Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Journey to Emona: Unraveling Secrets Beneath the Ruins Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-23-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Svetloba zimske solsticijske noči obarva ruševine Emone v mehko svetlobo.En: The light of the winter solstice night casts the ruins of Emona in a soft glow.Sl: Sneg krasi stare kamne, kjer tiho stoje stoletja zgodovine.En: Snow adorns the ancient stones, where centuries of history stand silently.Sl: Matej, Ana in Borut se pomikajo med ruševinami, vsak s svojim razlogom.En: Matej, Ana, and Borut move among the ruins, each with their own reason.Sl: Matej sanja o velikem odkritju, Ana sledi svojim družinskim skrivnostim, Borut pa teži k varovanju legend svojega doma.En: Matej dreams of a great discovery, Ana follows her family secrets, and Borut aims to protect the legends of his homeland.Sl: Veter šepeta zgodbe iz daljnih časov, ko se trio ustavi pred zrušenim stebrom.En: The wind whispers stories from distant times as the trio stops in front of a fallen column.Sl: Na tleh se blešči stara plošča, skrita pod plastjo prahu.En: An old plaque glistens on the ground, hidden under a layer of dust.Sl: Matej opazi ozko odprtino, skrito pod njo.En: Matej notices a narrow opening beneath it.Sl: "Poglejta," vzklikne.En: "Look," he exclaims.Sl: "Morda je to skrivni prehod!En: "This might be a hidden passage!"Sl: "Ana se sklonjena bliža plošči.En: Ana leans closer to the plaque.Sl: Njene oči zasvetijo od zanimanja.En: Her eyes light up with interest.Sl: "Vidiš, Borut?En: "See, Borut?Sl: Tvoja legendarna skrivališča bi lahko bila resnična.En: Your legendary hideouts might be real."Sl: "Borut ostaja previden.En: Borut remains cautious.Sl: "Legende pravijo, da nekateri vhodi vodijo do nevarnosti," opozori.En: "The legends say some entrances lead to danger," he warns.Sl: Matej se ne ustavi.En: Matej does not stop.Sl: "Samo pogledati moramo.En: "We just need to take a look.Sl: To bi lahko bilo pomembno odkritje," trdi, že se nagnjen naprej k odpiranju plošče.En: This could be an important discovery," he insists, already leaning forward to open the plaque.Sl: Ana sledi Mateju, njena tajanstvena navdušitev je skoraj otipljiva.En: Ana follows Matej, her mysterious excitement almost tangible.Sl: V sebi nosi skrivnost, ki jo vodi globlje, dražeča senca družinske zgodbe, zakopane v temnih katakombah.En: She carries a secret within herself, leading her deeper, a tantalizing shadow of a family story, buried in dark catacombs.Sl: Borut vzdihne, razpet med spoštovanjem do tradicije in raziskovalnim duhom svojih prijateljev.En: Borut sighs, torn between respect for tradition and the exploratory spirit of his friends.Sl: "Dobro, vendar previdno," reče.En: "Alright, but carefully," he says.Sl: Vhod odpira zmehčana luč sveč, ki plešejo na hladnih stenah.En: The entrance is lit by softened candlelight, dancing on the cold walls.Sl: Koraki odzvanjajo v praznih dvoranah, ko trojica vstopi v neznano.En: Steps echo in the empty halls as the trio enters the unknown.Sl: Pot se zdi neskončna in brezmejna, spremstvo skrivnostnih senc.En: The path seems endless and boundless, accompanied by mysterious shadows.Sl: V srcu ruševin naletijo na sobano, polno simbolov.En: In the heart of the ruins, they encounter a chamber full of symbols.Sl: Stene krasijo relikvije iz rimskih časov.En: The walls are adorned with relics from Roman times.Sl: Matejov dih zastane.En: Matej's breath catches.Sl: Tukaj je, kar je iskal.En: Here it is, what he has been searching for.Sl: Starodavni artefakt leži pred njim, pokrit s starodavnimi zapiski.En: An ancient artifact lies before him, covered with archaic inscriptions.Sl: Toda Ana izda izdajo, ki jo je nosila.En: But Ana reveals the betrayal she has been carrying.Sl: "To je del zgodovine moje družine.En: "This is part of my family's history.Sl: O tem so mi pripovedovali, da je nevaren," priznava s stisnjenimi ustnicami.En: They told me it's dangerous," she admits with pressed lips.Sl: "Ne vemo, kaj bo prebudilo.En: "We don’t know what it might awaken."Sl: "Matej mora izbrati.En: Matej must choose.Sl: Borut ga opomni na prednike.En: Borut reminds him of their ancestors.Sl: "Nevarnost je morda večja," reče z razumom in starodavno modrostjo.En: "The danger might be greater," he says with reason and ancient wisdom.Sl: Matej premisli, težo preteklosti čuti na ramenih.En: Matej reflects, feeling the weight of the past on his shoulders.Sl: Sčasoma spoštuje pomembnost dediščine.En: Eventually, he respects the significance of heritage.Sl: Skupaj se odločijo, da pustijo artefakt pri miru, da ohranijo skrivnosti Emone.En: Together, they decide to leave the artifact untouched, preserving the secrets of Emona.Sl: Pogumno se obrnejo in zapustijo sobano, s povsem novim spoštovanjem do preteklosti.En: Bravely, they turn and leave the chamber, with a newfound respect for ...
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