotional blockages, allowing for a more harmonious life.

    Mindful Moments:

    • Yi Yuan Ti is described as the energy of the brain, considered the most refined Qi (vital life force) in the universe according to Dr. Pang, founder of Zhineng Qigong
    • In Qigong a pure Yi Yuan Ti is equated with one's true self, free from accumulated experiences that form our reference framework
    • Cultivating Yi Yuan Ti can help individuals manage physical health, cognitive processes, and emotional blockages, promoting a more harmonious life
    • Yi Yuan Ti is linked to consciousness, a foundational aspect of the Zhineng Qigong practice
    • Dr. Pang's theory describes three layers: body, Qi, and the information level (consciousness), with Yi Yuan Ti being the energy of consciousness and the central nervous system

    Links & Resources:

    Katrien on The Theory of Zhineng Qigong: https://youtu.be/CVpiPKA8AK0
    Katrien's Youtube:

    🎙️🌟Explore more podcasts, events, and resources visit:

    📘📚 Get your FREE E-book on the "Eight verses meditation" by Dr Pang:

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    40 mins
  • The 8 Verses of Zhineng Qigong Explained - Federico Garcia-Anguiano
    Sep 4 2024

    The 8 verses meditation, also known as The Ding Tian Li Di song forms the foundation of the Zhineng Qigong practice. The Huaxia Centre teachers emphasise this as the most important aspect to learn. Federico Garcia-Anguiano explains that the eight verses - serves as preparation, not only for any method of practice but also, as Grandmaster Dr. Pang teaches, for life itself.

    Federico explains that building a Qi field is a key concept within this practice, as its consciousness that plays a central role in understanding and applying the 8 verses. An old reference framework can lead to energy imbalances and disease when rigidly maintained. You distort reality through this limited perspective. The eight verses of Zhineng Qigong aim to free you from these constraints, serving as a reminder of your true self.

    Buddhism, Daoism and Confucianism are all cultural influences for the 8 verses meditation. It even has reference to a musical scale as well. The eight verses meditation is structured in a way that mirrors this law, with intervals between verses representing the progression through the octave.

    Each verse in the 8 verses serves as a preparation for the next, with the preceding verses laying the groundwork for the insights and experiences of the following ones. In Zhineng Qigong, the theory and practice are inseparable, with consciousness permeating every aspect of the practice.

    Join Federico as he uncovers the eight phrases of life meditation.

    Mindful Moments:

    • 8 Verses meditation as the foundation of the Zhineng Qigong practice: Ding Tian Li Di, is emphasized as the most crucial aspect of Zhineng Qigong practice
    • Eight phrases of life meditation or the Ding Tian Li Di song, is preparation for any method of practice and for life itself
    • Building a Qi Field: A key concept in Zhineng Qigong is the importance of building a Qi field, where consciousness plays a vital role in understanding and applying the 8 verses
    • Dr. Pang addresses the eight verses to the "indomitable spirit", directly reminding Qigong practitioners and students of their true self
    • The Eight Verses of Zhineng Qigong are influenced by Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism, and are structured similarly to a musical scale, reflecting the law of octaves
    • An old reference framework can lead to energy imbalances and disease, emphasizing the need to free oneself from these constraints through the 8 verses

    Links & Resources:
    Watch Federico’s other episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfeooolIzxM

    Link to Federico’s notes of the 8 verses meditation: https://www.somaticscience.org/wisdomability

    The 8 verses meditation: https://youtu.be/7uJTeBtxUiY

    🎙️🌟Explore more podcasts, events, and resources visit:

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Qigong and Intention: How Information Shapes Our Reality - Luise Kohl-Hajek
    Aug 28 2024

    Where the mind goes, Qi follows. For Luise Kohl-Hajek this practice and phrase was a key part of her healing journey from a breast cancer diagnosis. Qi, being the vital life force in the Zhineng Qigong practice. Intention was what drove Luise to find alternative methods to heal cancer. To find new information, change her mindset to a positive one and change her prognosis. Homeopathy was one of the methods she tried, it supported her journey though it didn’t heal her completely.

