• Episode 87: Interview with Jay Acunzo - Don't Reach Your Audience, Resonate With Your Audience
    Mar 7 2022

    After recording this episode and knowing the knowledge and insights that are in it, I'd have to say this is one of the best episodes you could be listening to. I'm definitely biased here. We have an exciting guest, Jay Acunzo, on the show to talk to us about resonance in our work. What he says throughout this episode is gold, and you do not want to miss it.

    He even performs the perfect cast for us at the end (if you know, you know).

    Get connected with Jay:

    • LinkedIn
    • Twitter
    • Unthinkable Podcast
    • Website

    If you'd like to be featured in upcoming episodes, let us know what your question is on Twitter @DemandCreator or email our Podcast Producer at hannah@imaginellc.com

    And if you want to watch the video recording of this episode, you can do so at
    https://blog.imaginellc.com/theblackline/resonating-with-your-audience and follow us on Twitter @dougdavidoff, @knowingwhen & @DemandCreator.

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    55 mins
  • Episode 86: 2022 Predictions - Data Security, Remote Work & More
    Feb 28 2022

    This prediction episode has been a long time coming! Today Mike and Doug will be tackling their predictions including items like data security and privacy, remote work, and so much more.

    Big News: 2022 Predictions
    Question of the Episode: What is one thing you learned last year that others listening in can benefit from as we get further into 2022?

    If you'd like to be featured in upcoming episodes, let us know what your question is on Twitter @DemandCreator or email our Podcast Producer at hannah@imaginellc.com

    And if you want to watch the video recording of this episode, you can do so at
    https://blog.imaginellc.com/theblackline/2022-predictions and follow us on Twitter @dougdavidoff, @knowingwhen & @DemandCreator.

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    53 mins
  • Episode 85: Interview with James Ontra - The Problem With Presentations
    Jan 31 2022

    Presentations suck today. Most people waste time, waste money, and don't focus on the client with their presentations and it becomes hell because they don't know the connection between what's on the screen and how they want to effect their audience. Today we welcome guest James Ontra, CEO of Shufflrr, to the show to give us the 411 on presentation management. (Spoiler Alert: Doug and James do disagree on a few things here.)

    If you'd like to follow James you can do so in these locations:

    • Podcast: Presentation Hell
    • LinkedIn: James Ontra

    If you'd like to be featured in upcoming episodes, let us know what your question is on Twitter @DemandCreator or email our Podcast Producer at hannah@imaginellc.com

    And if you want to watch the video recording of this episode, you can do so at
    https://blog.imaginellc.com/theblackline/problem-with-presentations and follow us on Twitter @dougdavidoff, @knowingwhen & @DemandCreator.

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    54 mins
  • Episode 84: End Of Year Discounts - A Debate
    Dec 6 2021

    Today is the last episode of the year, can you believe it? 2021 has been a fast year, though the older we get the faster the years go by, so every year feels like it’s fast. All the events that we’re used to having either didn’t happen or weren’t in person, so there hasn’t been anything to break up our year. There’s been no chapters. We can only hope that in the next few years we get those chapters back. The focus today is on sales and marketing discounts and whether they’re good or bad. And surprise, Mike and Doug disagree on the answer.

    Thank you everyone for listening and watching over the course of 2021. We have some exciting things lined up for the new year and can’t wait to bring you on the journey with us. Until next time, have a safe and happy new year!

    Big News: End of Year Discounts
    Question of the Episode: If there’s one piece of advice that you could give someone else going into 2022, what would it be?

    If you'd like to be featured in upcoming episodes, let us know what your question is on Twitter @DemandCreator or email our Podcast Producer at hannah@imaginellc.com

    And if you want to watch the video recording of this episode, you can do so at
    https://blog.imaginellc.com/theblackline/end-of-year-discounts and follow us on Twitter @dougdavidoff, @knowingwhen & @DemandCreator.

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    54 mins
  • Episode 83: Beware of the Mushroom Cloud Tech Stack
    Nov 8 2021

    Doug has noticed for quite some time that tech stacks have been exploding. We’re no longer just talking about cloud tech stacks anymore, we’re talking about (what Doug has coined) mushroom cloud tech stacks that have been sprawling technology.