    Her Qigong teacher, recommended a book at a time when Luise was at a crossroads: western medicine or eastern practices - China, ultimately was her destination of choice. After hearing about so many healing stories. Information is what changed and shaped her understanding, as it reinforced her belief in the power of her mind and body to heal. And her intention and deeper unconscious beliefs influenced her healing. While conscious thoughts, like the mind, may be filled with doubts and fears, a deeper, often unconscious conviction, like one’s heart, can drive the healing process.

    Intuition guided Luise as she navigated her health challenges. Her inner voice urged her to practice Qigong consistently, leading her to believe that after four weeks, her cancer would heal. Intention is linked to information and information to manifestation. It’s by hearing new information that influence our beliefs, heart and mind. What information or thoughts are you going to listen to? An old frame of reference or something new and positive?

    Tune in to hear how Luise and her deep-seated intuition combined with learning new information, helped her confront fear and navigate her life.

    Mindful Moments:

    • Yi Dao Qi Dao - Where the mind flows, Qi follows. A principle central to Zhineng Qigong
    • Healing with Qigong: Trust in the healing process and allowing the Qi (vital life force) to work in its own way is important.
    • Clearing blockages with Qi for trauma: Complete healing involves understanding and integrating deeper emotional and psychological layers, not just conscious thoughts.
    • The choice in how we react to thoughts or information: During difficult times we have a choice in how much we follow old frames of reference or thought patterns , though it takes consistency to overcome
    • Self awareness: Becoming aware of one's thoughts and choosing to align with deeper wisdom is an ongoing practice that requires presence and commitment
    • Intention and deeper unconscious beliefs play a crucial role in shaping one's reality
    • In Chinese philosophy, the heart represents deeper knowledge and emotional wisdom, not just the mind

    Links & Resources:
    Luise’s website: https://www.zhineng-qigong-hessen.de/kontakt/
    Luise’s Email: qigonghessen@email.de
    Luke Chan’s 101 Miracles of Natural Healing: https://a.co/d/3jHP5pA
    All about Qi: https://www.zhineng-qigong-students-hub.com/ask-a-qigong-master/

    🎙️🌟Explore more podcasts, events, and resources visit:

    📘📚 Get your FREE E-book on the "Eight verses meditation" by Dr Pang:

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    52 mins
  • The History of Qigong: Past, Present, Future - John Millar
    Aug 21 2024

    In this episode John Millar dissects an expansive Qigong History, tracing its roots back thousands of years to ancient Chinese health traditions. He explores how Qigong has significantly evolved over time, offering insights into its societal impact in historic China, its effects, and its far-reaching influences. John also engages in a thoughtful discussion on Dr. Pang Ming's pivotal role, both historically and in the contemporary practice of Qigong, particularly its transition into medical Qigong.

    Zhineng Qigong practice is a rich blend of ancient wisdom and modern adaptation, reflecting the complex cultural and historical landscape of China. The emergence of Zhineng Qigong in the mid-20th century marked a significant shift towards a more accessible and scientifically grounded approach to health. This evolution was influenced by the Chinese government's desire for a public healthcare system, leading to a focus on the physical benefits of Qigong while distancing it from more spiritual elements associated with practices like Falun Gong.

    John emphasizes Qigong's deep roots in Daoism, while also highlighting the influence from other practices like Buddhism, Daoyin exercises, and animal mimicry. He also reflects on how the "Monkey King: Journey to the West" folktale symbolizes the interplay between Chinese and Indian spiritual traditions, further enriching Qigong's cultural tapestry. With his profound understanding of Qigong history, John examines the practice as a movement that has not only evolved but has potentially influenced other Eastern practices, such as Yoga.

    In the end, he also provides a detailed analysis of the current state of Zhineng Qigong, noting how it has transformed to meet the needs of a more modern society. John elaborates on its transition into medical Qigong and explores Dr. Pang Ming's significant role in advancing this holistic health modality.

    Mindful Moments:

    • Lao Tzu's teachings on balance are evident in practices like Zhineng Qigong, which emphasize the mind-body connection. The concept of "where the mind goes, the qi follows."
    • While Daoism provides a philosophical foundation, traditional Chinese medicine, though newer, has also significantly influenced Qigong's development.
    • Difference between Falun Gong and other Qigong forms, and their impact on Chinese society and democracy.
    • Dr. Pang Ming’s crucial role in shaping Qigong history.
    • Buddhism introduced physical exercises like Yijinjing and Baduanjin through figures like Bodhidharma, with the Shaolin Temple as a prime example.

    Links & Resources:

    FREE Zhineng Qigong Starter Kit, learn La Qi for free: https://qigong-starter-kit.com/
    John's interview with Dr Pang: https://www.zhineng-qigong-students-hub.com/dr-pang-ming/#interview
    Monkey King: Journey to the West: https://t.ly/RwWnJ
    Connect with John: https://qigongacademy.org/our-approach/john-millar/

    🎙️🌟Explore more podcasts, events, and resources visit:

    📘📚 Get your FREE E-book on the "Eight verses meditation" by Dr Pang:

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    56 mins
  • Translation to Transformation: Dissolving the Ego with Qigong - Nicolas Lovert-Dubert
    Aug 14 2024

    Consciousness, ego and vulnerability through the lens of the Zhineng Qigong Practice. These are some of the themes Nicolas Lovert-Dubert shares insights on. Consciousness, in Qigong, is both a receiver and sender of information, forming the foundation for transforming energy and physical reality. Ego, extends beyond showmanship to encompass self-centredness. He also shares how vulnerability, becomes a strength when openly acknowledged. The Zhineng Qigong practice was used to improve his life and overall happiness.

    Dr. Pang's philosophy that "no ego is the quickest way to enlightenment" serves as a central theme for Nicolas too. Qigong teachers he worked with, including Master Wei Qifeng, inspired him to react more consciously in various life situations. Being mindful of how he reacts in his everyday life. Because ultimately that's what we can control, how we react to situations that are happening to us.

    Nicolas shares an experience with jealousy in his Qigong practice. He recalls feeling jealous of a fellow practitioner who he perceived as being more advanced and having a better state of consciousness than himself. Instead of hiding these feelings, Nicolas chose to openly admit his jealousy to the entire class. Not being phased by fear...

    Fear forms part of the ego's defensive mechanisms. Nicolas notes that ego is all about protection but ultimately limits you. Embracing vulnerability, instead of fighting it, unlocks personal power and authenticity. It’s using your frame of reference consciously that allows for broader perspectives and understanding.

    Tune in to hear his story!

    Mindful Moments:

    • Consciousness in Qigong forms the foundation for transforming energy and physical reality.
    • Qigong and Ego: Fear is used as a defensive mechanism. Opinionated attitudes often stem from ego and can lead to conflict.
    • Vulnerability in Qigong: it shows deep strength, to make your weakness known. It's also an opportunity to grow, learn and have emotional release. Thus, freeing up energy that would have been used to protect yourself.
    • Being happy in Qigong: Happiness is a choice and can be cultivated through daily practices.
    • Authenticity in Qigong: Buddha experienced human reactions, even spiritual masters are not immune to normal experiences - this humanity makes them more relatable and authentic as teachers.
    • Qigong masters: Nicolas provides valuable insight when working many masters, Master Wei Qifeng among others.

    Links & Resources:

    More about Qigong & Ego:

    Music, the Ego & the Qi field in Qigong - Farinaz Kheradpicheh: https://youtu.be/lbUSS8ujY-E

    Qigong Beyond Healing: Unveiling Consciousness - Federico Anguiano: https://youtu.be/MfeooolIzxM

    Ask A Master - How to get enlightenment with Qigong? - Ft. Master Wei Qi feng:

    🎙️🌟Explore more podcasts, events, and resources visit:

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    30 mins