    Each episode is broken up into three sections: Big News, The Question of the Episode, and Takeaways.
    Big News: Mushroom Cloud Tech Stacks
    Question of the Episode: The new holding company name for Facebook was released and will now be Meta with plans of building out a "metaverse." What are your thoughts? Will it be successful or will it forever be a meme for years to come?

    • Mike - Work hard, make bank. Bank can be substituted with anything.
    • Doug - Focus on the trend, don’t focus on the gadgets.

    If you'd like to be featured in upcoming episodes, let us know what your question is on Twitter @DemandCreator or email our Podcast Producer at hannah@imaginellc.com

    And if you want to watch the video recording of this episode, you can do so at
    https://blog.imaginellc.com/theblackline/mushroom-cloud-tech-stack and follow us on Twitter @dougdavidoff, @knowingwhen & @DemandCreator.

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    45 mins
  • Episode 82: Blurring The Blackline
    Sep 14 2021

    The Blackline Podcast has always been based on issues between sales and marketing. That line is blurring - alignment is always improving - but alignment isn’t always (and shouldn’t be) a happy peaceful place. So what is alignment, and can you have alignment without conflict? Let’s find out!

    Each episode is broken up into three sections: Big News, The Question of the Episode, and Takeaways.
    Big News: The blame game between sales and marketing
    Question of the Episode: What one piece of advice would you give sales and marketing teams today to improve their attempts to be more aligned?

    • Mike - If you’re in sales, go spend some time with the marketing team. Tell them what you’re being asked and tell them what you need. If you’re in marketing, go and spend time with the sales team to hear the questions they’re being asked.
    • Doug - Cross-discipline objectives and metrics. How often does each team have its own metrics that aren’t informative? There is no such thing as sales and marketing; they were created to manage organizations. They’re both responsible for revenue problems.

    If you'd like to be featured in upcoming episodes, let us know what your question is on Twitter @DemandCreator or email our Podcast Producer at hannah@imaginellc.com

    And if you want to watch the video recording of this episode, you can do so at
    https://blog.imaginellc.com/theblackline/blurring-the-blackline and follow us on Twitter @dougdavidoff, @knowingwhen & @DemandCreator.

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    56 mins
  • Episode 81: F^ck Hustle Culture
    Aug 31 2021

    F^ck Hustle Culture. I don’t think we can get anymore to the point. While the hustle culture seemed to have gone away, it’s come back with a vengeance over the last couple of months. It’s got to a point where we have to wonder what are people doing day to day? Are they doing or just talking?

    Each episode is broken up into three sections: Big News, The Question of the Episode, and Takeaways.
    Big News: The Hustle / Bro Culture
    Question of the Episode: what are some ways to make sure everyone is aligned / stays aligned? Is it different if you're remote vs. in office?

    • Mike - I had zero clue that Doug is moody. Just kidding. Figure out what is best for your own work-life balance. Don’t subscribe to the hustle culture just because you think you have to be successful. Success comes in all shapes and sizes.
    • Doug - Relax. Any performer will tell you that growth comes when you relax. We’re working so hard that we are our own worst enemy. It’s fine to have some downtime. It’s okay to say no and not doing anything in the evenings. Take some time to just relax.

    If you'd like to be featured in upcoming episodes, let us know what your question is on Twitter @DemandCreator or email our Podcast Producer at hannah@imaginellc.com

    And if you want to watch the video recording of this episode, you can do so at
    https://blog.imaginellc.com/theblackline/fck-hustle-culture and follow us on Twitter @dougdavidoff, @knowingwhen & @DemandCreator.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Episode 80: Interview with Mark Kilens - Revenue Acceleration, Building Insights & Community
    Aug 16 2021

    Today’s episode is a special one as we welcome guest Mark Kilens, VP of Content and Community at Drift, to the show. You’ll receive expert insights into the topics of revenue acceleration, building insights from data, and community. We are so excited to share this episode with you all, and thank you Mark for joining us.

    If you'd like to follow Mark you can do so in these locations:

    • Twitter: @MarkKilens
    • LinkedIn: Mark Kilens

    If you'd like to be featured in upcoming episodes, let us know what your question is on Twitter @DemandCreator or email our Podcast Producer at hannah@imaginellc.com

    And if you want to watch the video recording of this episode, you can do so at
    https://blog.imaginellc.com/theblackline/revenue-acceleration and follow us on Twitter @dougdavidoff, @knowingwhen & @DemandCreator.

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    1 hr and 1 min